All Time Trouble

Before I Change My Mind

“Alex!” I yelled with a huge smile as I ran through the venue. “Where did you say he was?!” I yelled back at Zack and Kay not bothering to turn around.

“We didn't?”

“Okay, thanks!” I yelled not really listening and just kept running forward. As soon as I saw Alex (he was talking to Jack about something), my smile widened (if that was even physically possible) as I tackled him to the ground.

“Well hello there.” he laughed and I just smiled and leaned down to kiss him. “I take that as you got my message.” He smiled as I started nodding.

“Can we tell them now?” I asked biting my lip.

“Um, I did my part, now it’s all yours.” He said fast as he looked from side to side trying to escape from under me.

“Why me?” I whined.

“Because it was your idea.” He smiled. “Now, as much as I like this position, I really want to get up before Flyzik finds me, kills me, and sells my internal organs at the black market.” He said and nodded as I tried not to laugh.

I got up and helped him up as well.

“So why are you hiding from Matt?” I asked.

“Because we’re supposed to be doing sound check right about now and neither one of us wants to go.” Jack answered and I nodded.

“You’re dead.” I said.

“We know.” Alex grimaced.

“Can anyone please explain what the hell is going on?” Kayden asked waving her hands around.

“Didn't you hear Jack?” I asked.

“Not that! Why you got all hyper and what Alex’s message meant!” Zack nearly screamed.

“Well... they’re all yours.” Alex said as he kissed my cheek and started running away.

“Does this mean I have to run as well?!” Jack yelled after him.

“Yes!” Alex replied and Jack groaned throwing his head back.

“I’m gonna kill him.” He mumbled as he started his jog to catch up with Alex.

“They never stop amusing me.” I chuckled.

“Jayde.” Kayden said and I turned to look at her. “What was Alex’s message about?”

“What was that?!” I yelled looking at the direction Alex and Jack ran away to. “Yeah! I’ll show you where the condoms are!” I yelled and started running away.

“Jayde! That was so fucking obvious!” Zack yelled and I just started running faster till I ran into someone.

“Jayde?” Matt asked scrunching his eyebrows. “What the hell is going on with everyone?”

“Who, what, where, when, why?!” I said really fast and he just looked at me with the most confused expression.

“Huuuuh?!” he said shaking his head.

“See ya!” I yelled pushing him to the side and running past him to the stage area.

“Jayde!” he yelled after me. “Fucking madhouse.” I heard him mumble.

“Alex!” I yelled as soon as I saw him.

He turned to look at me and his eyes widened as he picked up his guitar and put it in front of his mouth.

“Um, me llamo Pancho.” He said looking from side to side.

“Alex.” I growled.

“No conozco Alex.” He said shaking his head.

“Put. Down. The. Guitar.” I said.

“No habla ingles!” he yelled.

“Dude, really?!” I shook my head at him.

“Me gusta tacos.”

“That’s all you’ve learned in the past FOUR YEARS?” I laughed.

“Pretty much.” He said finally putting his guitar down. “Now why did you run after us?” he laughed.

“Why did you start speaking, or should I say attempting to speak, Spanish?” I asked.

“Touché.” He frowned and I nodded.

“And they started pestering me with questions.” I explained.

“Weren’t you supposed to tell them?” he asked sitting down on stage next to me.

“Yeah, I was supposed to tell Zack.”

“What about Kayden?”

“I don't think she knows that I even talked to you about that specific subject.” I said thinking back.

“She’s gonna kill you.”

“And Flyzik’s gonna kill you.” I smirked.

“You saw him didn't you?!”

“Yep, ran right past him.” I said nodding. “Wait, where’s Jack?” I asked looking around.

“How the hell should I know, I lost him back near vending machine.” He shrugged.

“You left him by the VENDING MACHINE?! ARE YOU INSANE?!” I yelled and he just raised his hands up in defense.

“He’s your brother!” he yelled back. “Anyway, when are you gonna talk to Zack?” he asked like nothing even happened.

“As soon as I can, but you have to distract Kayden.” I said pointing at him.

“How the hell am I supposed to do that?” he laughed.

“Pretend to be Jack.”


“Be Jack.” I smirked.

“I don't wanna fuck burritos.” He said shaking his head with a frown.

“You don't have to.” I said petting his head. “Just act like him.” I smiled. “Be random.”

“Pfft! I can do that!” he smiled then jumped to his feet and pulled me up as well. “Ready?” he asked and I nodded. “Kayden!!!!” he yelled as he started to run from the stage area flailing his arms around just like Jack always does. I just shook my head at that and got my phone out to text Zack.

Come 2 the stage area, I gotta talk 2 u.

Should I b concerned?

“What to do you want then?” I heard someone whine and I looked up to see Zack dragging his feet down to the stage. “What’s this about?”

“I talked to Alex.” I smiled.


“You and Kayden.” I smiled and he instantly perked up.


“Which relates to the message from him.” I smiled.

“No way.” He smiled.

“Way!” I yelled.

“Fuck yeah!” he yelled and started dancing around and singing. While he was doing that I got my phone out and started recording.

“Now give me a slutty pose!” I shouted and he did so which made me crack up even more.

“So why am I being slutty?” he said in a gay voice.

“Cuz I need more youtube material.” I answered.


“Oh shit.” I said with wide eyes and started running away from him.

“Jayde!” he yelled.

“Zack!” I yelled back and laughed as I heard a crash. I looked back and started laughing my ass off.

Picture this: Zack with his upper half of the body in a trashcan.

“Mean Girls moment!” I laughed as I took another picture.

“I will kill you!!” his voice muffled as he fell over and crawled out. “Come here!” he laughed like a maniac and I screamed from the top of my lungs as I kept running forward.

For a few feet there wasn't any obstacles until..

“Jack you idiot move out of my way!” I yelled and he just stood there with wide eyes about to bite on his snickers. “Move!” I yelled.

“Ummmm...” he said and I groaned. “Hop on!” he yelled and in under a second his back was to me just in time for me to jump on.

“Go, go, go!” I yelled and pointed forward.

“Why are we running?” Jack asked a bit out of breath.

“Because I have something on him that he doesn't wanna see.” I said smirking.

“Yep, you’re definitely a Barakat.” I could hear smile in his voice.

“Fuck yeah!” I laughed.

“So we’re basically racing to show Kayden?” he asked.

“How did you know?” I yelled.

“You’re my sister!” he laughed and I just shook my head and looked forward. “Okay, we gotta find a more private place so Zack won’t find us.” he said and I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

As soon as I saw Kayden I yelled from the top of my lungs.

“Go into the closet room thingy!”

“What?!” she yelled clearly confused and a bit scared.

“Do it or die!” Jack yelled.

“Okay?!” she yelled running through the door and holding it open for Jack and I to run through.

“Lock the door, lock the door!” I yelled and she did so while I jumped off of Jack’s back.

“What the fuck did you two get yourselves into?”

“I lost my snickers!” Jack yelled and I just rolled my eyes and reached into my pocket.

“Get another one later.” I said handing him five dollars.

“Sweet.” He smiled and I just rolled my eyes.

“Jayde.” Kay pressed and I sighed and gave her my phone. “Why do I need your phone?”

“Watch the last video taken and the last picture.” I smiled evilly.

“Oh. My. God!” she said in shock and covered her mouth with her free hand.”Whaa?” she said looking up at me. “What made him act like this?” she asked concerned.

“You’ll know soon enough.” I smiled.

“When?” just as she asked Zack started banging on the door.

“Open the fuck up!” he yelled.

“Now.” I smirked as I grabbed my phone from Kay, grabbed Jack, opened the door, pushed Zack in and ran out dragging Jack with me.

“Open the fuck up!” Zack yelled again.

“Not until you do something!” I laughed then put my ear to the door and listened.

“What are you..?” Jack started and I shushed him as I listened closer.

“Kayden, I..”
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter will be short, but very interesting :)