All Time Trouble

A Successful Disaster

“Jayde, Jayde, Jayde, Jayde!” Jack kept screaming from the other side of the bathroom door. “Hurry the fuck up!” he whined.

“No! I’m a girl, be nice!” I yelled back as I kept straightening my hair.

After I did that I put on my black eyeliner, mascara and hot pink eye shadow. I put on my lip gloss, turned my straightner off and unlocked the door.

“You’re still in your boxers?!” I yelled at my brother and he just shrugged as he pushed past me to go to the bathroom. “Could you at least wait till I close the door?!” I yelled in disgust and ran back to my room.

“Okay, I’m done let’s go to school!” Jack yelled and started jumping on my bed.

“Hold on! I need to get my phone!” I yelled as I started running around the room and basically trashing the place. “Jack go check your room!” I yelled at him and he quickly ran out of the room and across the hallway and I could see him trash his room as well.

“Found it!” he yelled from the top of his lungs and then ran back into my room and handed it to me.

“Thank you!” I said as I hugged him and he just chuckled. “So ready to go?” I asked and he nodded as I jumped on his back and he raced downstairs.

“Jack put your sister down!” mom yelled and we just laughed as we crashed on the couch. “Aren’t you two supposed to be going to school just about now?”

“Shit!” Jack and I yelled as we tried to get untangled from each other and run out the door.

“You know what, I’m giving up with telling you to watch your mouth.” I heard mom mumble as she went back to the kitchen and watch me and Jack race to the front door.

“I can see the bus!” I yelled and Jack started screaming like a girl and race to the bus stop.

Thank god we got to the stop in time because for some reason our bus driver hates us and never waits for us if we’re late by one second. About half an hour later and three more bus stops later we arrived to school. I started walking off of the bus knowing that Jack was right behind me. So I waited a couple of seconds till he jumped on my back and I piggy back carried him into the building.

“So where are we going first? My homeroom or yours?” I asked as I maneuvered through the hallways.

“Yours, and then I’ll meet you after and we’ll go to your first period.” Jack yelled in my ear and I nodded.

“Cool, now get off!” I yelled as I dropped him near my door and he managed to land on his feet. “See ya in a few.” I smiled as he leaned down to give me a hug and then started running to his homeroom before the bell rang.

A couple of minutes of boredom later and a thousands of paperwork later, I got my schedule and before the bell had time to ring I was already out of my seat and out the door. As soon as I saw Jack and he saw me he turned his back to me and I took a running start to jump on his back.

“To fucking History!” I yelled as he started running. “Jack, you idiot, you’re running the wrong way!”

“We’ll you’re steering the wrong way!” he yelled back.

“I’m not steering!”

“We’re out of control!” Both of us yelled at the same time and just laughed at the weird looks people were giving us.

“Look! Turn there!” I yelled and he actually followed my directions and kept running. Just near the turn something came making Jack trip and we both fell down on the ground. “Jack you fucker! Watch where you’re going!”

“You’re the driver!” He yelled back and I just groaned as I checked my left wrist which really started to hurt. Jack saw pained expression on my face and hurried over to my side.

“Jayde, what’s wrong, are you okay?” he started rambling and I just chuckled and rolled my eyes at him.

“Yes, Jackie, I’m fine, what did you trip over anyways?” I asked with a chuckle.

“That would be me.” We heard from somewhere in the hall. Jack helped me up and I grabbed his hand and looked down to see a girl my age as she started getting up on her feet.

“Come on, let’s get you back on your feet.” I said with a sorry smile as I pulled her back up to her feet. “I’m so sorry about that.” I apologized.

“It’s fine.” She said a bit shyly.

“Well, I’m Jayde, and this is my brother Jack, you are?” I said introducing myself and Jack.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Kayden.” She said and I smiled.

“O, I like your name.” I smiled wider and Jack groaned. “What are you still doing here?” I asked and he just rolled his eyes.

“Fine, I guess I’ll go, I’ll see you at lunch.” He said as he gave me a hug and then started running like a maniac and screaming through the halls and Kayden’s jaw dropped in shock. “Welcome to my world.” I said. “So I’m guessing you’re new here.”

“How can you tell?” she asked.

“Well you’re shy, and you’re still shocked at Jack’s behavior.” I laughed.

“Yeah, I convinced my parents to transfer me from private to public school this summer. So now I’m here.” She explained.

“That’s cool, so can I see your schedule really fast?” I asked and she nodded as he handed me a piece of paper. I looked over it and smiled really wide. “All classes together. Sweet.” I smiled wide and started pulling her to my class.

“Where are we going?” she asked laughing.

“History!” I yelled and then laughed as we stumbled into the classroom.

“Hello!” I yelled at the teacher who jumped and shrieked in surprise. By the way, he’s a man. “I’m Jayde Barakat.” I smiled really wide.

“Oh god, not another Barakat.” The teacher mumbled and then turned to face me. “Please just take your seat.”

“But I have to introduce the new student to you.” I pleaded and he just sighed.

“Alright, go ahead.”

“This is Kayden! She was in private school before she came to crash ours.” I smiled and the teacher rolled his eyes.

“Kayden? As in Kayden Gaskarth?” he asked and I looked over to see Kayden nodding. “I have both of your brothers in my homeroom. Unfortunately.” He finished and my jaw dropped.

“Don’t diss her brother!” I yelled.

“I wasn’t! I was dissing yours.”

“Oh, alright, and you can start teaching now, the bell rang like twenty minutes ago.” I smiled as I took my seat in the back of the room and Kayden sat down near me.

“So are all the teachers like that?” she asked.

“Like what?” I asked.

“Well, screaming, and dissing your older brothers?” she laughed and I nodded.

“Well all of the teachers who had my brother anyways.” I laughed and we just talked for the rest of the period.

Then somehow we survived two more periods and it was lunch time *insert evil grin*.

“So are we going to sit with your brother?” Kayden asked as we walked through crowds of people with our lunches.

“Yeah, and our best friends Zack and Rian.” I explained and she looked at me with confusion.

“You and Jack have same best friends?”

“Yeah, surprisingly we all get along.” I smiled and then I smiled even wider when I saw our table. “Come on, I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone.” I said as I linked my arms with hers and practically dragged her to the table. “Hello my beautiful people!” I yelled and Rian, Jack, and Zack all cheered and took their turns hugging me.

“Who’s your friend?” Rian asked motioning to Kayden.

“Oh, this is someone who Jack ran over today in the morning.” I said.

“Hey! You were steering me!” he defended and I just threw a balled up napkin at him.

“Anyway, this is Kayden Gaskarth everyone.” I smiled and everyone waved and yelled their hi’s at her.

“I’m Zack, and this is Rian.” Zack said with a smile and Rian just waved at her.

“Oh, and I also have a friend to introduce to you guys, he’s supposed to be here by now, I’ll be right back.” Jack said and jumped over the table and started running around the cafeteria leaving Kayden with a shocked expression.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.” Rian comforted her and I nodded in agreement.

“I don’t even want to know how he managed to run you over.” Zack said as he shook his head.

“I do, Jayde, talk!” Rian yelled and leaned his chin on his hand paying full attention to me.

“Well as usual, Jack was giving me a piggy back ride to my first period class and he didn’t see where he was running and then we came crashing down and turns out he ran over our new friend over here.” I said with a smile as I hugged her and then suddenly pulled back as my wrist started acting up again and I straddled it.

“Jayde, are you alright?” Rian asked with a worried look and I nodded a yes.

“Let me see it.” Zack insisted as he moved to sit on the other side of Kayden and pulled my wrist into his hand and looked over it. “I think it might be broken, how did you go a whole day with the pain?” he asked shocked and I just shrugged.

“I didn’t wanna worry Jack.” I said simply and then I felt something being thrown at me and I looked up at Rian. “What was that for?”

“You should’ve told someone! Tell Zack or me if you don’t want to tell Jack.” Rian insisted and I just shook my head.

“Don’t tell me what?” I heard from behind me and I just snatched my hand back from Zack’s.

“Nothing.” I said giving pointed looks to Zack and Rian.

“Okay?” Jack said with confusion. “Well anyway, this is my new best friend, Alex.” He announced and our table turned to face them.

“YOU?!” Alex and Kayden yelled at the same time.

“I’m guessing that you two know each other.” I said to ease the tension.

“Yeah, he’s my brother.” Kayden said with a sour expression.

“Yeah.” Alex agreed with the same tone.

“Okay, well I’m Jayde, nice to meet you.” I said extending my left hand without thinking. Just when Alex was to shake it Zack and Rian nearly tackled him.

“No!” they yelled and I just looked at them in confusion.

“Jayde, I’m telling him.” Rian said with a serious tone.

“Well that was rude.” I glared at the two.

“Fine, do it again.” Zack said with a smirk.

Then Alex just laughed and shook my... BROKEN HAND!

“Oww!!” I yelled as I tried to fight the tears.

“I’m so sorry!” Alex said as he looked at me not knowing what to do.

“Jayde, you lied to me! You said you were fine!” Jack said with a disappointed look.

“It was fine in the morning.” I said back and he just shook his head.

“Come on, I’m taking you to the nurse.” He said as he turned his back to me and I just rolled my eyes as I jumped on his back. “Alex, you staying or...?”

“We’re all coming with you guys.” Zack said and Rian nodded as they pushed Alex and Kayden to the exit after Jack and I.

“You know, this is really unnecessary.” I said as I laid my head on Jack’s shoulder.

“For how long were you two together? You’re really close.” Alex asked and all of us but him burst out laughing which sent Jack and I to the ground laughing hysterically. Kayden just stood there shaking her head at her brother. “What?” he asked with a smile.

“They’re siblings, Alex.” Kayden explained with a smile and Alex just glared.

“Well I’m sorry but you two look really close!” Alex yelled and we all just laughed.

“Yeah, because we love each other to death. We’re best friends.” I said as I waited for Jack to pull me off of the ground. After he did we continued our walk.

“Yeah, and they’re surprisingly calm today.” Zack said.

“Well, Jayde is anyway, Jack is just calmer by a smidge.” Rian said and I nodded.

“Well I am the one with a sprained wrist.”

“Broken!” everyone yelled.

“No reason to exaggerate!” I yelled and Rian just shook his head at me.

“So Alex, Kayden, you think you’re going to stick with us?” I asked looking over at the two.

“Well I have all of the classes with you so I don’t have a choice.” Kayden said.

“And I have all of the classes with Jack so I don’t have a choice either.” Alex said.

“That’s the spirit!” I said and then I heard the door open and I looked over to it and saw the nurse waiting out. “No!” I yelled as the nightmare begun.

“Now who’s exaggerating?” Alex said and I just rolled my eyes as everyone followed me into the office.

Well what is there to say? The middle school experience was enough for our teachers to retire and our parents somehow convincing them not to sue our families for Infliction of Emotional Distress. Not to mention all of the broken beakers and desks.... yeah the school wasn’t happy with us, but we were happy with it. We all moved on to high school with a close circle of friends that care about each other. Just like a perfect, crazy maniac family.

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading and subscribing! You made me really happy! But no comments yet? :( Please tell me what you think, it would mean the world to me to see what you have to say.