All Time Trouble

I Blame You

“Okay now that you two drama queens back where do you wanna go?” I asked as Alex and Kayden joined our little “gang.”

“I wanna go to the slide.” Alex said at the same time as Jack said “I wanna go to the bouncy house.” We all knew it was trouble as those two started bickering and thank god they started walking away.

Then I turned to Kay to ask where she wanted to go but she was quicker than I was and started talking. Well nagging.

“Are you sure you don't know what they were talking about?” Kayden questioned me for about...nineteenth time since Jack and Alex sat down and we watched them.

“No, I lied, they were talking about unicorns.” I replied with a bored tone.

“Hey, no reason to be a bitch about it, just tell me what they’re talking about!” she whined and I was just about ready to tear my hair out. She’s my best friend at all but she does not listen! So I decided to do the most rational thing at the moment and shook her by her shoulders while screaming at her face.

“I don't know what they are talking about! That’s why I’m here and not there! Hence I do not know what they are talking about! So stop questioning me woman!!!”

“I think Alex is a bad influence on you.” Was all she said before casually shrugging out of my grip. “Just sayin.”

“I will murder you in your sleep.” I said.

“Why are you so grouchy?” Rian asked popping up out of nowhere. Again.

“She’s mad that I kept asking her what Alex and Jack were talking about.” Kayden said and I nodded.

“Well you could’ve just asked me. I eavesdropped.” Rian replied with a proud smirk and I just slapped my forehead feeling sorry for what is about to happen.

“TELL ME WOMAN!” Kayden yelled at him and I just blinked a couple of times, shook my head, tried to cover my face from all of the passing people who saw her little outburst and of course tried not to laugh at Rian’s reaction.

“ you just call me a woman?” was all he asked. “I mean...a woman? I don't know why but for now I’m just gonna blame you Jayde.”

“Whaa??” I squealed. “I’m done with you women!” I continued squealing and nearly started running away from them. Wait. A problem. I have no idea where half of the group is and I have no idea where I should go. God dammit.

“Hey! You should go on the slide with us!”

“Yeah it’s fun!”

I turned around to look at completely soaked Alex and Jack. The cause of everything today.

“You two are dead.”

“Jack you idiot, what did you do now?” Alex whined.

“Why me? I thought you did something!” Jack answered back.

“It’s both of you! No one knows what you two talked about and Kayden is freaking out over it and is now interrogating Rian cuz supposedly he eavesdropped.” I explained and their eyes widened. “What did you two idiots talk about?” I asked crossing my arms across my chest. “Answer me. Now.”

“It’s personal and Rian really shouldn’t flap his gums and talk to Kay about it. Not now, not ever!” Alex said starting to get more and more anxious. Now I’m curious. I looked at them through narrowed eyes trying to figure them out but after having a couple of minutes of no luck I just let it slide. For now.

“You have to tell me what you two talked about.” I concluded.

“Ah-ah-ah!” Alex said shaking his head. “You brought Jack to me, you basically told me to talk to him, and..and we have a guy code..”

“What?” Jack almost started laughing till Alex nudged him in the ribs and then he became all serious and made his voice deeper. “I know..guy code..” he said looking hesitantly from side to side.

“Okay, now can we go and interrogate Rian on what he knows and make him swear he won’t say anything to anyone?” Alex asked and I just rolled my eyes.

“What was so important about your “talk” anyway?” I asked.

“It was just very private, and some things should be kept away from you girls.” Alex said overexaggerating of course.

“Bleh!” was the smartest and most rational comeback I could think of at the moment. Then I ran over to Kayden, grabbed her arm and started dragging her away to get me a drank.

“Where are we going?! I wanted to question the woman!” she yelled and started resisting my grip.

“We live with that woman now come with me woman!” I yelled then we both stopped and stared at one another.

“We have got to stop saying woman...” she said and I nodded really slowly. “But where are we going?” she asked.

“I’m thirsty I wanna get a sprite.” I answered and she started rolling her eyes at me. “What did I do now?”

“You and your damn sprite.” She mumbled and I just shook my head and continued to drag her to the vending machine. After I got a drink we just sat down on the bench and started looking for the boys.

“We’re stupid.” I concluded after not finding anyone.

“No, you are.” She argued and I nonchalantly punched her shoulder. “Not to mention abusive.” She whined.

“Seriously. Where the hell are the guys!” I screamed and half the people around us turned to look at me. “For real! I called those damn strippers two hours ago and they still didn't show up! What the hell is wrong with this town?!” I continued screaming and half of the jaws dropped around us.

“I don't know her!” Kayden yelled sliding away from me and sitting on the other end of the bench and covering her face.

“Oh stop fussing and lets go look for the guys!” I said rolling my eyes at her. I threw my empty can of sprite out and then waited for Kay to become okay to being seen in a public with me. Which took about ten minutes. Just saying.

We walked back to where Kay and I were spying on Alex and Jack talk but we didn't see anyone. Then we went to the slide and found everyone idiot brother Jack.

“Where the hell is that delinquent?” I questioned putting my arms on my hips and tapping my foot while having my eyebrows raised.

“Oh shit she looks like she’s ready to kill.” Alex said quietly hoping I wouldn't hear it.

“Do I need to repeat myself?” I asked still angry because I am more than one hundred percent positive that they lost him. Or purposely left him behind.

“We lost him..” Rian said looking down.

Option two it is.

“Where is he?”

“It’s okay! He loves it there!” Zack defended himself and the rest of the guys.

“Guys don't mess with her. I don't know about you but I don't want to get publicly humiliated again.” Kayden said really fast and I just smirked and laughed a bit.

“But that was so much fun!” I said.

“What did you do?” Alex asked smiling like a fool.

“None of your business.” I said matching his expression and he just glared back.

“No fair.”

“None of your business.” I responded and he just huffed and folded his arms on his chest.

“You really don't wanna know.” Kayden said. “Well, you and Jack would love the story, but the rest might just get scarred even more.” She added.

“Enough of that shit! Where did you guys leave him?!” I yelled staring at them. They just sighed and started leading the way.

“You didn't.” Kayden said not believing what she saw.

“But we did.” Zack said smiling wide.

“A ball pit?! Really?!” I screamed. “You guys are real assholes! How come he’s the only one who gets to go?!” I started whining and hitting everything and everyone who was close to me.


“Damn girl!” Zack screamed as I continued to punch his stomach. Then he just started laughing. “That tickles.”

“You ass!”

“Jayde calm your ass down.” Kayden said and started laughing. “You’re turning into Jack.”

“And I don't wanna date Jack.” Alex said then looked really deep in thought. “Or do I?” he joked.

“That's disgusting.” I said with a sour face.

“I’m kidding.” Alex laughed and came over to hug me. I just smiled and hugged him around his waist.

“But you’re still going to the ball pit with me right?” I asked looking up at him. He just smiled and nodded. “Yay!” I said and reached on my tippy toes to kiss him.

“You guys always have to ruin the mood don't you?” Rian said frowning.

“THAT’S IT YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN HERE EVER AGAIN!” we heard someone yell and we all turned to the ball pit to see Jack getting thrown out of it. But he didn't care he was just laughing like a madman. Then he started running over to us.

“That was fucking awesome!” Jack yelled excitedly.

“Oh shit.” Rian mumbled and we all turned to him with questionable look. “The security guy’s coming over.”

“Alright kids I got enough complaints about all of you today, so come on grab your stuff and I’m going to escort you out of the park immediately.”

“I blame you!” everyone yelled at once pointing in different directions.

I pointed at Jack, Jack pointed at Alex and I, Alex pointed at the guard and kept giggling. Kayden pointed at me with both hands. Zack and Rian pointed at Alex and Jack.

Then we gave up after the guard refused to let us stay, got our shit and got out.

“We never really got an answer to who people complained about.” Rian said with furrowed eyebrows. “So not fair.”

“I know! And I didn't even get to go into the ball pit!” I screamed and folded my arms on my chest.

“Oh hush.” Kayden said to me and I just narrowed my eyes at her. “Look at it this way. Now that we’re out of the park we can go get pampered earlier with Flyzik.” She said smiling at me.

“Okay.” I grinned. “NOW LETS GO YOU SLOW POKES I WANNA GOT GET A FREAKING MASSAGE!” I yelled and started running towards the van so that we can get back to the hotel and exchange the guys for Flyzik.

I waited impatiently till everyone got back to the van and thankfully not soon enough we were on our way back to the hotel. Can’t. Fucking. Wait. For our trip to the spa.
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As we promised, here's another chapter, hopefully you liked it :)

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