Status: Active; some quick updates and some slow.

Go With It.


July 4th, 1969

I hadn’t really wanted to go to the fair today. There were a lot of other things I could be doing on America’s birthday, but Julia pulled me out of bed, promising me I’d be having more fun at the fair than sitting home listening to records until my parents came back. It was an hour and a half ride from my house to the empty field this thing would be held at, and I was squished between Julia and her boyfriend in the front seat as they screamed Led Zeppelin. My ears were ringing by the time we pulled up to the place.

It was just as shabby and run down as I imagined. Julia jumped out of the car, spinning on the point of her shoe. Bruce, Julia’s boyfriend, got out also, wrapping his arms around her from behind. It was sickeningly cute. I smiled cynically and opened the rusty door and hopped out. I slammed the door behind me and sprinted to catch up. Bruce paid for all of us; I promised to pay him back but we both knew I would forget. We walked through the gates and I scoped out the place.

“Hey,” Julia spun again, right into Bruce’s chest. “Let’s go see the circus performers!”

Bruce nodded.

“You dig, Jean?” Julia looked hopeful; she loved circus performers and I hated them. They creeped me out. But since her boyfriend paid, I pushed away my stupid fears.

“Yeah,” I smiled.

Julia hooked one arm through mine and one through Bruce’s and started skipping. I smiled despite myself. We walked over the dirty sand-ground and towards the stage. A bearded woman was already stage, getting many jeers from the audience. Julia pulled us through, all the way to the front. The first act wasn’t too amusing. After the bearded woman, the clowns came on and my breathe caught in my throat. I hate clowns. I wrapped my arms around myself, repeating that they weren’t going to hurt me. I grabbed Julia’s hand.

“Sorry, I can’t,” I yelled over the crowd. I turned around and pushed myself through the jeering people.

“Jean!” I heard Julia’s call after me, but I ignored her.

Once out of the crowd, I took a deep breath and examined where I was. There were a few tents around me and those guys on the long sticks to make them tall. Suddenly one of them started stumbling backwards, and a crowd formed around him. I was being pushed backwards into the tent behind me. I tried to grab on to the “door” thing, but it was just cloth and I fell flat on my ass.

“Goddamnit,” I muttered, pushing myself up and dusting off my jeans. “This would happen.”

I turned around snarling, surprising the people who were in the tent. A gypsy was sitting behind a table and an attractive looking guy was sitting in one of the two chairs. He had Roger Daltrey esque hair and was wearing a grey sweatshirt and jeans despite the weather. His eyes were an ice blue that seemed to stare into my soul.

“Um, I’m sorry for…stumbling in, I guess I’ll go now…” I trailed off awkwardly.

“No, no, sit my child!” The gypsy woman said.

“I can’t, actually, I have to go –” I stuttered.

“Sit!” The woman slammed her hand down on the table, knocking over a few bottles that had been sitting there.

“Ok,” I sat down next the guy and the woman pulled my right and hand and the guy’s left and placed them next to each other on the table.

“I knew it!” She threw her head back and cackled like a witch, still holding onto our hands. I sent the guy a ‘what the fuck?’ look and he gave me a confused one in return.

“Knew what?” Even though you could hear his anxiety, he had the most gorgeous voice I’d ever heard.

The woman simply pulled a tarot card out of her cleavage and cackled more. She placed the card on the table between me and this God I was sitting next to.

“Definitely, definitely.” She pulled our hands together again, placing them on top of each other on the tarot card. I was getting a little freaked out, but I wouldn’t show it.

“’Definitely’ what?” I asked, irritated, trying not to let my cowardness show. The guy bit his lip and looked at me; I rolled my eyes.

“Soul mates,” the gypsy said, closing her eyes.

“Soul mates?” I asked, incredulously.

“Yes,” the woman opened her eyes and smiled gently at the guy and me, like we were supposed to jump on top of each other and start making out at this sudden revelation.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I laughed. “Soul mates? That’s the most bullshit thing I’ve ever heard!”

“It’s true!” The woman yelled back, insulted.

“Sure it is,” I stood up, looking at the guy one more time. “Thanks for wasting my time,” I turned swiftly on my heel, leaving the tent and looking for my friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
What in the name of God is this.