All Time Trouble

Water Balloons and Stage Equipment Don't Mix

“Come on guys, you go on in an hour, you HAVE to do sound check!” Matt hollered trying to break up the 3 on 3 water balloon fight that was currently going on. Don't ask me how we got the water balloons, but we did. It was me, Jayde and Alex against Zack, Rian and Jack, and somehow they were winning.

“How the fuck are they winning?! Their hand-eye coordination and aim are horrible!!” Jayde shouted and then let out a small shriek when one of Jack's balloons broke on her head.

“I was just going to ask that!! They must be cheating somehow!!” I said and dodged one of Rian's balloons which ended up breaking on Alex's feet.

“I've been hit!! I've been hit!! Man down, man down!!” he cried and started to fall dramatically. Everyone started laughing as Alex just lay motionless on the ground. I was laughing so hard I couldn't talk, so I formed a T with my hands signaling a time out.

“Let's take a breather while the Drama Queen gets his act together,” I said trying to catch my breath and everyone laugh.

“Oh please Kayden, that title belongs to you and you know it,” Jack laughed and I glared at him.

“It does not,” I started to protest but everyone started talking at once.

“Yes it does, Ms. Priss,” Rian laughed and I glared at him knowing what he was referring to.

“Just because I freaked out when the girl at the salon fucked up my nails ONCE, does not make me a priss or the drama queen of this group.” I said folding my arms.

“Okay fine. Everyone has a little bit of priss and drama queen in them in this group, I'll admit to that,” Zack said and I nodded in agreement.

“But it shows a lot more in others at times,” he added with a chuckle and I glared.

“Stop trying to pin all of this on me,” I said poking him in the chest as I said each word and he just laughed. By now we were all standing in a circle around Alex who was lying in his back, looking up at us.

“That's it, if you guys won't come willingly I'm taking you forcefully, get up.” Matt said pulling Alex to his feet and grabbing all the boys by the collars of their shirts towards the venue, and Jayde and I followed. When we got inside he literally threw the boys onto the stage and chucked their things at them.

“You seem so pissed Flyzik, what's wrong?” I asked and he sighed and rubbed his face a bit before answering me.

“I don't mean to be, but this is their first show and they're fucking around in the parking lot, and I want them to be serious about this, I don't want them to throw it away,” he said sighing again.

“It’s okay, we know you mean well. And you seem more stressed about this than they do,” Jayde said as we both hugged him.

“I know, that’s the sad thing.” He said and the three of us looked up towards the stage and saw that they were screwing around again.

“I think their excited more than anything and nothing else seems to bother them right now.” I said and Jayde agreed with me.

“Well let’s just hope their excitement levels can get them through this show when they go on in an hour and they’re not ready to play any songs because THEY’RE NOT PRACTICING ANYTHING!” Matt yelled cupping his hands and the four of them looked at him, and quickly began to set up.

“You’re so mean,” Jayde laughed and Matt shrugged.

“That’s showbiz.” He grinned widening his eyes a bit and Jayde and I laughed.

“Do you guys even have a set list made up??” Matt asked the boys huddled around Rian's drums whispering. They all turned around and stared blankly at Matt.

“Fine, I'll make one up real quick, just keep doing what you're doing now,” Matt growled and Jayde and I could see him getting more and more aggravated.

“He's so mad at you guys,” Jayde said when we hopped onto the stage.

“We know,” they said at once.

“How about you guys try to listen just a little bit?” I asked pinching my fingers together.

“We're trying, we're just really excited,” Rian said.

“We know, but we don't think you're excitement will last to keep you going you're entire set,” I said looking at them.

“Hell, it probably won't last the first three songs,” Jayde said and Jack shoved her a bit.

“Hey, haven't you heard never to shove a lady?!” She asked when she regained her balance.

“What lady?” he laughed and she jumped on his back and started pulling his hair telling him to take back what he said.

“Copycat!!!” I shouted and pointed at her. When Jack took back what he said she jumped off his back and laughed.

“I know, and I'm sorry, it looked so fun and I wanted to try it.” she said and I rolled my eyes before hugging her.

“You're funny Jayde,”

“I know I am, you don't have to keep reminding me,” she said running her hand through her hair. I laughed and shoved her again.

“Hey whoa no, no shoving each other on stage near the equipment.” Matt said joining us on stage.

“You're such a buzz kill Matt, seriously.” Jayde said nudging him in the shoulder but he just rolled his eyes.

“Anyway,” he said and held out a piece of notebook paper.

“Here's your made-on-the-spot set list,” he said when Alex took the paper from his hands and Jayde and I walked around to look at the set list with the boys.

“Any cover songs?” I asked looking up and Matt shrugged.

“Read the set list,” he said and I glared.

“Asshole,” I said sticking my tongue out at him and he did the same to me.

“Don't show it unless you’re gonna use it,” Jayde mumbled not looking up from the paper. I laughed but Jack hit her on the back of the head.

“Ouch! What was that for?!” she yelled.

“Stop saying that,” Jack said and Jayde just rolled her eyes and went back to looking at the paper.

“But no, I couldn’t really think of anything,” Matt said and I took the paper from Jack and scanned through it, mumbling the titles of the boys' songs Matt had written down.

“This set list isn't half bad Matt. You did a pretty damn good job for putting this together so quickly,” I said and he nodded.

“Thank you.” he smiled.

“Do you need help picking any songs for them to cover though?” Jayde asked.
I looked over and saw Alex had his arm around her waist and I couldn't help but aw aloud. Matt stared at me pretending to be pissed at me for interrupting him but the two of us laughed before he went back to talking.

“But sure, I don’t really know what though, I was thinking of some of the songs you guys have been singing nonstop for the past couple days.” Matt shrugged.

“Well we’ll think of some good picks. Good job Matty Matt.” I said and everyone agreed. I patted his shoulder and he smiled again.

“If I didn't know any better you guys are probably gonna throw more water balloons at me,” he said.

“We weren't gonna do that actually, but if you want us to,” Rian started but Matt put his hands up, cutting him off.

“No no no, that's quite alright,” he stammered and we all laughed.

“Well if we're done here, come Matthew, you're going to buy Jayde and I a pretzel. Stand still,” I said then hopped on his back and he just barely caught me. I looked around and saw almost everyone laughing. And I say almost everyone cause Zack was the only one not laughing, he looked particularly mad.

“But I already had a pretzel,” Jayde said appearing next to Matt and brought me out of my thoughts.

“Oh right.... Then you'll get us cookies Matthew.” I said confidently and Jayde cheered.

“Cookies!!!” she yelled and I couldn't help but laugh.

“Wait, if you guys are getting cookies what are we getting?” Alex asked.

“Nothing, you guys gotta practice.” Jayde smiled devilishly and I joined her.

“Wait, do I get a cookie??” Matt asked.

“Of course!!” Jayde and I said.

“See ya later suckas!” Matt said throwing up a peace sign and started running with Jayde following close behind us. When we got to the snack area Matt bought three cookies; an M&M one for me, and two chocolate chip ones for Jayde and himself.

“I feel kinda bad for eating this and not getting them anything... Should we get them something?” Jayde asked and I shook my head.

“Why not though?” she asked again and Matt answered before I could.

“They don't need the calories. They need to stay fit for when they perform onstage.” Matt said very seriously, which caused Jayde and I to laugh even harder than we already were.

“Oh Matt, you crack us up,” Jayde said for both of us because I was still laughing.

“We seem to laugh a lot, our little group we have,” I said and they nodded in agreement.

“Well we should get back and see what they’re doing. If they’re not rehearsing they won’t live to see their first show, because I’m gonna kill them.” Matt said and Jayde and I laughed. We all got up and Jayde stood on one of the chairs and jumped onto Matt’s back.

“Hey! He was supposed to be my ride!” I said hitting her in the side.

“You got the ride here, it’s my turn bitch.” Jayde said sticking her tongue out and I just laughed.

“Let’s go,” I said pushing them forward. Luckily when we got back to the guys they were in the middle of a song, so Matt wouldn’t have to kill them.

‘Don’t take this easy, I want you to mean it, Jasey,’
‘say you’ll mean it’

“You’re dressed to kill, I’m calling you outtt, don’t waste your time one me!” Jayde and I started singing along with them. They practiced a couple more songs and we hung out for a little bit more figuring out which songs they’d cover, and we came up with the perfect ones. All the Small Things by Blink-182, Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy by Fall Out Boy, and finally, You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC to close the show. And then about ten minutes after we picked the perfect cover songs, it was show time.
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