Status: Alive

Give Me A Break

Chapter 8

::Chapter 8::

Mythical creatures live in the same world together with the. The humans never knew of the mythical creatures, and the mythical creatures didn’t tell the humans.

Centuries ago the four kingdoms and grand kingdom made a law that no mythical creature tells any humans about their kind for their own protection. Would you have told a human, or would a human have seen you there would be dire consequences.

Sometimes there was a slip up, and a creature told a human or a human would have seen. It being the nature of humans, they told other humans and those of course tell others. The stories in the end are different from the one told in the beginning.
Some mythical creatures changed due this and the new law so they trained into learning hypnotism and amnesia.
This was the safest method to live with humans without the consequences.

The same day the laws were made was also the day the counsel was born. The counsel are four mythical creatures from each kingdom.
Salvatore Garmicci from the Kingdom of Vampires, Amirr T’Aoub from the Kingdom of Werewolves, Tanyah Haruyah from the Kingdom of Wizards and Eleanoor from the Kingdom of Elves. On certain occasions someone from the Grand Kingdom go and foresee the meetings or trials. The Grand Kingdom is the most powerful out of all Kingdoms.

In these times the Grand Kingdom doesn’t exist anymore. The Grand Kingdom named the Dragonnians for having dragon blood in them, has been extinct for decades. They have fought in the great war against the evil traitor Jean-Pierre Muraeck, and since then the Dragonnian Grand Kingdom has lost several people. When the last queen went missing the Dragonnian Kingdom fell apart and it’s people went to live in the other Kingdoms telling how the Dragonnian Grand Kingdom fell.

There has been predicted by a high witch that someday the Dragonnian Kingdom will prosper again, and bloom again with life. There would still be one mythical creature out there that has royal Dragonnian blood in him or her.

But until this day everything still remains the same.
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A bit of history, you don't know how much thinking I did with this chapter to make it flow and WAUW. anywho, this chapter is a chapter what Nathan says but then a bit different, as if you are reading a book.. with a lot of misspellings.. eheheheh.. right.

Anywho, I haven't used a grey braincell in a while, so I thought a short chapter for a lot of thinking would do.. plus, I updated very close to the other, so give me some slack please *smiles cute*

Next chapter will ALSO be a bit like this! =D

© JustMii Stories; 2011
All rights reserved
No parts of this story, it's characters, or it's plot line is allowed to be used in other written productions.