All Time Trouble

What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You

“That was amazing you guys!” Flyzik yelled as Kayden and I clapped with huge grins on our faces.

“What? No hugs?” Alex whined and stepped towards us. Kayden and I just screamed and jumped a couple of steps back.

“Not till you take a shower!” I yelled.

“Or boil yourself!” Kayden yelled making me laugh and Alex to get an evil smirk and charge at her with his arms spread out.

“Come here little sister!” he laughed like a maniac and Kayden screamed and hid behind me. “You do know that it won’t stop me.” he smiled.

“Oh shit.” I grumbled.

“Me first!” Jack yelled pulling me in a hug and spinning me in the air.

“EW! You’re gross!” I yelled slapping his hands away and he just laughed while everyone else watched us in amusement. “Jack you are so dead!”

“No!” he yelled with a scared expression and then started running away from me with a bullet speed.

“Now that’s settled..” I mumbled widening my eyes a bit as everyone laughed or shook their heads.

“So what now?” Rian asked.

“Hell if I know.” I laughed and started walking back to the merch booth which was currently being attacked. “Kayden I need your help!” I yelled as I ran to the booth as fast as I could in order to please the customers.

“Holy shit!” Kayden yelled out of nowhere. Then I look down and see her climbing from under the table. I raised my eyebrows at that. “This stays between us.” she pointed at me.

“Ookay.” I said unsure. “Why exactly are you under the table?” I asked slowly and still unsure on whether I wanted to know or not.

“It was easier to crawl through the crowd then pushing through it.” she said casually and I just nodded slowly.

“Ookay then.” I said in the same tone. “Now let’s give the crowd what they want.” I said quickly as I started giving people their shirts as they practically threw their money at Kayden and I.

About an hour later we were done with all of the selling and all of the yelling and for that we got a reward. A headache.

“Advil me!” I yelled extending my hand out as Rian put the two pills in my hand and gave me a glass of water. “It’s not helping.” I sighed.

“It’s only been two seconds.” Alex laughed and I opened my eyes to glare at him.

“It’s all your guys’ fault you know that?” Kayden said from next to me and I nodded.

“What?! Why?!” Zack laughed.

“If you guys weren’t so good there wouldn’t be any crazed fans wanting everything with your names on it!” I yelled and then slapped the top of the table for a dramatic effect.

“Yeah!” Kayden yelled repeating my actions.

“Did anyone get that on video?” Jack asked looking around.

“Jack, shut up you’re not helping the headache here.” Kayden said and I nodded. “You guys should start paying us in ear plugs.” She said and my eyes snapped open.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! I still prefer Ben Franklins, thank you very much.” I said with a smile. “And if we get the ear plugs we wouldn't be able to hear what the customers want and if we don't hear what they want we’ll end up with a headache AND a side of bruises, concussions, and scars.”

“Good point.” Kayden said.

“Now for your punishment.” I started and instantly got yelled at.


“What did we do?!”

“I told you they’re gonna eat us!!”

“Where the fuck is my fucking burrito?!” at that everyone turned to look at Jack with a questioning look. I cocked my head to the side.

“Well that’s a new one.” Matt said with a blank expression.

“Are you talking about that one burrito that was on that blue plate?” I asked.

“Yeah! Where is it?!” Jack yelled.

“Plate’s in the trash, and I haven’t seen the burrito ever since.” I answered.

“You ate my burrito.” Jack said with an angry expression and his eyes narrowed. “I shall kill you.” he said slowly and started coming at me.

I looked around for something and then frowned as I didn't see anything that would help me in my situation.

“Help!” I yelled as Jack was about to grab me. I jumped over the table and ran over across the stage to get to the van.

“Come here! You owe me a taco!” at that I stopped at my tracks.

“You said that you lost a burrito!” I yelled.

“Yes, a burrito and a taco!” he yelled as he caught up to me.

“Well I only ate a burrito. I didn't see a taco there.” I furrowed my eyebrows in order to remember.

“Then who ate my taco?” Jack whined.

“Well Zack’s on his crazy health fest.” I started. “So you can count him out. then there’s Rian who’s too nice to do something like that.”

“Flyzik doesn't like tacos.” Jack stated. “And Kayden’s too nice to do something like that.” Then he thought about it. “Unlike you!” he pointed at me.

“I knew it was yours.” I smiled. “Plus, you always steal my food.” I rolled my eyes.

“That's true.”

“So that leaves only one person.”

“Alex.” We said in unison.

“Well I’ll go get some water, good luck with whatever you’re going to do.” I smiled and started skipping towards the venue.

“You’re not gonna help me take him down?” he whined.

“Sorry, but I kinda like Alex, so I’m gonna let you deal with him. k?” I smiled and petted his shoulder.

“Okay.” He sighed in disappointment. Then he gave me a puppy dog face.

“Please! We always torture him together!” he begged.

“OH, alright, alright!” I gave in with a smile. “And I think I have a plan.” I smirked.

“As do I sister, as do I.” he said matching my smirk. Then we linked hands and started skipping over to the merch booth.

“Boo, you’re still alive.” Rian said with a frown and I just opened my mouth in shock.

“I’m gonna eat you one of these days.” I said glaring at him and his eyes widened as he started backing away from his spot and behind Zack who just laughed and pushed Rian away from him.

“I’m not defending you.” Zack laughed.

“What are you two up to?” Alex asked with a voice full of suspicion.

“Get him!” Jack yelled pointing at Alex and ran towards him as I just stopped and started laughing uncontrollably. “Jayde, you’re supposed to help me!” Jack kept yelling after he tackled Alex to the ground and sat on top of him.

“I think you’re doing good on your own buddy!” I yelled back. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to my right to see Zack. “What’s up?” I chuckled.

“Can we talk?” he asked in a small voice and I gave him a confused look. “Please. It’s urgent.”

“Alright, alright.” I rolled my eyes as I followed him outside. “Lemme guess, your steroid addiction got out of control?” I joked and he just looked at me with a serious look. My eyes widened and I started yelling. “OH MY GOD YOUR STEROID ADDICTION GOT OUT OF CONTROL!”

Zack’s eyes widened and he put his hand over my mouth.

“I don't take steroids! Geez woman!” he whisper yelled and removed his hand from covering my mouth.

“Then what is it?” I asked as I sat down on the ground and leaned against the wall.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Shoot.” I said and looked up at him. He just scratched the back of his head and took a deep breath.

“I have feeling for someone. But I don't know if that person even likes me back. And then her brother is threatening me not to go for it and if I ever did and broke her heart he will break me. But then again, even though I can take him, I don't wanna end our friendship and then it wouldn't be good for the band and I really like her and everything for a couple of years now and I ca-”

“Pause.” I interrupted but he kept on babbling.

“-n’t live without her anymore. I just want her to know how I feel and I don't care that she doesn't feel the same I just want to have her near me. And if she do-”


“-es feel the same way I will be very happy. But I can’t just stand here and do no-”

“PAUSE!” I yelled.

“-thing.” He ended and took a deep breath.

“First of all, I’m sure that she feels the same way, and second of all, you have really strong lungs to say all that in one breath!” I laughed.

“But how do you know she feels the same way?! You don't even know who she is!”

“She’s Kayden and she’s my best friend. Any more questions?” I smiled.

“But I don't even know why she should like me! I mean we haven’t talked in forever. I feel like she’s avoiding me!” he nearly yelled.

“You’re the one avoiding her! You don't talk to her anymore! She’s my best friend and all but I would like some alone time at times.”

“I’m telling on you.” he said folding his arms across his chest.

“And I’m telling on you.” I said mimicking his actions.

“You wouldn't.”

“You and I both know that I would.” I smiled. “Unless.”

“Unless what?”

“Unless you tell her first.”

“How much time do I have?” he asked.




“You have got to be kidding me!” he yelled.

“Three.” I smiled.

“Please don't do this! You’re not that mean!”

“Two.” I smirked and his eyes widened as he started running.

“KAYDEN!” I heard him yell as I sighed and started following him.

When I walked back to the merch booth I saw him standing there talking to her and she looked a bit concerned.

“One.” I smiled in content.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hopefully you enjoyed it :)