All Time Trouble


“Jayde, let’s go!!” I screamed from the top of my lungs even though I’m not supposed to do that because I just might lose my voice, as I tugged on her arm but she wouldn't even move from her spot. “Jayde!” I whined and she turned to me with a confused expression.

“What’d you say?” she asked and I rolled my eyes as I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. “Alexander William Gaskarth! Put me the fuck down!” she squealed as I started running towards the pool. I just laughed as she kept repeatedly pounding on my back and clawing at it.

“Okay, no reason to be kinky, we are in a public place, babe.” I joked but apparently that set her off cuz she bit my shoulder. “Ow! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT BEING KINKY IN A FUCKING PUBLIC PLACE?!” I screamed louder and laughed at the strange and disapproving looks I got from all of the passing pretty people. I love my life.

“Alex put me down, please.” Jayde pleaded and I sighed.

“See, you should’ve said that before you became aggressive.” I said calmly. “Now I’m going to put you down and promise you won’t be mad at me, alright?” I asked with each step that I was taking.

“Alright, I promise.” She finally answered as I was standing at the edge of the pool.

“Good.” I smirked as I was just about to throw her in then I heard my sister yell.

“Alex, throw her in the pool and you die!” Kayden yelled pointing at me as she walked hand in hand with Zack. That simple glance at their intertwined hands made want to displease her so much more. But then I would have to deal with my girlfriend’s wrath and that is never fun. So with hesitation I put Jayde on the ground and turned to her with a sorry smile.

“You promised not to be mad.” I said and she just smiled back as she placed her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in a kiss. I smiled as she started running her fingers through my hair and “OW!” I shouted holding the back of my head that will probably bruise. “What was that for?”

“What are you talking about?” she smiled innocently at me.

“You hit me upside the head!” I exclaimed pointing to her hand.

“Muscle spasm.” She said with a shrug, then took my hand and started leading me to the section of lounge chairs for us to settle in.

“Okay, so guys, we’re gonna settle in, while you can go- never mind.” Kayden started to say and Rian and Jack were off running and hollering through the water park like two crazy monkeys.

“I thought that Rian was the quiet, subtle one.” Jayde said scrunching her eyebrows in confusion.

“Apparently not.” Kayden chuckled and I nodded as I plopped my body into one of the chairs and closing my eyes. Instantly it became really quiet. I opened my eyes and jumped in surprise as Jayde, Kayden, and Zack were all standing over me.

“What?” I asked.

“Water slide time!” Kayden squealed and tugged on Zack’s hand as she started dragging me to god knows where.

That feeling came back again as I tried to ignore it but just couldn't.

“Babe? You okay?” Jayde asked taking one of my hands in hers as she sat down next to me. I looked at her and saw how concerned she is.

“Yeah, why?” I asked trying to play it off cool.

“Because your knuckles are white.” She said lifting my fist up and I loosened it instantly. I didn't even realize it. “What’s on your mind?” she asked softly and I just shrugged.

“I don't really wanna talk about it.” I muttered under my breath and she just nodded getting up. “Jayde, no don't leave, I didn't mean to-”

“I’m just going to get Jack.” She laughed. “I think you need him now more than you need me. If you don't want to talk to me right now, I understand, but you can talk to him about whatever you need to, okay?” she asked and I nodded with a smile. God how much I loved that girl.

“Thank you.” I let out in barely a whisper as she nodded and leaned down for a quick kiss and started walking away. Now I just need to think of what to tell Jack because as crazy as he is, he’s gonna know that something’s not right, I can’t fool him, and he knows it too damn well.

I started looking around to maybe find something to distract myself from my thoughts. Not sure how that’s possibly but I being me I can try. I didn't see Jack anywhere near me so I just thought of what I’m going to talk to him about and how I’m gonna explain my feelings towards my sister going out with one of my best friends. It’s not that I’m against it, not at all. I’m just afraid that one of them might get hurt and I don't want that happening. Ever. She’s my baby sister, I have a duty of protecting her honor and I just...

“Hey man, what’s going on?” I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Jack already seated on the lounge chair next to mine. Not to mention he was soaking wet and started shaking his hair out in my direction with his obnoxious laugh. I just glared at him and grabbed a towel from Jayde’s bag.

“I hate you.” I stated never really meaning those words.

“I know.” he laughed and the next second all of the traces of happiness on his face were gone. “What’s going on man?” he repeated his question and I just shrugged. “Come on, you’re never, and I do mean never, this upset. What happened? Did you and Jay get in a fight?” he asked already jumping to his usual wrong conclusions.

“No, it’s just about Kayden.” I confessed and he furrowed his bushy eyebrows in deep thought. Or at least I thought.

“Did she yell at you for getting involved in her personal life?” he asked and I just blinked. So he does listen. “Tell anyone that I can in fact make sense and I will cut you.” he finished his statement and I just nodded still a bit shocked.

“No, she doesn't know about it at all.” I admitted. “I’m just concerned that her or Zack are gonna get hurt, she’s my sister and I have to protect her from everyone and I just feel like I’m failing my responsibilities you know?” I asked. “Actually, never mind, you probably don't understand.”

“Yeah.” he agreed. “It’s not like I have a younger sister who’s dating my best friend.” Stupid hidden sarcastic philosopher.

“Shut up, it’s not the same.”

“How is it not the same? In my case it’s probably worse cuz you and I are really close, we’re like brothers and it hurts so much to see you be as protective of her as I should’ve been this whole time!” he tried to keep calm but with each word he spoke his volume grew and he was nearly shouting.

“Look, I get it, stop yelling.”

“Well I’m not gonna cuz you’re not the only one with that problem. I have to trust you with my sister’s heart. And she was heartbroken so many times that I’m afraid that if you fuck something up it will kill her. And I’m not going to be able to live with that burden. How am I going to look her in the eyes if I fail to protect her from falling?” he tried to tone down but I could see that it was difficult for him. For the first time he was actually pouring his heart out to someone besides Jayde.

“I’m sorry, maybe I am overreacting. You know how it feels though. And every single time I see those two together I just get so mad and I just want to yell at Zack to get the fuck out and tell Kayden to go to her room, but I can’t do that. She’s not fifteen anymore and I can’t control her.” I didn't know how else to explain myself. That was all I needed to say and I hope that Jack understood.

“You’ll get used to the fact that Kayden has someone to stand up for her like you can’t, just like Jay has you to stand up for her. Just calm down and enjoy your life. Life is beautiful.”

“Since when did you become a hippie?” I laughed and he took his flip flop off and threw it at my head.

“Yep, you’re back, which means that I can now run to the water slide!” he yelled and started racing to wherever the hell he came from.

He distracted me a bit but not completely. All I have to do is trust Zack not just with my friendship, but also with my sister’s heart. That shouldn't be that difficult. Right?
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is dedicated to nniikkii18 for giving us an awesome idea for this chapter, hopefully you like the way it turned out

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for being so patient and waiting for this chapter. Sorry it's so short, but it's just a part of what I have to write, there will be another chapter called. Matt Flyzik's Day Off Part Deux which will be pretty exiting and pretty torturious for the guys *insert evil grin* not really, but it will be pretty funny and hopefully you'll enjoy it.

Again, thank you to nniikkii18 and RebeccaRiot! for commenting on the last chapter!!! Also thank you to all the silent readers and to all of the silent subscribers :D You people are all loved!!!!!

Random question time!!!!

1) Do you guys think that this is the last time Alex is going to be upset over the subject of his little sister dating one of his best friends?
2) How do you think Kayden would react when she finds out that Alex feels this way about her relationship with Zack?

Thank you for dealing with our randomness in this authors note!!!! ☺☺☺

P.S. *whispers* don't forget to comment and subscribe :)