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Your house is my prison and nobody can save me.


Chris wasn’t talking to me. She would talk to everyone else except me. Had I done something to piss her off?

“Chris?” She glanced at me before leaving the room. Rian snickered and silenced when I glared at him.

“Maybe you should corner her and ask her what’s wrong.” Zack suggested, shrugged.

“RAPE HER!” Jack screamed. Silence fell over the room as we all stared at Jack in shock for suggesting such a thing.

“Fucking idiot, Jack! Do you remember nothing from the past couple of days?!” Rian yelled, punching Jack in the arm, causing the lanky boy to groan.

“You fucking deserved it, moron.” Zack muttered, glaring at Jack. I stayed quiet, not wanting to say what I was thinking.

How could Jack say something like that? What if she had heard? Jack never thinks before he speaks which is why he doesn’t have a girlfriend. He’d just insult them without meaning to.

“Alex? Aren’t you going to say something. To Jack?” Rian said, looking at me with a sly look in his eye.

“Fine. Jack, you’re an idiot. You don’t think before you speak. You hurt people without even realising it. What if Chris had heard? She’d think you didn’t care about her. To be honest, I’m being to doubt if you do as well. I will not rape her. I respect her to much to do that. I would never treat a women like that. It’s wrong.” And with that I left the room and went down to the basement, where we had been sleeping.

I fell on to my bed and sighed, glaring at the roof; I noticed something. Stuck to the ceiling was a poster. An All Time Low poster and it was signed by all of us. Had Chris met us? I don’t remember seeing her. I’m pretty sure I would have remember someone that gorgeous.

“My friend got me that. Before, well before I moved and he lost track of me. There was something I never told you.”

I turned on my side and looked at Chris who was leaning on the door frame, her arms crossed over her chest. I sat up and slowly walked over to the blonde girl.

“What is it?” I mumbled. She looked at me for a single moment before shaking her head.

“It’s nothing. It doesn’t matter.”

“It obviously does. C’mon, tell me.” I grabbed her shoulder and shook her a little bit. I was getting impatient.

“No! Alex, it doesn’t matter. Fucking drop it.” I pulled her back as she tried to rush upstairs; she fell back into my chest.

“If it’s bothering you, it matters. Tell me what’s up.”

She shook her head and tried to get away from me. I only pulled her back.

“Tell me.” I growled. She was beginning to annoy me. Why wouldn’t she just tell me?

“Matt is my cousin!” She yelled, before pushing me away and running up the stairs to the kitchen, slamming the door behind her.

Matt. As in … Matt Flyzik. As in … The All Time Low manager. He was her cousin. What?
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, it has been way to long. I'm on holiday right now, half term :D So I have more time to write. So hopefully more chapters with be coming.
I'm not really sure where this is going write now, but if you have any ideas please comment :)

Feedback is a must.
Much love, Phil x