All Time Trouble

Matt Flyzik's Day Off

“Wait, before we start talking about your devious ways to get Rian back for eating one of our cookies, what are we gonna do for Matt? Are we really gonna give him a day off? Cause the next show isn’t for another three days,” I said and Jayde nodded holding her finger up.

“We could either send Matt somewhere and try to keep the guys under control at the hotel or something, or we could leave Matt at the hotel and take the guys somewhere, so he could get some peace and quiet.” Jayde said and I nodded in agreement.

“Yes, that’s a very good idea. Oh my god, we should go to the spa down the street before we leave in a couple days, I heard it was amazing.” I said.

“From wh-”

“My Mom.” I said cutting her off.

“Okay,” she laughed.

“But wait, how could we go to the spa and leave Matt with the guys just before we’re giving him a day off?” Jayde asked and I just stared into space.

“That wouldn’t be fair, making him stress so much more just to get a day of ease the next day.”

“Yeah you’re right,” I said putting my chin on my hand.

“We’ll just have to think of something else,” Jayde said and I nodded. Then I got an idea and sat up straight.

“I know that movement all too well, what did you just think of?” Jayde laughed.

“We could still go the spa, but maybe we could take the boys with us,” I said the second part slowly.

OR,” she said also straightening up.

“We could drop the boys off at the water park, then we can go to the spa!” Jayde said standing up.

“OR OR, we could talk them into taking us to the water park, like saying how the spa is around the corner, and the water park is across the street, and they’ll wanna go to the water park, forcing us to go with them, then as payback, we can force them to go the spa with us!” I said also stand up and Jayde covered her mouth and pretended to sob.

“You ARE turning into me. I’m so fucking proud!” she cried and hugged me and I just laughed patting her back as she continued to fake cry.

“So when should we tell them? Their set should be over soon,” I said looking at my phone because I had forgotten to put my watch on this morning.

“When they come out just start talking about it like we were talking about it the whole time.” Jayde said and I nodded. In about fifteen or twenty minutes the boys finished their set and met up with us at the merch tent as fans had started to line up on the other side of the table and I sat down in one of the chairs.

“I’ll take the first round, alright Kay? And you’ll get the second round?”

“Uh-huh, yeah, whatever.” I sighed closing my eyes and putting my arms behind my head and propping my feet up on a box.

“You’re so lazy,” I heard Alex laugh.

“You’re lazy,” I grunted.

“I am not! I just danced my ass around the stage for almost an hour! What have you done?” he asked then I opened one eye to see Jayde’s reaction to what Alex just said.

“Oh, and why were you dancing Alex? More like, who were you dancing for? Because I definitely know it was not me, because I was out here the entire time,” she said skeptically as she handed a girl a shirt and wristband as she placed her money on the table.

“That’s not what I meant,” Alex started but it was already too late, Jayde was already glaring at him and I just laughed. Then I looked around for the others and started to laugh even more when I saw Matt chasing Jack and Rian back and forth yelling at them for something they did on stage. I looked back to Jayde and Alex and awed when they kissed. They turned to look at me and flipped me off, and I did the same back to them as I closed my eyes again, only to open them when I felt someone kiss my forehead.

“Hia.” I smiled up at Zack as he smiled down at me.

“Hi,” he said with a small laugh pulling a chair over and sitting next to me. I moved around trying to get comfy and maneuvered myself to where I had my head lying on Zack’s lap and he played with my hair loosely.

“Oh Zack, Jayde and I were thinking we’d give Matt the day off tomorrow, considering you guys don’t have another show for a couple days.” I said twirling my necklace in my fingers.

“Oh? Why so?” he said with a little laugh.

“Because you guys are driving him crazy,” I said and he just looked at me.

“We do n-”

“Zack,” I said and he just stopped talking.

“That’s what I thought,” I laughed.”

“Jayde, so what are we gonna do for Matt?” I asked trying to bring up the subject as we had talked about before.

“We’ll probably leave him alone in the room and take the guys out to eat or something,” she shrugged.

“Ooh, we could go to that spa down the street,” I said and she nodded but Zack and Alex snapped their heads in my direction.

“There’s no way we’re going to a fucking spa for the day,” they said at the same time, causing Jayde and I to chuckle.

“You guys could go to the water park across the street then,” I said and they stared at me. Luckily Rian and Jack were in hearing range, so they stopped what they were doing and ran over.

“WE’RE GOING TO A WATER PARK?!” they shouted and then Matt came over.

“I have to deal with them at a water park tomorrow?!” he said and Jayde and I laughed.

“No silly, you’re going to be staying back at the hotel, they’re going to the water park, and Kayden and I will be going to the spa.” Jayde laughed turning around for a brief moment.

“YOU’RE GOING TO LET THEM GO TO A WATER PARK BY THEMSELVES?!” Matt hollered and Jayde and I laughed.

“They know they have 911 on speed dial, and the fire department, and the hospital,-”

“That’s not the point Kayden. I don’t trust them being anywhere without supervision,” Matt said.

“They’ll be fine! Just look- never mind don’t look over there, keep looking over here.” I said and he just rolled his eyes.

“See?” he said and Jayde and I sighed.

“I guess we’re gonna have to go with them Jayde,” I said and the guys threw their hands up and cheered. In the process of doing so since I was still on his lap, Zack hit me in the face.

“UM, OW!” I said holding my face as everyone roared with laughter.

“I’m sorry!” Zack said and quickly kissed my cheek and everyone awed and I just felt my face flush. Within seconds the guys started to cheer again and Jayde and I rolled our eyes, but when they weren’t paying attention Jayde and I looked towards each other and grinned and high fived real quick before they all turned back and started bombarding us with questions about the water park.

“YOU’LL FIND OUT WHEN WE GO TOMORROW!” Jayde shouted over them putting her hands up, only causing them to cheer louder because we just officially confirmed that we’d be taking them to a water park. Jayde turned back to the fans who still needed to buy their things and I turned around and crossed my legs as I laid my head back on Zack’s lap and he continued to play with my hair like he was doing earlier, and I started to fall asleep as he did so. A little bit later, Jayde had finished helping the last couple people in line and then put up the little ‘closed’ sign on the front of the table. She turned around and we all just stared at each other. She pulled out her phone and I thought she was checking the time until I heard a little click and I just glared at her.

“What?! I can’t help it if you two are super adorable,” she laughed and I just picked up a stone and threw it at her knee. She dodged it and I just grunted letting my hand hang off the side of my chair.

“Can we go back a little early? I’m super tired.” I groaned turning my face so my cheek was resting on Zack’s knee.

“Yeah, and you guys got a lot of running around ahead of you tomorrow, SINCE WE’RE GOING TO A WATER PARK!” Jack shouted in my ear and I jumped.


“You have my permission.” She laughed and I nodded.

“Thank you,” I said before reaching up to smack her brother across the face.


“YOU HOLLERED IN MY EAR! YOU’RE NOT GONNA GO UNPUNISHED FOR THAT.” I said poking his face in different spots and he just stood there.

“Can we just go back to the hotel now? I don’t want to be publically humiliated like this for much longer,” he said completely serious as I continued to poke around his face and the others laughed.

“Yeah, let’s pack everything up and go,” Jayde said as her and the others started to re-fold everything and place them back into their totes and boxes and take them to the van, while I just sat and watched everyone go back and forth.

“Not gonna help?” Rian asked as he passed me with a box in his hands. I looked up from my phone and smiled as I shook my head.

“Alright then,” he said and walked away. I glared after him knowing he was going to do something, but I just ignored it and leaned back and closed my eyes again.

“Come on Kayden, we’re leaving!” I heard Jayde yell at me. I opened my eyes and jumped a bit, realizing I was surrounded by empty tables and the chair I was sitting in was the only one left, everything else was packed up. I rubbed my eyes and folded my chair as I got up. I walked over to the van and opened the back door, tossing my chair in, climbing in and pulling the doors shut behind me.

“Is everyone in? We don’t have to do roll call do we? Cause I have a clipboard here with everyone’s names on it, and I’ll do roll call if I have to,” Matt said turning around from the passenger seat and I laughed.

“No, I can tell everyone’s here, I can barely hear what you just said,” I spoke loudly to attempt to speak over the boys.

“Alrighty, let’s go then!” Jayde said turning the key and we drove away from the venue and back to the hotel.

“You know, now that we have Baron, we might have to re-map our whole route to make sure we can find animal-friendly hotels not too far away from the venue if some hotels aren’t animal-friendly already,” I said lying on my stomach as I played with Baron.

“Ugh, you’re right... Fuck!” Matt said throwing his head back and Jayde and I frowned at him being so frustrated. I thought real quick before sending Jayde a message.

“Who the fuck-? KAYDEN, WHY ARE YOU TEXTING ME? I’M DRIVING.” She said looking at her phone when we reached a red light.

“I texted you because I thought of something that I can’t say aloud, but you don’t have to read it now, just read it when we get back to the hotel.” I said and she nodded as she looked at me in the rear view and I just smiled and waved, causing her to roll her eyes. I rolled over onto my back pulling Baron onto my stomach and I kissed his head and he pushed his nose to mine.

“AWWWWWWWWWWW!” Jayde and I said at the same time.

“You saw?” I asked and she nodded as we both laughed.

“What the fuck are you two screeching about during these late night hours?” Alex mumbled lifting his head from under the pillow he had on it and his hair was all messed up.

“Baron was just being cute, as usual. And it’s not that late Alex, it’s only about ten-thirty,” I said rolling my eyes before quickly Baron’s nose and he licked my forehead, causing Jayde and I to awe again, which lead the boys to roll their eyes and shake their heads.

“I think I’m gonna take a nap, we’ve got a sorta long drive ahead of us to get back to the hotel.” I said turning over putting Baron next to me as I kept my arm around him.

“Kayden, are you sure you don’t have narcolepsy or something? You’re always falling asleep and getting tired,” Rian said looking at me and I shrugged.

“I probably do, but I’ve never really thought about it.” I said and he nodded.

“Okay.” He said and that’s the last thing I heard before I fell asleep. And just like always soon after I fall asleep, I was being woken up.

“Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!”

“I will if you stop jumping on the fucking mattress!” I laughed as I was being tossed in different directions as Jayde flopped all over. She laughed and pulled me up and we got out of the van.

“Are the others already in the room?” I asked and she nodded.

“Mmkay.” I said rubbing my face.

“Oh did you ever read my text?” I asked as we walked through the lobby and she shook her head and then she pulled out her phone, and proceeded to read my message aloud.

‘How about instead of tricking the boys into going to the spa, we take them to the water park, and take Matt to the spa? Considering he needs it much more than the guys, and they’ll just eat the guacamole facial and cucumbers.’ and when she finished reading she laughed.

“Okay, sounds like a plan.”

“So we’re probably gonna get bags ready tonight, and leave around eight tomorrow morning?” I asked and she nodded.

“Wait, don’t you think Matt would want to go to the water park with us?” she asked as we reached the hotel room and I shrugged.

“Let’s find out.” I said taking my key card from Jayde and unlocking the door.

“Matthew! Front and center!” I yelled as Jayde shut the door and Matt skidded to a halt in front of me.


“Would you like to go to the water park with us and the guys tomorrow?” I asked.

“Are we going to Disney?”

“Matt, we’re still in Maryland, there’s no way we’re anywhere near Florida yet,” I laughed.

“Then no.” he said turning around but I stopped him.

“Wait.” I said and he looked at me.


“How would you like to go to the spa with us tomorrow after we take the boys to the water park? You could really use the relaxation, and you should do it while spending a little time with us,” Jayde said standing on my right.

“... You’re not gonna tell anyone about it are you?” Matt asked hesitantly.

“Of course not.” We both giggled.

“Alrighty then, I’m in.” he said quickly and ran off to go back to whatever he was doing and I laughed again.

“Well there’s the answer to your previous question Jayde, and we also got a yes out of Matt for his spa day.” I said going over and sitting on the couch and she went to the fridge.

“Hey Jayde?”

“Huh?” she asked turning around with half of her sandwich hanging out of her mouth.

“How classy, but anyway. Can you call everyone out here so we can talk about tomorrow? But leave Matt be, since we’re not going to Disney World,” I said covering my mouth as I laughed at remembering Matt and I’s mini conversation less than a minute ago.

“BOYS IN THE LIVING ROOM NOW! SO WE CAN TALK ABOUT TOMORROW!” Jayde hollered and as she sat down next to me the boys collapsed around us staring up at us, waiting for us to talk.

“Alright, here’s what we’re gonna do. The six of us are going to the water park tomorrow. Matt is gonna stay here cause it’s not Disney World,” I said and the guys also laughed.

“Then when we come back, Kayden and I are gonna take Matt out for a bit just to get his own time with us, since you guys hog the shit out of us,” Jayde said cutting me off and I laughed at how right she was. The guys glared but nodded waiting for us to continue.

“So, we’re going to pack bags tonight. A change of clothes, towels, another pair of shoes or something if you want, Jayde and I will be holding money at all times and will most likely be the ones in charge of buying food and snacks, we will hold all cell phones and ipods, and we’ll most likely have sprays and shower things if you wanna get a quick shower in those locker rooms before we leave, and I can tell by the looks on your faces you think I forgot something but I didn’t, we’re going to be bringing sun block,” I said counting off my fingers and they all groaned and threw their heads back.

“YOU SUCK!” Alex shouted and I stared at him.

“Well, if any of you have a problem with any of these rules you are more than welcome to stay behind,” I said and within seconds Alex clung to my legs.

“I love you, I’m sorry for everything I’ve ever done, please don’t leave me behind!” he said and I laughed patting his head.

“It’s okay, you can come.” I said and he cheered going back to his spot next to Jack.

“Okay, so are we all clear? Go pack your things and put them by the door tomorrow.” Jayde said and they all nodded as they headed off to their room.

“Well I think I’m gonna go to bed now, because if I don’t I’m pretty sure I won’t even make it to the room.” I said and Jayde laughed at me as she got up to feed Baron.

“Alright. I’ll get you up though, and we can both get the boys up, considering they probably won’t even be ready.” Jayde said petting Baron’s head as he ate from his little bowl.

“True.” I laughed and hugged her.

“Nighty night.”

“Nighty night.” She laughed then I got down on all fours and looked at Baron.

“Goodnight little Baron,” I said in a baby voice when he looked up from his food bowl and licked my nose in response and Jayde and I awed as I got up from the floor.

“GOODNIGHT ALL!” I shouted as I passed the boys’ room.

“GOODNIGHT KAYDEN.” They shouted back and continued to do whatever they were doing. I went into mine and Jayde’s room and didn’t even bother changing, I just kicked off my shoes, unhooked my necklace and laid it on the side table as I collapsed on the one bed and fell asleep.


When morning rolled around and we went to get the guys up, it turns out that Jayde and I were right, we were the only ones ready to go out of the six of us by the time we got up. We rushed them to get ready but knew they’d fuck around the moment we had our backs turned. Jayde and I made sure we had everything and were getting all the small and extra just-in-case kind of things, like a first aid kit, knowing how Jack and Alex can get, but mainly Jack.

“Come on guys, let’s go!” I shouted as I tied my hair in a ponytail and threw a lot of extra hair ties on my wrist.

“We’re coming! Calm the fuck down!” Jack yelled as he and Alex stood in the bathroom, and Rian and Zack were still in their room packing.

“Why are you guys even going through the trouble of straightening your hair when we’re going to a fucking water park," Jayde said and they shrugged.

“We still wanna look good you know,” they said and Jayde and I rolled our eyes at our brothers as we walked back to the living room, and waited fifteen minutes for the boys to join us.

“Finally! And thank god you two decided to keep your hair short, I really couldn't handle it if I had four boys straightening their hair!” Jayde said ruffling Zack and Rian’s hair and they just rolled their eyes in response.

“Come on let’s go! WE’LL SEE YOU LATER MATTHEW!” Jayde hollered as she handed everyone their bags.

“WAIT!!!” he hollered running out of his room and hugged Jayde and I at the same time and awed thinking he was just being cute.

“Just in case you two don’t make it back alive, I just want you guys to know I’ve always loved you like the little sisters I never had.” he said and laughed as we hit him on the head.

“Shut up, we’ll be just fine,” I laughed and he nodded.

“To the van!” Jack hollered thrusting his fist into the air. When he didn’t get the reaction he wanted he just looked around.

“Wow, tough crowd,” he said and we laughed and started to head for the door.

“Oh Matt, don’t forget to feed Baron while we’re out! The schedule is on the little fridge,” Jayde pointed and he nodded.

“Got it,” he said picking Baron up and started making faces. The guys snorted and Jayde and I awed.

“And remember, be ready when we get back. You’ll have some time to kill cause once we do get back though, cause Jayde will probably get the first shower, then I will, so don’t fuck around while we’re gone.” I said and he nodded.

“Alrighty. Bye guys!” he said waving then picked up one of Baron’s paws and made him wave goodbye, and he just licked Matt’s cheek.

“Really Matt? We’re trying to leave here, if you keep pulling all this cutesy shit we’ll never be able to go! So goodbye now!” Alex said pushing Jayde and I out of the room as everyone laughed.

“So, who’s driving?” I asked as we walked down the hall to the elevator. Everyone looked around and stared.

“NOSE GOES!” We all shouted and raised our hands to touch our noses.

“HA! RIAN YOU LOSE! YOU’RE DRIVING!” Jack shouted poking him all over. Rian huffed and snatched the keys from Jayde’s hand as we continued to walk towards the elevator. It was a pretty quiet ride down to the lobby. We weren’t even out of the hotel yet before Jack started hollering.

“I CALL SHOTGUN, I CALL SHOTGUN, I CALL SHOTGUN! HURRY UP AND GO UNLOCK THE VAN RIAN, CAUSE I CALL SHOTGUN.” He shouted over and over bouncing up and down. We got some nasty looks from the receptionists as if they were to say ‘can you shut him the fuck up please? Thank you.’ I just put my hand over my mouth and laughed.

I put my other hand over my mouth trying not to laugh in the receptionists faces as Jack chased Rian around, but they continued to glare at us.

“Guys let’s just go before we get kicked out,” Jayde spoke for me as she held Alex’s hand and pulled him forward with Jack and Rian following him, leaving Zack and I to be the last to follow. He swung our hands back and forth really high and I just giggled.

“WILL YOU TWO HURRY THE FUCK UP?! I WANNA GO!!” Jack shouted as he stuck his head out the back of the van. Then Zack casually looked around before speaking.

“Kayden, I think we should walk slower. What do you think?” he asked turning to me and I just laughed.

“NO, YOU’RE NOT FUCKING DOING THIS TODAY!” Jack hollered and hopped out of the van and ran over and pushed us to the van and Zack and I just laughed.

“Okay, now that we’re ALL here,” Alex said glaring at us from the rear view mirror on the passenger side and Zack and I just smiled.

“Let’s get going!!” Jayde, Jack and Alex all yelled at the same time as Rian left the parking spot we were in. We did nothing but yell, scream and blast music the whole way down.

“I’m surprised we haven’t gotten pulled over yet,” Rian laughed nervously as the mayhem continued in. I don’t remember what time it was when we left, but it was about nine thirty when we got there.

“Make sure you have everything because we’re not coming back out here to get anything.” I said.

“Oh shit, hold on.” Jack said and then looked down his pants.

“Okay, I’m good.” he said very seriously and we all started laughing, but Jayde and I were probably laughing the hardest.

“I gotta stop making jokes like that, I’m gonna end up killing you two,” he said shaking his head.

“Yeah you do. Plus if you kill them, who’s gonna protect us when Matt’s trying to cut all our heads off?" Rian said and Jayde and I snickered at how true it was.

“Well come on, the lines aren’t getting any shorter, and we still have to get tickets or wristbands, or whatever the fuck it is that they sell here.” Jayde said holding her hand out and Alex soon took it and interlaced their fingers and they were the first to walk. Jack put his arm around Rian’s waist and started to walk, triggering another small outburst from me and Zack just laughed and put his arm around my shoulders and we were behind everyone else again. We waited for about fifteen minutes and when we were next in line to get the admission wristbands, Rian, Alex and Jack were jumping up and down. We got inside the gates and they started bitching and moaning to get theirs.

“Alright, if you’re gonna act like little kids we’re gonna treat you like little kids. So hold out your wrists.” Jayde ordered after hearing them freak out for long enough.

“Wait, why doesn’t Zack have to get his put on?” Jack whined.

“Because I’m not acting like a baby,” he laughed and Jack’s voice went up like three octaves.

“BUT-” he started but was cut off by Jayde.

“God dammit, Kayden please put Zack’s wristband on before I slit these three’s throats,”

“Alright,” I laughed taking Zack’s wristband from his hand and wrapped it around his wrist.

“You don’t seem as excited as the others Zack,” I said taking off the plastic cover off the sticky part and overlapped it on the other side of the wristband so it would stay on.

“You don’t seem as excited as the others Zack,” I said taking off the plastic cover off the sticky part and overlapped it on the other side of the wristband so it would stay on.

“I am, I’m just able to act my age is all.” he said and I laughed.

“Yeah. I’m even surprised Rian’s acting like this, he’s usually up there with you on the maturity scale.” I said with a small chuckle and Zack nodded with a laugh.

“Yeah that’s true. Here, let me help.” Zack laughed at me as I struggled to get my wristband on. He took it from me and put it on correctly.

“I could’ve done it,” I said and he just stared at me.

“What’s that look for?” I laughed.

“Come on Kayden, if you were to get that on yourself the park would be closed by now,” he laughed.

“Shut up,” I said shoving him but he still laughed.

“Aww how cute. You guys are so cute. But right now, I DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT CUTE, I WANNA GO ON SOME WATER RIDES! SO STOP BEING CUTE, AND LET’S GO!” I looked up at my brother and playfully hit him across the face.

“Shut up,” I laughed and he just licked my forehead.

“Ew what the fuck?!” I laughed wiping off my head with the back of my hand.

“I don’t know, but let’s go.” he laughed leading the group to the first ride. Zack grabbed my hand and we walked with everyone to the first ride.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright so here's what Devon (iamAmerrickan.) wanted me to tell you since I'm the one who posts all of the chpaters: 'hey guys, sorry for such the long wait! you know school and stuff can be really time consuming. this chapter is kinda long, so i hope it was worth the wait, tell us whatcha think!(:'

Now here's what I have to say:
Hello everyone! Sorry so much for the wait! I had to wait along with you and I literally JUST got a hold of the chapter because for the past three or four days Devon couldn't decide whether to write more or not because we were debating where she should end her chapter and I guess this is where she ended it and I will be writing "Part 2" of Matt's day off which will take place at the spa. I'll try to finish it as soon as I can but I have work tomorrow and I still have to write an essay for History. But I'll try to write as soon as I can and it should be going faster because I do have an idea in mind ;)

Thank you to
nniikkii18 (your wish is our command :D)
Jacklyn Barakat
for commenting!!! We love reading what you have to say so keep em comming! Also thank you so much to everyone who subscribed and to every silent reader! We still love you! :)