All Time Trouble

One Condition

“Kayden. Oh Kayden.” I whispered shaking her shoulder a bit. She grumbled something in return. “Kayden, are you asleep?” I nudged her again. After not hearing a response I snuck out of the room and onto the patio where I sill saw Zack.

I carefully tiptoed through the main room making sure not to wake anyone up and opened the double doors. Zack turned his head to see who it was and I just sent him a soft smile.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Well since Kayden’s asleep I decided to interrogate you.”


“Did you tell her how you feel yet?” I asked as I stood next to him and leaned on the handrails.


“Okay, I’ll go tell her.” I smiled and turned around ready to go back inside the hotel room.

“No!” he whisper yelled and pulled me back. “You can’t!” he whispered. “I can’t.”

“Why not? She has feelings for you too! Just tell her how she feels!” I nearly yelled.

“You know Alex won’t let that happen.”

“What does Alex has to do with anything?” I asked scrunching my eyebrows a bit.

“He’s her older brother.”


“And he doesn't want this to happen.” He said nodding.

“Screw him!” I exclaimed.

“He’s my best friend! I can’t just ignore him! And he’s your boyfriend now so you shouldn't either.”

“Are you really giving me a relationship advice?” I raised my eyebrow and he just looked down. “If you don't wanna talk to her. Talk to Alex. Ask why he feels that way.”

“You want me to talk about his feelings?” he asked clearly disgusted.

“Yes.” I nodded.

“Do I look like a girl?”

“You want the truth?”

“No thanks.” He smiled.

“Good.” I smirked. “Then do you want me to talk to him?” I asked.

“I don't want you two to get in a fight. You know how he gets when he doesn't get what he want. Hell, we all know how he gets.”

“I don't care. I want you and Kayden to be happy. She’s like my sister and I just want what’s best for her. And that’s either you or Matt.” I said and his jaw tightened.

“Matt?” he growled.

“See! That’s how you should look when you talk to Alex, then he’ll scream and agree to everything you tell him to!” I laughed but his facial expression didn't change.


“I’m kidding!” I said holding my hands up.

“Well don't! Not when it comes to her.”

“Look, I’m sorry, but you really do need to talk to either Kayden, or Alex.” I kept insisting and I could see how frustrated he was becoming.

“I just..can’t, okay?” he said and then just stormed off shutting the door behind him. I just stood there for a moment thinking of how I can help the future couple when the door opened again and Zack poked his head with a smile “Goodnight by the way.”

“Goodnight.” I smiled and then he left.

I stood outside for a couple of hours trying to figure out why Alex doesn't want Zack and Kayden together. I just don't get it. They’re best friends. They know each other better than anyone does. What does Alex have on Zack? I gotta know. and fast. Tomorrow morning.

When I got back inside, it was too quiet. Yeah, I know, everyone’s asleep, but it’s just really...weird. I went back to mine and Kayden’s room, and since I was already in my pajamas, I just climbed into my bed and fell asleep.


As soon as I opened my eyes I screamed from the top of my lungs.

“Good, you’re up.” Kayden smiled and moved away from my face.

“Why were you all up in my face?” I asked even though I was pretty scared to hear her answer.

“Because if you wake up and see that no one is up, you will just close your eyes and go back to la la land. But if I scare the shit out of you, you’ll be up.” She finished with an innocent smile.

“It’s scary how you know this.”

“Jayde,” she gave me a serious look, “everyone knows that about you. Even the teachers back in school. And that’s sad.”

“Not to mention creepy.” I mumbled as I threw the bed sheets off of my body. “We’ll I’m gonna go take a shower k?”

“K.” she replied.

I got up, got some clothes and my undergarments and ran into the small bathroom. After I did my morning routine, I got dressed and walked out. I didn't see Kayden in the room so I just proceeded to the main area.

“Morning!” Jack yelled and ran over to give me a bone crushing hug.

“Morning!” I laughed. After he let me go he ran back to the couch.

I just walked over to Alex and sat down next to him.

“Morning.” He smiled looking at me.

“Morning.” I smiled back. Then I remembered what I had to do. “We gotta talk.” I whispered and he looked at me in confusion. “Nothing bad, I promise.” I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

“Now?” he asked and I nodded as I took his hand and we exited the hotel suite and went down to the mail lobby and then outside.

“Sorry to take you away from your valuable time with friends.” I smiled.

“You should be! I never see them!” he said and I just laughed. “So what is this about?” he asked.

“Why don't you want Zack and Kayden to get together?” I asked and he stopped in his tracks for a moment.

“Can we not talk about that?” he responded.

“Just tell me why? They’re perfect for each other. Don't you want them to be happy?”

“I just don't want him to break her heart. I know he can.” He answered.

“Well their hearts already broken because they know they can’t be with one another because you won’t let them!”

“Why are you talking to me about this and not them?” he questioned.

“Because I’m being a good friend to them. Unlike you.”

“Excuse me?” he raised his eyebrows.

“Alex, give me one good reason why they can’t be together!”

“Because I don't want them to! I’m Kayden’s older brother! I don't want her with Zack because we’re just starting as a band and later on he might cheat on her and I don't want that to happen! Because I know how ugly it can get.”

“Well did you ever think of that when we became a couple?” I asked with my arms folded across my chest.

“Look, I’m her brother and I don't want her dating my best friend.”

“Didn't you ever think for a second that this is exactly how Jack feels?!” I yelled.

“Why are we fighting over this?!”

“Because you’re not being reasonable!”


“Because they belong with one another and you fucking know it!”

“Can we just end this conversation before we both say something we will later regret?” he asked softly and I shook my head.

“You’re impossible.”

“Well what do you want me to say?”

“I want you to say that you’re okay with them being together.” I said softly. “Because they should at least get a chance, otherwise they’ll just dwell on it. Plus you might lose them.”

“I want to say that but I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because I just can’t! She’s my baby sister dammit!” he yelled.

“Yes and it’s time you let her go and be on her own! She doesn't need constant protection anymore.”

“Just let me think about it okay?” he asked and I nodded.

“Just think about them and not yourself.”

“I am!”

“And stop yelling, you’ll lose your voice.” I smiled and he just narrowed his eyes at me. “What?”

“Nothing.” He smiled.


“Jayde.” He continued smiling.

“I’m not talking to you.” I said and started walking away from him.

“What?! Why?!” he yelled.

“Because you wouldn't tell me why you basically glared at me!” I laughed as he caught up with me.

“Oh well.” He rolled his eyes. “When are we leaving for the next show?” he asked as we starting to walk back to the hotel.

“In a couple of hours.”

“Well thank you, genius.” He said sarcastically and I just elbowed him in the side. “Hey! That was a compliment!” he laughed.

“No! That was a witty remark!”

“Yeah, it was.” He smirked and then leaned in to kiss me.

“Wait.” I said stopping him.

“What??” he whined.

“Can Kayden and Zack be together?” I asked.

“Nope.” He said trying to kiss me but I just pushed him away.

“No kissing till they do.” I smiled and he just glared after me as I walked back into the hotel.
♠ ♠ ♠
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