Status: ~Finished~

Toy Soldiers

Leave Us Alone!

Jeff's view:
Even though I wasn't apart of this organization when Rod played, it was still an honor to meet him. We all had jerseys with his number and name on the back. Our names/numbers were on the front shoulder a lot smaller than usual. After the little ceremony the game began. Chad LaRose opened up our scoring. Then minutes later I took a semi weak slapper by the boards, but it went in. In less then six minutes we were already up 2-1.

~Final Buzzer~

"Um, it feels great. To win on such a highly anticipated night with so much hype. This night is special for the franchise, but I think it is even more special for Rod because we won on the night we dedicated to him." "Jeff, how did it feel scoring tonight?" "Um, it felt good to get another one, but I didn't think it was a good shot or even a good goal really, but I'll take the goal." I was dying the press wouldn't leave me alone. I score one goal and they act like I just won the cup or something. It's only because it was on Rod's night. Luckily I saw Leah coming in to save me.
"Hey sorry guys I have to steal him from you." "Leah how did you think Jeff played tonight?" "Can't you guys ever give us a break?" "Jeff, it's fine, he played amazing. Guys were beating up on him, but I know he is tough and can battle through it. Happy? Come on Jeff."

"I swear the press is gonna kill me." "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you." "Thanks. So why did you need to take me away?" "I didn't you just looked like you needed some saving." She leaned up an kissed me. I was realizing why she pulled me away. "Thanks, I needed that." "I thought you would." She kissed me again. "Jeff, how long have you two been going out?" "Is Leah an old friend?" "Do you guys sneak around like this because the coaches think she is a distraction?" "Look! Leave us alone! Don't you guys have other players to interview or something!?!" So they didn't hear me I whispered in Leah's ear "I will meet you by mister Jones office, he said he wanted to see you." She just shook her head.

Leah's view:
"Come in!" "You wanted to see me mister Jones?" "Ah yes Leah please do come in. So you know how you sang here for the All Star Game?" "Yes?" "Well how would you feel if I asked you to join the Hurricanes team here?" "What would I be doing exactly sir?" "Well I thought you could be the national anthem singer for us, since the fans loved you at the All Star Game. Also you could be on the Storm Squad." "That sounds like a good plan. Um, did someone quit both of those jobs? Is that why I am being offered these jobs?" "The anthem singer is moving, and a few girls quit the Storm Squad, we don't really need that many people on the Squad, but I thought I would run it by you. See what you thought." "

Skinner's view:
"Mister Jones?" "Yes Jeff come in." "Leah you ready to go?" "Yeah. Alright, well thank you so much mister Jones." "Stop by my office when you and Jeff get here so I can introduce you to people who will show you the ropes." "Okay, see you then." "Okay, bye Jeff." "Um, bye mister Jones. What was that about? "I will tell you when we get to the car, so what happened with the press?" "They waited for me to come out of the room." "What! Jeff you gotta get them to leave you alone." "Staal and LaRose saved me, not like you did of course, but they helped."

"Well that's good." She went to open the door but I left the car locked. "Jeff, unlock the doors." I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her. "Not until you tell me why people are gonna be showing you the ropes." "Well then we will be here for a while." "I can wait." "Fine! I am the new national anthem singer!" I picked her up and spun her around. "Leah that's amazing!" My voice echoed. "But-" I stopped spinning her. "What's the catch?" "No catch, but um I have to cheer you on every game now too." "Why?" "I am a new member of the Storm Squad!" I went to pick her up in my excitement but then I stopped. "Wait, anymore surprises?" "Um, no." "Okay." Then I spun her around. We got in my car and went back to our house. We got out of the car and Leah laid back on the hood of my car. "What are you doing?" "Have you ever looked at the stars. I mean really look at them?" "No. Why?" "It's just relaxing,it helps me forget everything that was making upset or angry. Come on, try it." She grabbed my hand and I gave in. "This sorta is relaxing. It just is so annoying. They never leave us alone, and I don't like cameras in my face when I am trying to kiss my girlfriend." "I don't like it either, but-" "Wait do you hear that?" "Hear what?"

"It sounds like camera clicks, no way." "What, what is it Jeff?" "They followed us home." "Where are they?" "In that car over there. Don't look, don't let them know were watching." "Jeff why don't we just give them what they want?" "What do you mean?" "Ugh.Come here." She grabbed my shirt and pulled my up and kissed me, I swear I can be so oblivious sometimes. I started to kiss back when I heard more clicks. They had more cameras. "Leah, they have more cameras." "Then we have to keep going until they finally decide to do something." I heard car doors and realized they knew we were playing with them.
They started coming up the driveway and Leah and I had to run into the house fast. Before we could close the door one of the paparazzi stuck his foot in the door, "Jeff, Leah just one more kiss for the camera?" "Jeff do something." I opened the door just slightly so they thought we were coming out then closed when I had the chance. Then we had to sit there and wait for them to leave.
♠ ♠ ♠
So really long but I had to update since I hadn't in a while. Hurricanes won tonight. I was so happy even though they beat my beloved pens 4-1. A song that popped into my head while writing this was: (Make Up-Jesse McCartney)