Love Never Wanted Me, but I Took It Anyway...

Crash, Crash, Burn

A car pulls up in a classic looking cemetery. Out of the car pops a very skinny and handsome man, with a baby on his hip. The baby becomes fussy, as the man walks down a pathway and stops at a grave that looks less than a year old. He then drops to his knees. Baby still in hand and begins to talk to the grave, while trying to calm the fussy baby down.

"Hey babe, how are you? I'm fine...well we are fine. You know the baby and I. Oh yea you don't about the baby. You died before I could tell you. Well, I was pregnant and here is our baby. His name is Brendon Jude Ross. I named him Brendon because I miss you and because shortly after his birth the nurses said he was the most hyper newborn they had ever seen. Oh God Bren, I miss you so. So. So much and it hurts that the baby looks like you, from his chocolate brown eyes to his pouty lips. He does the pouty thing when he doesn't get his way, like you." He said sobbing into the nearest thing he could. Which was the baby? The baby cooed and playfully patted his sobbing Daddy's head in a seemingly comforting way.

"Thanks Buddy." He said to his son, then turning back to the grave.

"Brendon, I've got to go before I break down. Yes I, Ryan Ross, will break down. Bye, I love you." With that Ryan walked away with two small rivers flowing down from his eyes.

When in the car his phone went off.

"Hello" he answered.
"Hey Spence, I was just about to call you and ask you if you could watch the baby for a little while?"
"You can! That's great! I'll be there in five minutes." he said hanging up the phone.

After he dropped the baby off at Uncle Spencer's, Ryan went back to his apartment and grabbed three things: a pencil, paper, and a gun. Then he drove back to that classic looking cemetery, and then he walked back down that pathway, and then dropped back down by that grave. Then he pulled out the paper and pencil and wrote something down. Then he reached for his gun. Dead silence filled his ears and made his head hurt and then with a 'bang' it was all gone.

"Damnit!" a very frustrated Spencer said.
"Calm down" Jon said.
"I can't, I fucking can't. He should be back." Spencer said getting worried and upset.
"Come. Sit. And watch the morning news with me.' Jon said patting the seat beside him.
"Ok." Spencer said as he sat next to Jon, turning his attention to the news.

"Thank you, Bob for the weather." The male announcer said. "Now to Janet for current news."

"Thank you, Gerard." Janet said "in today's current news there is to be a concert for the awareness of Purple Penguin Syndrome and it is to be held at...oh wait this just in: This morning the body of Mr. Ryan Ross, the primary lyricist and guitarist of the former band Panic at the Disco, was found dead, by his own hand. Beside the grave of his late husband and former band mate Brendon Urie, who earlier this year was in a fatal car wreck. Ross was 25, he leaves behind a son. That is all we have for now but we'll keep you posted if any more is unfolded. Now....oh wait it has just been released that there was a note in Mr. Ross' hand and we have consent from the police to read it on air.

'To who ever finds this,

I was the sun, he was the moon.
He forgot to forget to fall down.
I sank, but didn't know how.
And couldn't get out.
But I found a way...back to the street where we began.
I never turned around to beam on the past.
Of which I've now become.

Ryan Ross

PS I'm so sorry Jon and Spencer.

That was the last thing Spencer heard before everything went black and he fainted.
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i know that i am not the best writer...but what comes to my mind i have to put it on paper or in this case mibba...i would love some feedback...but its not a have to i hope you liked this...if not oh well...