Texan Shame

"What are you on about, Ray? Johnson is probably taking a quick break behind the hayfield." TJ gave the older man a brilliant smile. "No use going up there just to rouse him up. Be a real shame to wake him up, while he dreams with sweet Lila." He made the silhouette of a curvy woman with his calloused hands. The bearded man responded with a loud guffaw, his thick fingers curling around his round belly.

"Just a quick visit, TJ. Ain't no wrong with a man wanting to fool around, now is there?" Ray's smile was crooked and small, thin chapped lips covering cavity ridden teeth. "Besides, that'd teach old Johnson to stop pulling stunts like those," he shook his head. "Napping while working, Jesus. Now that's a man with no shame."

TJ's grin widened. "Give him a good scare, huh? Guess ain't nothing wrong with that. Just some fooling around." He stood up and brushed his leather pants whilst suppressing a playful smirk. Ray gave the young man a hard stare. If dumb was dirt, he'd cover an acre, no doubt. "What do you have in mind, Ray?" TJ's jovial eyes gleamed with expectation. He liked working on the field, damn right he did. But it was so dull now and then. A lil' prank would be good, he thought. A good prank for old shameless Johnson.

"Go grab that ax right there. We're scaring Johnson real good, we are."