Status: ~Finished~

Toy Soldiers

Sweet Caroline

Leah's View:
Jeff was on the phone and I was anxiously waiting for the result of this conversation. "Yes sir. I hear you sir. I understand. Thank you very much sir. Bye" "Soooo. What did he say?" "He uh, it looks like you-" "He didn't like the idea? I was looking forward to picking some songs to sing." "Would you let me finish. As I was saying, it looks like you better get your list together because he wants to have the concert Saturday night." "Yay! So there will be a concert!?!? Wait did you say Saturday? That's in 2 days! You better help me with this list." "Don't worry I will. Besides "Haunted" what other songs do you have?" "I have none, and I don't want to sing "I Believe" it's a little long to me. That's why I need your help."
"Okay well what about a song most people know?" "Like what?" "Well at the rink they always play sweet Caroline to get the fans cheering and stuff." "That could work! So "Haunted", "Sweet Caroline",and what else?" "Um, well he said not to many songs since that will be before a game that night but maybe like 2 or 3 more. What about "Temporary Home?" "No!" "Why not?" Leah it's a great song and you know it." "I didn't say it wasn't, but that song just isn't okay with me." "Why? Because of the message or the fact that it reminds you of where you came from?" "Jeff you know I don't like talking about it." "Why, it would be easier to get over it if you talked about it and everyone knew." "I don't know when I will be able to tell everyone, but Matt doesn't want me to so I don't know if I ever will."
"Why does he say that? You guys are still brother and sister whether you were ad-" "Can we please just not talk about it." "Will you sing it?" "I will think about it." "Okay well, oh, what about that song "Summer Girl." You were singing that all the time at the skills competition." "Oh yeah! That will be added to the list. So now that's 3 songs maybe 4."
"Sounds like a good list of songs." "Look Jeff I'm sorry I went off on you before about that song, it's just, I will sing it, but you know how I get upset listening to it or even hearing the title of it." "I know and I shouldn't have brought it up. I remember the first time you heard it. You practically broke my radio trying to change the song." "Yeah sorry about that." "Well, you better start practicing, Saturday is gonna be a big day for you." "Thanks. We have to put them in a good order then I will sing the songs to you if you want." "Okay, I think, "Sweet Caroline"- "Haunted"- "Summer Girl" - "Temporary Home" "Okay that's a nice order. I will sing them to you in a little bit." "Alright, I'm gonna call Staal and tell him what's going on Saturday." "Okay, but don't give him all the details, and don't tell every guy on the team either." "I won't."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sweet Caroline -

Haunted -

Summer Girl - ://

Temporary Home -