All Time Trouble

Mystery Of The Missing Cookie

“And our puppy will not eat scraps!” I exclaimed as I walked back to the stage area with the guys. Alex just laughed at me shaking his head. “What?” I questioned. “You got something to say, mister?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Nope, nothing.” He smiled leaning down to kiss me.

“That's what I thought.” I said pulling away.

“You two are sickly sweet.” Rian said with a sour face.

“You’re just jealous.” Alex said and I rolled my eyes. “Just admit it man, you’re jealous.” He smirked.

“Yes, I am so jealous.” Rian answered with an emotionless face which made me laugh.

“Okay, back to the subject.” I said and Alex groaned and stomped his feet. “Oh hush!”

“Will you shut up if I send Rian over there to get dog food?” he asked and Rian instantly groaned and I just nodded. “Done.” Alex said and turned to Rian. “You heard her.”

“She didn't say anything, just nodded!” he yelled.

“Okay then, let me rephrase that.” Alex said and cleared his throat. “You saw her.”

“I will kill you.”

“I love you too Rian.” I smiled.

“Excuse me?” Alex said turning to me.

“Look who’s jealous now.” I hear Rian mumble and before Alex could hit him he started running back to the exit.

“If he doesn't come back with a bag of dog food I swear I’ll”

“Would you stop with the dog food?!” Alex laughed and I frowned at him. “I get it, you love your new puppy, but what about me? I need love too.” he said and I awed. “That’s all get? An aw?”

“Yes.” I smiled.

“Jayde.” He whined swinging our hands back and forth.

“Okay.” I said with a mocking sigh as I got up on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

“On the cheek? Really?”

“Stop whining, you have to play a show and I have to set up a merch booth!” I laughed.

“Well why won’t you kiss me?!”

“I did kiss you.”


“About ten minutes ago.” I said with a nod.

“That was a peck!”

“Whatever!” I said and started walking away from him.

“Wait for me!” he shouted running after me. “Wait, aren’t we supposed to go to the stage, not the merch booth?” he asked.

“No, I’m supposed to go to the merch booth before Kay finds me and kills me and you need to go to the stage before Matt finds you and kills you.” I answered and his eyes widened as he took his phone out of his pocket and checked the time. “You’re late again, aren’t you?” I asked and he nodded slowly.

“Owie, ow, ow!!!” I heard from somewhere behind me and I turned around to see Flyzik dragging Zack by his ear. As soon as he was close enough he shouted.

“There you are you little fucker!” and then he grabbed Alex’s ear as well and started dragging both of them to the stage.

“And I thought I was abusive.” I mumbled slowly turning away from the scene and walking to the already set up merch booth/tent thingy.

“About time you got here!” Kay exclaimed nearly tackling me in a hug. “Did you see what Matt did?” she asked and I nodded with a frown.

“I’m so getting a tranquilizer gun for that boy.” I said shaking my head and Kayden’s eyes widened in fear.

“Hell. No.”

“Why not? Do you like him running around like he’s on crack?!”

“He doesn't run around like he’s on crack.” She objected holding her finger up. “He just runs around after the guys who act like they’re on crack.” She corrected.

“Which makes him act like he’s on crack.” I snapped. “Either way, he needs a vacation.”

“We’ve only been on tour for three weeks.”

“And the poor baby can’t handle the pressure.” I said with a sad sigh.

“Alright, alright.”

“Uh huh.” I smiled.

“So if we make him take a day off, that means we have to do something with the guys so they won’t interfere with our plans.” She said and I tapped my chin as a thought popped into my head. “O god.” She groaned.

“Do you think they’ll fit into Baron’s carry on cage?” I asked seriously and her mouth fell open. “Nah, who am I kidding, those fatsos don't even fit into the van.” I said rolling my eyes and then turned around to start unpacking the box with the t-shirts. After not hearing any word escape Kay’s mouth I turned to look at her still shocked expression. “What?”

“You are still unbelievable.”

“And your point is..?”

“That was my point.”

“O okay.”

“Are you alright?” she asked taking the box out of my hands and setting it on the ground.

“Yeah, why?”

“Because usually you think of a witty comeback to shut me up instead of saying a simple “o okay”. What’s wrong?” she asked.


“Is this about Alex?” she asked and I started shaking my head.

“No, no, I promise, it’s not.”

“Then what is it?” she asked looking really concerned.

“I just realized that soon the tour will be over and then we take our exams and we get our diplomas.”


“And we will fail our exams cuz we don't know shit!” I said throwing the nearest thing I could find at her head. In this case it was one of Baron’s chewed chew toy.

“Ew!” she squealed.


“No, not the chew toy! The tests! The studies! I’m gonna die!” she said shaking my shoulders with each word with a crazed look on her face and that weird thing she does when she widens her eyes. She kind of reminds me of that ghost girl from Ringu. That crazed look, demonic presence. Pretty weird, I know. “Are you even listening to me?!” she yelled and I shook my head out.

“Sorry, what?”

“You were staring into space!” she yelled.

“I said sorry, didn't I?”

“Ugh, you’re impossible.” She sighed letting her arms fall. “But that means we need someone to tutor us right?”

“We can just ask Matt. He’s a smart cookie.”

“But I don't want to study!” she yelled. Again. “And now I want a cookie, you bitch!”

“Well neither do I, and so do I!” I yelled back. “Just text Rian, he’ll pick up some cookies on his way back here.”

“Where is he?”

“He’s getting dog food.” I said and then my eyes widened as I slowly looked at Kay. “I’m sorry! But he is not eating scraps!” I yelled.

“Fine! Fine! But if the guys spill it all over the fucking floor, you’re cleaning it up!” she yelled pointing at me.

“Wait, wait, wait. Why can’t the guys clean it up?”

“Jayde, think of what you just said.” She smiled.

“Ehh, good point.”


“But still, they won’t spill it, I promise. I just want our puppy to be super healthy and then we can train him to attack my enemies.” I said smiling wide.

“Fuck no!”

“Why not?”

“Because knowing you, everyone’s your enemy at one point of your life.” She said rolling her eyes.

“Well not my fault.” I shrugged and she just shook her head.

“Okay, Rian said that he’s gonna get us some cookies.” She said nodding.

“Good, but isn’t he supposed to be on stage, like, now?” I asked.

“He’s dead.” She said simply and I nodded. “Should we warn him?” she asked and I shook my head. “Why not?”

“Because we’re stuck on this tour, I want, and that’s gonna be my entertainment of the day.” I said plopping down on one of the beanbags and putting my feet up on the nearest box.

“You’re so weird today.”

“Yeah, o well.” I smiled.

“But we still have to solve this whole tutor issue.”

“Yeah, we’ll ask Matt, as I said, he’s one hot cookie.” I said rolling my eyes.

“No, you said he was a smart cookie.” She laughed and I furrowed my eyebrows.

“That's what I just said.”

“No, you said that he’s one hot cookie.” She kept laughing.

“Oh, same difference.” I said waving my hand around in a crazy motion.

“Now I know why you need to drink coffee every morning. Your brain is like half on.” Kay said and I glared at her. “And I’m guessing that today the “let’s kill people for fun” part of your brain is on.” She said with a nervous chuckle and I nodded. “Oh shit.”

“Eh, don't worry, the “let’s actually get up and do something” part of the brain is on vacation so I won’t do anything.” I replied and she started laughing.

“You’re too funny without your caffeine.”

“Pfft, tell me something I don't know.” I said confidently and she just shook her head continuing to fold all the t-shirts.

I just took my phone out and called Baron over.

“Who’s a good boy?” I said scratching his head and he just jumped in my lap and laid his head down on my stomach since I was practically laying down.

“Oh, Zack and I tried to train him today.”

“Oh yeah? How did that go?” I asked.

“I lost my giving treats privilege.” She frowned and I started cracking up.


“Apparently being cute is not a trick.” She snapped throwing a shirt down and started mimicking the way Zack talked.

“Well then I know what you can do.” I said with a smirk and Baron jumped off of me after looking at my expression and hid in the nearest box. I still can’t get over his cuteness. How does Zack see through that, I don't know.

“Does it involve any kind of torture?”


“Tell me.”

“Well you don't hug, or kiss him for being cute anymore. Make him work for it.” I said with a shrug.

“That’s the most boring plan I have ever heard from you.”

“My caffeine level is low! Oh and that would explain why I started talking about schoolwork.” I said and then shut my eyes for a second.

“Okay, here’s your damn food!” I let out an oof as something heavy landed on my stomach.

I opened my eyes and looked down to see a giant ass bag of puppy food. Then I looked up to see some shadow. I looked more precisely and realized that it was Rian.

“Thank you.” I whispered not able to talk any louder.

“Uh huh, now I gotta run because Flyzik is fucking pissed!” he yelled flicking me in the forehead.

“Where are our cookies?” Kay nearly growled and Rian yelped. Reaching over to the bag that was still on my stomach to get a plastic bag full of chocolate chip cookies. “Thank you.” she said with a sweet smile which made Rian look at her with a horrified look.

“She’s becoming you!” He whisper yelled at me still looking terrified.

“Not my fault.” I mumbled.

“Oh you know what you did!” he yelled shaking his head with narrowed eyes. Then he jumped over the table messing up every single thing that Kay organized and started running towards the stage.

“That. Fucking. Drummer!!!!” Kay screamed from the top of her lungs. “Jayde, come help me!”

“What?! I can’t hear you! I think one of my ears is bleeding!” I yelled rubbing my right ear making sure there wasn't any blood. Damn she’s got lungs.

“Sorry, but look what that fucktard did!”

“I’m sorry, did you just say what I thought you said?” I said trying not to laugh and instantly got a shirt thrown on my head. Great, more pressure on my body. “Please don't say that ever again. Not unless you’re looking for someone to beat you up with a trashcan lid.”

“Why a trashcan lid?”

“I don't even know.” I said absentmindedly. “Now help me get up.” I said giving up and she just chuckled and pushed the bag off of me. “Thank you.” I smiled.

“That’s it, I’m calling Flyzik to get you some coffee.” She said. “First your simple plans, now trashcan lids. What are we gonna do with you.” she kept on mumbling and I nodded as I waited for her to get her phone out. Instead she cupped her hands around her mouth and got ready to scream.

“No! The guys are about to start playing! He won’t hear you!” I started yelling but it was too late. I just covered my ears and closed my eyes and got ready to see shards of glass flying all over this damn place.

About ten seconds later Kay was prying my hands from my ears.

“I’m done.” She laughed.

“Damn your lungs.” I grumbled.

“Okay, so he’s not getting you coffee but he said that there’s a redbull in the van.”

“I’m not drinking that shit.” I started shaking my head.

“Why not?”

“Cuz I don't wanna sprout wings dammit!”

“Yep, you’re drinking that. Now!” she said widening her eyes at my answer and started dragging me towards the van. Wow, I never knew how pathologically wrong that sounded till I thought of it. And they call me a criminal!

“Why can’t I just eat the cookies?!”

“You will chew on them to hide the taste of redbull!” she yelled.

“That would ruin the cookie taste!” I whined.

“Dude! Just shut up and drink that shit!” she laughed opening the can and handing it to me. I took it and looked down at it with a sour look. “Drink. It.” she said through gritted teeth. I just nodded fast and took a sip.

“It’s better than I remember.” I smiled and continued to drink till there was nothing in a can. “Okay, I’m good.” I smiled and then ran back to the merch booth suddenly feeling too energized.

“Jayde! What are you doing?!” Kay yelled and I just ignored her as I opened the box of cookies. I looked down and narrowed my eyes at the contents. When Kay got to me she looked down at the box and gasped.

“He ate our cookie?!” she exclaimed and I nodded stifling a bit and I saw her bottom lip starting to tremble.

“He will pay.” I said in a deep low voice as I narrowed my eyes and Kay nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter summary-ish: Rian will pay for the stolen cookie!!!!!
Yeah that summary is pretty obvious. Anyway...
I am so so so so sorry for taking this long to update. With the schoolwork piling up and the whole tumblr "Due tomorrow - do tomorrow" rule does not work as well anymore. So we try as hard as we can to update all of the stories, so thank you so much for your patience, we love you for it!!

Thanks to everyone who commented on the previous chapter, we hope to give you back as much love as you keep giving this story:
Hopeless Lullabies;;
(we love your long comments)

And thank you to whoever subscribed or just read the story and waited for the next chapter. You guys mean the world to us and we will never be able to tell you how much we appreciate you!!
