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Your house is my prison and nobody can save me.


The cold surface of the counter cooled my anger. But only marginally. How dare Jack kiss her?! She was mine!

I growled and hit my head off the counter, the anger rushing back to me.

“Alex?” A quiet, timid voice asked. I looked over at Chris and smiled slightly. The thought of her lips against Jack’s made me frown and look away from the pretty girl.

“It’s Jack fault.” I mumbled, staring at my hands.

“I don’t fucking care who started it. The arguing needs to stop though. The yelling. The shouting. It’s doing my head in. You are staying with me tonight. Think yourself lucky, no cold basement for you.” Chris glared at me before walking off, towards her bedroom I think.

“Chris, come back. I’m sorry.” I called, chasing after her. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, watching her ass as she walked up them.

“Stop staring at my ass, dick.”

I laughed and followed her. I was beginning to like this girl. She called me out when I did wrong. No other girl I have even met has done that, they just blush and giggle. I hate that. The giggling, it’s just stupid.

“You’re sleeping here. Crawl into my bed and prepare to be emasculated.” Her eyes held a glint of mischief and she smirked at me, as if it was a challenge. Crawl and try not to be neutered.

The sofa she pointed at was across the other side of her dark room. Posters covered every available wall and random objects littered the floor and cabinets. Her clothes were folded neatly in a pile on a table and the only light source was from a window beside my make-shift bed.

“Where are we?” I asked, continuing to look around.

“By Tim’s Cove. Maine. My dad owns this cabin, we used to come here to go fishing. But he … Yeah so this is where you are.” She looked at the floor, tears welling in her eyes.

“But he, what?” I asked, although in my heart of hearts I knew I shouldn’t of. Something was obviously bothering her and I wanted to know what.

“He’s dead, okay?! DEAD!” She screamed, tears falling down her face, she curled up on her bed and sobbed. I knew I shouldn’t of asked.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered, walking over to her sobbing form and pulling her into a hug. She sniffed and wrapped her arms tight around my neck, crying into my shirt.

“Sh, it’s okay. Please stop crying. It’ll be okay.” I kept murmuring these things into her hair until I heard her breathing even out and she finally fell asleep. I dropped off soon after her.

Sun beat down on my face, causing me to wince when I opened my eyes. I tried to move my arm, that didn’t happen.

I looked over and saw Chris snuggled up beside me, laying on my arm. Her head was on my chest and her arms around my waist. It felt perfect, strangely enough.

“Chris? Wake up, babe.” I whispered, shaking her gently. Her eyes opened slowly and she stared at me, sleepily.

“Hey.” She mumbled, with a lazy smile gracing her face. I chuckled and pulled her into a sitting position, still pressed against me.

“Wait …. Why are you in my bed? Did we …? Oh my god.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter :D Wooh.
I chose the place randonly. Seemed far away from anyone and it looked pretty, I was also listening to The Maine at the time, so ... Yeah :)
I have you like it.
Much love, Phil xD