Status: ~Finished~

Toy Soldiers

He's in the hospital

Skinner's view:
I was looking for Leah so I could talk to her about this whole going back to Colorado thing. I don't want to hurt her, but I think it's the right thing to do. "Hey Staal, have you seen Leah?" "Um, no, wait there she is over there talking to Tyler Seguin. Why? You gotta talk to her about something?" "Yeah, it's gonna be difficult though." "Why is that?" "Well I am gonna ask her to go back to Colorado with her brother Matt for a while. Well sing a song that sorta does the work for me." "What! Are you crazy? Remember how she felt last time you left her? She would be crushed." "Technically she would be leaving this time, but I get what your saying." "Dude, you can't do that. Why do you even want her to go back? You better have a good reason." "Um, the media." "What! The media really? What have they done?" "They don't leave us alone, ever!" "So sending her to Colorado where both Duchene kids would be together is any different? It would be so much worse for her there. I get you wanna protect her, but that is not the way to do it. If you wanna protect her keep her here and deal with the media, together."

Once Tyler Seguin left I went to walk over to talk to Leah, but then her phone rang so I had to wait longer. The more I wait the harder it will be to get on stage and do this.

Leah's view:
"Bye Tyler." "Bye Leah." "Hop up out the bed turn my swag on aint no sense listening to them haters cuz we whip em off and we aint doing nothing wrong so don't tell me nothing, I'm just tryna have fun so keep the party jumping-" "Hello?" "Yes, may I speak to Leah Duchene?" "Speaking. Who is calling?" "Oh, hello, um this is Dr.Carter from the Denver Medical Center." "What's the problem doctor?" "Well it's your brother, Matt." My heart dropped, I never wanted to get phone calls like these about Matt. "Um, what is wrong with him Dr.Carter?" "Well he collapsed at practice today." "Oh my gosh, is he okay?" "Well he suffered a concussion from the fall, they also say he suffered the fall from dehydration and a very minor heat stroke. Has something like this ever happened before, like has he ever played in a game or had practice and not taken a break or had anything to drink after working hard for a long period of time?" "Um, yes once before." "Okay, well that may help me so I know that his body has reacted okay to the normal treatment for this kind of injury." "Okay, well I will be coming to visit him if that's okay." "Yes, that is perfectly fine. Thank you for the help Leah." "No problem doctor, bye." "Goodbye."

"Jeff we have to go." "But, Leah I was just about to sing you a song." "I know and I am sure it would have been amazing, but we have to go now." "Why?" "Matt is in the hospital." As soon as I said that Jeff and I were dashing out the door. Tears were rolling down my cheeks, I couldn't believe Matt was in the hospital again for the same thing as once before. "Leah is he okay?" "No, he collapsed at practice and had a very minor heat stroke." We got into his car and started driving. We were in Pittsburgh, the drive would still be far, so we got a Penguins plane to take us to Colorado, luckily there was a small break before playoffs started so they would need it and the hurricanes wouldn't need Jeff.

"Leah, what exactly happened to Matt during the game that would decide if they went to playoffs when he was in juniors? Isn't that the same injury he is in the hospital for now?" "Yes, it is. during the game he stayed out for multiple shifts. The game was in the 3rd round of overtime. He didn't want to come off the ice and he wouldn't drink any water. After battling in the corner for the puck the other team got the puck and started going the other way. Matt was about to start back checking when he collapsed right there in the corner. i was right by the door in the corner for the zamboni and I made them open the doors so I could go on the ice. The trainers had to call the EMT's. He went to the hospital and I stayed with him the whole night. I wouldn't leave my brothers side because he and I are so close, and that injury he suffered brought us even closer." "Leah I am so sorry that this happened." "It's okay, Matt just needs to learn before it's too late."

"Hey I'm a country man a city boy can't do the things I can. I can grow my own groceries and salt-cure a ham, hey baby, I'm a country man-" "What is that?" "It's Eric's ring tone." "Oh, that sure fits that farm boy." "Ha ha. Hey Eric, what's up?" "Hey. Why were you crying? Did Jeff talk to you about his stupid plan of protection?" "No. For who?" "You!" "No, he didn't what was it?" "Well he was gonna sing a song that got you to break up with him or something then mention that you should go back to Colorado to be with Matt, just to protect you form the media." "Really? I didn't hear that. Maybe I need to talk to him about it." "Talk to who? Why are you looking at me like that?" "Eric I will talk to you later." "Okay bye Leah."

"So what is your plan to protect me Jeff? I wanna hear all about it!" "Shit, I am gonna kill Eric."
♠ ♠ ♠
So I have not updated in a while because my computer kept deleting my chapter every time I wrote it, but I got it to work so here is the next chapter that you have been waiting for my to add.

Eric's ring tone-