Status: Complete


Bad Romance

“I saw you and Wyatt kissing,” my sister announces as we drive home. “What’s going on between you two?”

“I don’t know,” I blush. “It kind of just happened.”

“Are you going to talk to him about it?”

“Probably,” I shrug. “Did anyone else notice.”

“I don’t think so,” she shakes her head.

“Good,” I let out a deep breath I didn’t even know I was holding in.

“How was it?”

“How was what?” I question confusedly.

“Kissing Wyatt,” she giggles.

“It was…amazing,” I reply honestly. With Wyatt everything comes so natural. I am comfortable with him. Kissing him felt like it was the most right thing ever. It was incredible and I definitely want to do it again.

At school the next day as we are all gathered in our favorite spot outside eating lunch I talk to Wyatt. “So…yesterday…” I begin, unsure of what to say. It’s awkward and embarrassing.

“Yesterday was great,” he grins. I am relieved. Part of me was worried he’d just want to pretend it never happened.

“Are we like…together now?” I ask.

“If you want to be.”

“I do,” I nod.

“You’ll be my boyfriend?”

“Yes,” I reply.

“Good, if you said no I don’t know what I would have done,” he laughs.

“I would never say no. You’re really awesome Wyatt.”

“You too,” he smiles and holds my hand. His hand is warm in mine and it fits perfectly.

After school I tell Rowa that I’m going to Wyatt. She just grins. “Have fun.”

“I will,” I smile back at her then hurry off to Wyatt’s car.

“Are you sure your aunts won’t mind?” I question.

“They don’t care. I’ve already told them a lot about you. They want to meet you.”


I wasn’t aware that Wyatt’s aunts are together until we walked in and they were holding hands. I suddenly realize this is why he has two aunts that live together, because they are in a relationship. One is his actual aunt and one is her spouse. This is a good realization for me. It is awesome that Wyatt has two aunts and that he has so much support being gay. I feel at ease in his house.

“When did you know you were gay?” I ask him as we gather twigs and acorns from the ground in his backyard to create a decoration for inside the house.

“Well, I was never pressured to be gay or anything. Growing up with my aunts was great. I was supported to be whoever I was and never told to be anything except myself. I never really liked girls and by the time we went into high school I started to be attracted to boys. I told my aunts one night while we were eating dinner and they just smiled at me and told me that was great. They had an idea I was gay before I even knew.”

“Wow,” I say. “That sounds wonderful.”

“My aunts are really great.”

“I can tell.”

“Your sister’s nice too.”

“My mom and sister are really good to me. I’m lucky to have them.”

“A lot of teenagers in our school don’t appreciate their families but I’m glad we do.”

“Me too.”

I see the perfect acorn to complete our art piece but it’s still attached to a tree so I ask the tree if I can have it. The acorn suddenly falls to the ground and I smile, picking it up and thanking the tree for its contribution.

Wyatt and I go inside and put the wreath together. It’s small but perfect to hold a candle in the center. We set it on the table and Wyatt lights a cinnamon smelling candle in the middle of it. “It’s perfect,” I tell him.

“And we made it together,” he agrees. I blush a little in response.

In the morning at school everyone is staring at something. I make my way through the crowd to see an upside down pentacle carved into the tree we usually sit around and the words devil worshiper. Below that are some tiny but readable letters that say FAGS. I stare in horror and disbelief. I didn’t even notice I was shaking until Rowa puts her hand on my shoulder. Then I just turn and run to her car, locking myself in and crying. Rowa hurries over along with Wyatt and I try to dry my face. “How could they do that to us?” I demand.

“I don’t know,” Rowa shakes her head. “Whoever did this isn’t a good person. Try not to let them hurt you too badly.”

“How can we sit there ever again?”

“Like this,” Rowa grabs a scarf from the back seat and boldly walks up to the tree. She wraps the scarf around it and covers all the writing.

I step out of the car and Wyatt wraps his arms around me. I close my eyes and take comfort in his embrace. This is terrible.
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