Status: ~Finished~

Toy Soldiers


Jeff's View:
I put the book in my pocket when we got to the apartment. Leah was still asleep so I carried her inside. I let her sleep in my- well our bed now. I was going to sleep on the couch. I sat down on the couch and flipped open the book back to the song 'Haunted'. While reading certain lyrics stuck out to me. Like "Stood there and watched you walk away
from everything we had" and "He will try to take away my pain. But, the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead." I knew this song was about me, there wasn't anyone else that would've made her feel like this. I know Leah tried to get over me leaving, but she couldn't find another guy. I finished reading the lyrics and I was ready to go to sleep, but I had to put Leah's book back. I went and put it by her purse on the bed. I changed into some sweats pants and a t-shirt then gave Leah a kiss on the forehead. I went out to the couch, laid down, then went right to sleep.
I woke up the next morning and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water then I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Morning Leah." "Morning Jeff" You could hear the tiredness in her voice. "You sleep okay?" "Yeah,why did you sleep on the couch?" "I wanted you to be comfortable plus I didn't mind sleeping on the couch." "Oh, well thanks. I'm gonna go change." She gave me a kiss on the lips. Then went into my room to change while I went and turned on the NHL network to check out the scores from the night before. "Jeff. Why was my notebook on the bed?" "Um, it slid off the dashboard and hit my arm yesterday I held onto it cause I wasn't sure what to do with it." "You didn't look in it did you?" "Um, yeah I did, I'm sorry, but I only saw one song." "What song?" "Haunted." "Oh, um what did you think?" "It was good, but I have one question. Was it about me?" "Look I never thought you were going to see it." "Leah I don't mind that, but I didn't know that you felt that way when I left."
"Look I didn't want to tell you I felt that way cause I knew you would have come back. We already talked about this last night. I don't wanna talk about it again." "I know, same here." "You really think the song is good though?" "Yeah. Have you written any other songs?" "Other than "Haunted" and "I Believe" not really, I have thrown some ideas around." "Well you should write some more and maybe make a cd and start singing." "Okay, but how am I gonna get my music out there get people to hear me?" "Maybe we could hold a concert for Hurricanes fans, you could sing "Haunted", "I Believe", and cover some songs." "That's not a bad idea. Maybe you could talk to mister Jones about it?" "Sure I will call him in a little bit." "Thanks Jeff. Now I have to make a list of songs to sing, that is if he decides to do a concert." "We will know in a little bit."