Status: Complete



When we get home even more has gone wrong. The window has been broken and our mum has no idea who did it. Rowa decides to call an emergency meeting with our crew. They all meet us in our living room for a circle. Rowa lights black candles because black wards off negative energy. She also draws runes Eolh for protection and Peorth for hidden things revealed. Wyatt is holding my hand so I try very hard to balance my energy.

When I close my eyes and let myself get lost in the magick we are making I can feel the energy building. It feels so right to be making magick with Wyatt.

When we all separate Rowa says “I saw a Wiccan store not too far from here. Anyone who wants to go is welcome.”

“I’m busy,” Saffron announces.

“I’m not so sure about it,” Oliver responds.

“I’ll go,” Wyatt offers. I smile.
As soon as we walk into the store the smell of spices and incense hits me. I breathe it in deep and feel at home instantly. Wyatt picks up a book, Rowa grabs some more candles, and I get a special stone. When we go to pay for it all the lady at the counter smiles. “Hello all, I’m Adamina and I own this store.”

“I’m Rowa and this is my brother Jayce and our friend Wyatt,” Rowa introduces us.

“I have a daughter just your age. She’s home schooled so she doesn’t have a coven yet. Do you all have a coven?”

"Not officially but we are practicing.”

A girl our age walks in. She’s got long black hair and is dressed in an almost gothic way. “This is Vivienne,” Adamina tells us.

“Hi,” the girl waves and smiles lightly.

“Your mom was just saying you don’t have a coven yet so if you would like to join us feel free.”

“Okay, sounds fine,” Vivienne agrees.
I have to be careful around Vivienne for right now. I don’t know her or how her magick will blend with ours or how she reacts to gay people. It’s difficult to welcome a new person into our tight knit group. She seems nice enough though. Rowa is the best at making friends so she has no trouble bonding with her.

Our first circle together goes okay. I feel slightly dizzy and I guess Wyatt does to because as soon as I sit down to ground myself he sits down too. After that Wyatt and I go talk in his room. It’s a very Wiccan bedroom. There’s a pentacle painted on the wall behind his bed and magick supplies and books everywhere.

We sit on his bed together. It smells like him which is nice. Suddenly his lips are on mine so I kiss him back, arms wrapping around him instinctively. He pushes me gently down against the pillows and I let him. He lies on top of me as we make out. My emotions are swirling with his. I can feel strong lust but I’m not sure if it’s from him or me or both of us. I can also feel the magick crackling around us and it’s amazing.

“We better get back before your sister goes crazy and hunts us down,” Wyatt teases. I smile.


He grabs my hand and walks with me back down the stairs.

“Are you guys together?” Vivienne asks.

“Yes,” I nod.

“That’s awesome,” she grins. “You go good together.”

“Thank you,” Wyatt tells her. She nods. That’s a relief.

On the way home Rowa teases me. “What were you and Wyatt doing up there? Were you getting it on?”

“No!” I blush. “We were just…kissing.”

“Did you want to do more?”

“That’s kind of personal.”

“Oh come on, we’re twins. We tell each other everything.”

“I guess so. I mean, I’m a teenage boy. Of course I want to do things. I’m just not quite ready yet.”

“That’s okay. Wait until you are ready. You’ll know.”

Rowa has had more boyfriends than me but hasn’t ever had sex with any of them yet. She’s still waiting for the right guy. I think Wyatt is my right guy but it’s just not the right time yet.

When we walk inside the house Mum’s coven is just leaving. She is talking to one guy and laughing. “These are my kids,” she finally points out. “Guys, this is Blaze. He just moved here and he has a son your age named Demetrius. I said he might be able to join you guys. What do you think?”

I shrug. We get one new person, we might as well get them all.

“Sure, that sound great,” Rowa says, always eager to meet new people.

“Very good,” Blaze agrees, giving us a deep look over. I shiver under his gaze. There’s something strange about him but I don’t know what…

His son is just as strange as him. He’s always looking at us strange like he’s studying us and planning things in his head. I don’t like it. Rowa tells me I’m being paranoid and foolish. Maybe I am.

We have our circle with him and I almost pass out. He’s a strong blood witch and I’m not used to his energy. I feel dizzy and sick. When the circle ends I drop down and ground myself instantly. Wyatt does the same beside me. Then we are leaning against each other, taking in deep breaths. “Are you okay?” I ask him.

“Yeah,” he nods. “You?”

“I’m better now.”

He leans over and kisses my forehead.

“So you two are gay together,” Demetrius is amused.

“You have a problem with that?” I question defensively.

“No,” he shakes his head. I frown, not sure whether to believe him or not. I decide right then and there that I don’t trust him.
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It's my 18th birthday. Be nice and give me the gift of a comment. PLEASE!!!