Status: ~Finished~

Toy Soldiers

Sounds like you biebs!

Leah's View:
We were sitting on the hood of his car. "So back to the day you left." I had to ease into this somehow. "Back to that day. Leah you know I didn't want to leave, but I had to." "I know, but Jeff how did you feel when you left?" "Sad, mad, lonely, nervous. I cried that night when I got to Kitchener. I missed not talking to you before I went to sleep or kissing you good night." "So, why didn't you call or text me?" "I couldn't!" He grabbed my hands, tears were forming in his eyes and mine. "Why Jeff? What was stopping you?" 'My heart. I knew if I called you I wouldn't be able to stay in Kitchener anymore. I would have come right home and I wouldn't be in the NHL now. You wouldn't be here with me and I am glad I didn't make that call." He put his forehead against mine, I looked at him, his eyes closed I wiped his tears, held his face in my hands, and looked him in the eyes. "Jeff, I-I'm glad you didn't call either. I'm glad I'm here with you right now, I wouldn't want this any other way." He looked at me, ran his hand through my hair. "Leah, please, whatever you do, don't leave. Please." "Jeff, I don't want to leave, but where am I gonna stay, what will I do here?" "You can stay with me-"
"Aren't you staying with Staal?" "I kinda told Staal that when you came I was gonna ask you to stay and live with me." "But what if I didn't want to stay?" "Well I figured you wouldn't say no to me." "Pretty confident in yourself there Skins?" "You know it." We were still face to face. "Jeff, I promise you that I won't leave you, but I don't have any of my clothes from home." "We are going up to Canada for a few games we can stop and get them on the way back." "Okay." I leaned in and kissed him. We kissed for who knows how long, but it felt good. We both pulled away and smiled.
"Your it!" I shouted, then I ran for the playground. "Wait that is sooo not fair! Your gonna pay for this Le-Le!" He hadn't called me that since we were little, but I loved when he called me that it made me feel like we were kids again. He chased me around until he got a hold of my waist an he tackled me to the ground. We were both laughing like crazy. I pushed myself up from his chest so I was looking him in the eyes. "Jeff." "Yeah Le-Le?" "I miss this kind of stuff." "Me too." I collapsed onto his chest and yawned. "I'm tired. I could just fall asleep right here." "As much as I would agree, we are not going to sleep in a playground at 11:30 at night. Let's go home."
We drove to the apartment while listening to a song by Cody Simpson. "He sounds just like Justin Bieber." "Oh so he sounds like you 'Biebs'?" "Shut-up! Who is this kid anyway?" "An Australian Bieber pretty much." "He is kinda better then Bieber in my opinion." "Same here."
"You're like my favourite song
On the radio, radio, radio, radio
I could listen to you all day
You're like a music video, video vi-vi-video
I could look at you all day
You make do my two-step all day
You keep me lookin' proud for you all day
So you should be my girlfriend all day
We're like a hit on my radio, radio."
Jeff started singing this after a while it was kind of funny, but mostly adorable. Jeff sorta has a good voice but he is a better hockey player. "This should be our song Leah." "Why this song Jeff?"
"Because. You're like my favourite song on the radio, radio, radio, radio I could listen to you all day. You're like a music video, video vi-vi-video I could look at you all day. You make do my two-step all day, you keep me lookin' proud for you all day. So you should be my girlfriend all day, We're like a hit on my radio, radio."
"Jeff you are so cute and you singing is super adorable." He laughed. I looked out the window while I heard the lyrics "You got this young boy, racking his brains. Trying to make you mine, but I don't got a ring. You got this young boy, going insane. Tell me that you're single and you're waiting for me." after that I fell asleep with a smile on my face. Maybe this was a good start for Jeff and I.
Jeff's View:
While the Bieber-ish song played Leah fell asleep. She looked so cute while she was sleeping. I can't believe she agreed to stay here with me. I love this girl and I have to do things right this time, no mistakes or screw-ups. Then I turned the music down so it wouldn't bother her while she slept. I felt something bump my arm. It was a book, I opened it. It had songs in it and one really caught my eye, Haunted. The lyrics were really what caught my eye.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Cody Simpson song:

I am not getting a lot of feed back. :( The feed back I get generates how quickly I post new chapters. So please leave me some feedback on the story, I wanna know what you guys think. Tonight Jeff scored a goal in the 'Canes game and in the second he got cross-checked and went to the locker room but came back so let's hope he isn't hurt too bad. ~comment & subscribe~