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Your house is my prison and nobody can save me.


Oh gosh, we had made out. Or kissed. Or something. I just knew. I could feel it. Did I get drunk last night? I don’t remember a thing past telling Alex to stop staring at my ass.
“No, we didn’t.” Alex said, blushing.

“Didn’t what?” I asked, I was confused. I must have spaced out.

“Have sex. We didn’t. Nor did we make out or kiss in any way, shape or form. I promise.”

Thank god. Because although I thought Alex was hot, we were suppose to be on a strictly kidnapper-victim relationship. Which means no feelings. Which was beginning to get a bit hard.

I slowly moved away from him and stood. Leaving the room, I bolted down the stairs and released the other boys from the basement.

“Hey, Chris! Food?” Jack yelled, grinning at me manically.

I nodded and heard them follow me upstairs. I grabbed five bowls and placed them on the small table in the kitchen, before walking over to the sink and staring absent-mindedly out the window.

The sun was just beginning to rise which made the lake look pinky orange and the trees glistened with rain from the night before. It was beautiful really.

I felt the presence of somebody standing right behind me, near inches from me. I turned quickly and smacked right into the hard chest of Zack.

“What the fuck?” I mumbled, pulling away slightly. Although, he wasn’t paying any attention, he was staring out the window like I had only seconds before.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Yeah, she is.”

I looked over at Alex, I hadn’t even noticed he had entered the room. Wait, he thought I was beautiful? Well, that’s a first, for sure.

“Bro, do you like her?” Jack said, quite loudly. I turned back to the window, finding comfort in Zack being so close but I’m not sure why.

“Aw, that’s cute.” Rian teased, so I’m assuming Alex nodded.

It was funny how they’re having that conversation when it’s obvious I am still in the room. Do they think I’m not listening? Idiots.

“Chris, could I talk to you?” Zack whispered, leaning in and placing his head in the crook of my neck. I nodded slightly and he pulled me out of the room, the rest of the boys looking after us curiously. At least Rian and Jack were. Alex looked mad.

Zack pulled me into a closet by the bottom of the stairs. It was dark inside and we were very close together.

“What did you want to talk about?” I whispered, scared of breaking the silence.

“Alex. He is trying to make you regret ever kidnapping us. Well, I’m kind of glad it was you and not some psycho. But he is trying to break your heart. Make you like him, for you to give him your heart and then he is going to tear it into a million pieces.” Zack sighed before continuing. “I don’t want that to happen to you, you are a really cool chick. Which is why I’m warning you. Don’t tell him I told you. But I’m here for you, okay? If you ever need someone to talk to.” He smiled warmly and let himself out of the closet, shutting the door quietly behind him.

Well, that was … interesting. If Alex is really planning that, then I’m not going to fall.

I hope.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have been listening to The Summer Set a lot. I guess they kind of influence this chapter a bit.
I'm thinking of updating every two days and posting two chapters. It might become one chapter every two days, depends how much I write.
Hope you like it.
And thanks for the comment Emo Sweetheart. I forgot to write it in the last note :l
Much love, Phil xD