Status: Comments = Updates :)

Your house is my prison and nobody can save me.


“Ugh, that little shit. Why did I even kidnap them? It’s obvious they’re just horny dicks. God.” I mumbled, drying myself off after the moment of shock with Alex.

I dressed myself and headed downstairs to watch TV. Completely ignoring the loud and irritating boys that were currently messing up my kitchen.

“OHMYGOD! I LOVE SPONDGEBOB!” Jack screamed before I was suddenly squished by a tall, lanky and not to forget heavy body.

I groaned and tried to get out from underneath him. But Jack wasn’t having any of that. He turned and faced me, pressing me into the sofa and smiling. As he began to lean closer, I got more and more panicked. He was going to kiss me!

“Get. Off. Me” I glared at Jack but he didn’t listen and kept on moving closer until his lips touched mine. I screamed and the weight of him was gone.

Jack lay on the floor with Alex towering above him, glaring. Jack groaned.

“What the fuck, Alex?” He mumbled, placing his hands over his head, groaning again.

“She told you to get off her. Do you never listen? Fucking dick.” Alex yelled, throwing his hands in the air. I stared at him in shock. Did he just stand up for me?

Zack and Rian appeared in the doorway, looking confused. They had probably heard Alex yelling. Jack jumped up and began screaming in Alex’s face. About Alex being no better and other things I didn’t catch.

“THAT IS IT! BASEMENT! NOW! ALL OF YOU!” I shouted, causing all the boys to stop yelling and look at me. My glare made the boys run off. “Good.” I mumbled, letting the silence wash over me.

The silence was shortly broken, with Jack and Alex yelling from the basement. A frown set on my face, I made my way towards it.

“Stop. Fucking. Arguing. Or you are being separated.” I said, loudly. Jack stopped yelling and sat on the floor, pouting. While it was still obvious Alex was angry and not going to give up.

“Alex, upstairs, now. Sit in the kitchen. I’m locking the door, guys. Anymore yelling and you’re all dead.” Fear spread across the remaining band’s faces. Alex stomped to the kitchen, muttering the whole time.

Thank god there was no more yelling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wooh, three updates in one day.

This one is for you Emilyy Gaskarth;; it isn't exactly funny but I hope you like it :)

I have a killer headache right now, I am sitting in the dark, with sunglasses on and it is impossible to see anything apart from the screen right now. So think yourselves lucky you are getting an update. I love you's so much ;D

Comment please?