All Time Trouble

Ditching Senior Year

“Guys, we're all for coming on tour with you, but we just can't! It's physically impossible!” I said throwing my arms in the air a bit as Alex, Jack, Zack and Rian had Jayde and I sitting at the table.

“Yeah, I'm all for ditching class and stuff, but I'm gonna have to side with Kayden here, we CAN'T miss senior year, we won't be able to graduate!” Jayde said putting her hands up too.

“But this is our big break, guys! We need you there! All the parents are okay with it! Why can't you guys be okay with it too?” Alex asked and I stared at him.

“Alex,-“ I started but Jayde took over.

“We ARE okay with it, we WANNA be there for you guys, but we just CAN'T be! We NEED to finish high school!”

“Exactly! We need to get our high school diploma at the least, if we want to get any sort of job if we don't go to college,” I said and Jayde nodded.

“Cause I highly doubt we'll get anywhere in life if we're just mooching off of you guys for the rest of our lives if you guys make it big.” Jayde said and I nodded.

“Plus, I don't wanna miss prom. If I begged Mom and Dad this much to transfer me to a public school, I at least wanna see the day I get to go to my own fucking prom!!!” I said. Rian and Jack stifled a laugh and Alex just rolled his eyes. But Zack just sat still.

“My prom was boring as fuck. Trust me, you don't wanna go. It was the worst night of my life.” Alex rolling his eyes again and Jack and Rian agreed but again, Zack stayed quiet. I'll have to ask him later what's bothering him. He's never this quiet. Yes he's quiet, but never THIS quiet. I got so caught up in my thoughts I almost forgot to respond to what Alex said.

“Just because you're still pissy because you couldn't get LAID on your prom night doesn't mean ALL proms are horrible.” I retorted and everyone started to laugh. Jayde stared at me for a really long moment before chuckling a bit.

“That was good Kay, that was a good one.” Rian said holding his hand halfway across the table. I met him the rest of the way and high fived, but Alex pushed our hands back.

“That’s not the point!” he said and we started laughing again.

“Shut the fuck up, we're trying to be serious right now! The four of us really wanna make this dream a reality, but you're cracking sex jokes and you're laughing,” he said referring to me then Jayde.

“And we all know your laugh is contagious, so when you laugh, you're making them laugh!” he said pointing to the others.

“So if you two don't care, then fine, maybe we will go without you two, then you can go to your fucking prom.” Alex said slumping back into his chair and crossing his arms.

“Alex,” all three boys said in unison before I reacted, but it was too late, I already started to react.

“If I don't care about your dream???” I said in a slight whisper.

“If I don’t care about your dream?!?!?!?!?'' I hollered banging my fists on the table and I stood up so fast I knocked my chair over.

“If I didn't care about your dream do you think I would go out of my way to get you the things you needed for the band because you spent your allowance on other things for the band earlier??? Or just given you my allowance the minute Mom turned around and said 'you need it for the band' ??? Or how about those nights I risked my ass guarding the basement door for your guys’ late night practice sessions when Rian's parents had called it quits for the night!? And when you guys DID get caught I took your guitar and told you guys to hide so IIII took the blame for playing so loud so late so at night?! Do you think I didn't care then?? Well just for the update Alex, I did care, and I've always cared. So if you wanna go on tour without me then FINE! SO BE IT!! I'LL SEND YOU PICTURES FROM MY FUCKING PROM, AND I'LL BRAG ABOUT HOW I GOT LAID ON MY PROM NIGHT, WHEN YOU DIDN'T GET LAID AT YOURS!!!!!” I shouted and turned around. I kicked my chair and walked out of the kitchen. I was so glad all the parents left to go grocery shopping, so I wouldn't be questioned about my little freak out. I ignored the calls from the others and ran down the hallway and out the front door. I stomped down the steps with so much force that I almost tripped when I got to the porch. I walked down the street and around the block. After a little bit I heard footsteps behind me, and I didn't bother turning around knowing it was one of the others.


“Fuck off, I'm not in the mood.” I was so mad I couldn't tell who it was, but I'm sure it was one of the others.

“Kayden, please wait up.”

“Go away.” I said wiping the tears from my eyes. I heard the person behind me run a bit to catch up to me. They ran in front of me to keep me from going any further. I looked down and they put their hands on my shoulders to fully stop me.

“Hey,” they said taking my chin gently and lifting my head up. I could barely make out who was in front of me til they took the ends of their sleeve and wiped my eyes; then I saw Zack standing in front of me.
'Oh boyo,' I thought.

You're probably thinking 'what's wrong? You've only been friends with the guy since you were in seventh grade, what possibly could be the problem?' Well I'll tell you the fucking problem, I've had the biggest crush on him since the middle of seventh grade. Yeah, middle of seventh grade. I hadn't even known him for a whole year, and I've practically been in love with him ever since, and I don't think he's had the slightest clue. But oh well, he's a year older than me anyway. Plus he's one of my brother's best friends. Once again, I got so caught up in my thoughts I didn't realize Zack snapping his fingers in front of my face.

“Huh?” I asked sniffling a bit.

“What happened back there?” he asked sounding concerned and all I could think of at that moment was 'aww he's worried, how cute.' even though now a days I think almost anything and everything he does is cute.


“What?! Don't shout at me!” I said.

“Sorry, that's the only thing I could think of to get your attention, I keep losing it.”

“Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind.” I said softly.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed. And there's a lot you're not telling me. You used to tell me everything and now you barely talk to me at all. What's going on Kay?” he asked and I didn't have the heart to look him in the eyes. I didn't have the heart to look up at all, so I just whispered keeping my gaze on the ground as I spoke.

“I want to be happy for you, Alex, Jack, and Rian, I do, I really do, but I'm so scared that- that,”

'Oh great, now I'm stuttering,' I thought.

“That what?” Zack asked making sure I wouldn't space out on him again.

“That there's gonna be a time when Jayde and I can't go to a show or tag along on tour with you guys, and you guys are gonna forget about us, and I just don't wanna lose you guys,” I said choking on my breath, causing my hands to fly up and cover my mouth so I could attempt to restore my normal breath pattern. And the next thing I knew, Zack was hugging me and rubbing my back trying to calm me down.

“That’s never gonna happen and you know that, so please don't worry yourself like this.” he cooed. And even though my breathing had started to go back to normal, my heart race was quickening, because I loved being this close to Zack.

“C’mon, let's get back to the house and tell Alex what's wrong. He's in there kicking shit over saying this is all his fault for pressuring you like this,” Zack said and I looked at him.

“But it's not his fault,” I said and Zack nodded.

“That’s what all of us where saying, but he won't believe us. So maybe if he hears it from you he'll stop breaking shit.” Zack said and he took my hand and we began walking back to the house.

“Why where you so quiet at the table earlier?” I asked and he shrugged.

“Ah-ha, now look who's not telling who anything,” I said and he smiled a bit as he laughed.

“Kinda what you where upset about but the other way around.” he said.

“And that means...?” I asked a bit confused but laughed a bit.

“It's probably not just me, maybe all the guys, but we don't want that day to come where you and Jayde can't tag along, and we don't want you guys to forget about us.” Zack said.

“Don't worry, that'll never happen,” I smiled repeating what he said a little bit ago and he smiled too. We reached the porch and Zack led me up the steps and back into the house. My face must've been so red because Zack held onto my hand the entire way home. When I got inside I saw Alex about to kick over a vase.

“No don't do that!!” I said rushing over to stop him.

“Mom'll kill you! And if she kills you, you guys won't be able to live your dream!” I said and I saw him smiling. I smiled too before hugging him.

“So you're not mad at me anymore?” he asked and I shook my head.

“I never was,” he looked confused and I told him what I told Zack earlier, and Alex said the same thing Zack told me and hugged me. Jayde and I agreed to go on tour with them, and Alex said he felt bad that Jayde and we would miss prom, but we said it wasn't a big deal. And when everything was settled, we all had a huge group hug, and then we decided to watch movies. Since I was the last one standing I had to get the snacks. Jack offered to come help me because he was 'fucking starving' but Zack said he'd help me, just so Jack would have to suffer. Everyone Laughed as Jack pouted.

“So what does everybody want?” I asked and everyone shouted at me what they wanted and I jumped a bit because I didn’t expect them all to talk at once. Let alone yell all at once. I nodded trying to remember everything and turned on my heel to head into the kitchen and Zack followed me. We got everything together, and just as we were getting ready to head back out into the living room he said something.

“And if you and Jayde are on tour with us the time prom rolls around, don't worry, you'll get your prom night.” he said with a smile.

“Huh?” I said looking up but he just smiled back at me and then winked before leaving the kitchen to go back to everyone else, but I stayed back, mostly because I was dazed and confused, trying to figure out what the fuck had just happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Told you there was gonna b a fast forward :) There's a tad of sibling rivalry here but it all works out.

I hope you liked it and thank you so much for reading! Please comment and subscribe! It will make me very happy to see what you have to say!
