All Time Trouble


Why is it so hard for people to leave me alone? They just have to barge into my room, wrap in the blankets, carry me downstairs, put me in the fucking trunk! And then drop me on the couch which was really bumpy and unwrapped me.

“I will kill you.” I growled as I rubbed my head from the pain after the trunk.

“I’m sorry! That bunny came out of nowhere!” Kayden defended herself as she hid behind Zack and I just smirked at that while I heard someone crack their knuckles and I looked up at my feet to see Alex and he looked back at me with regret with his eyes of what happened later. I just shook my head and got up. I threw the blankets on the floor, ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

I could hear everyone calling my name but I didn’t care. I just wanted to be alone right now.

“Jayde, please talk to me.” Jack pleaded as he was probably leaning against the door. I just shook my head and wiped some tears.

“No.” I managed to let out.

“Alex, you fucker, what did you fucking do to my sister?!” I heard Jack yell and stomp off which didn’t help.

“I didn’t mean it!” I heard Alex back and then I heard someone run upstairs and snap their doors shut.

“Jayde, open the door, please.” I heard Kayden say softly and I got up from the floor to unlock the door and let her inside. “Alex told me what happened before we came to get you. I know he messed up but you two are too close to let this ruin your friendship.” She said as she tried to calm me down.

“It’s just that I can’t take his oblivious behavior anymore.” I said wiping the rest of the tears. “He keeps hurting me without meaning to but it still affects me. I’m not even sure I want to go on that tour anymore.” I confessed.

“What?!” she yelled. “Guys! Get in here! Now!” she yelled and I looked at her in horror as the guys all piled into a small bathroom and shut the door behind them.

Zack just stood there leaning against the closed door, Kayden hopped onto the sink, and Rian came over to give me a hug.

“Are you finally gonna tell me what’s going on?” Jack asked as he put the lid down on the toilet and sat down. I just shook my head. “I think you should talk to him.” He said motioning at Rian with his eyes and of course everyone noticed.

“Talk to me about what?” Rian asked with confusion and fear.

“That Jayde’s in love with you, man!” Jack yelled and there was a long and awkward pause. Then everyone but Jack burst out laughing. “What?” Jack whined as we all basically rolled on the floor and since Rian was standing hugging me we both fell into the bathtub and then everyone started laughing even harder.

“See, Alex is not the only oblivious one.” Kayden said and we just laughed as everyone stopped but Kayden and I. “Oh shit.” She mumbled as everyone looked at us with eyebrows raised and folded arms across their chests.

“Would you like to elaborate on that?” Zack asked and I just shook my head. “Kayden? Would you like to elaborate?” he asked with a breathtaking smile and I just reached behind me and threw a loofa at his head. “Do you mind?” he yelled.

“Yes I do, stop pestering us with questions.” I whined as I pushed myself off of Rian and out of the bathtub, grabbed Kayden and ran out and upstairs to her room.

“That was close.” She breathed and I nodded.

“I know, but I will not forgive him. I’ve been excusing him for a while now.” I said and she nodded.

“But you do know that you need to tell him at one point or another.” She said and I nodded as I fall backwards on her bed and then jumped as I felt that someone was already lying there.

“What the fuck!” I yelled as I ripped the blanket off revealing Alex. “What the fuck are you doing here?!” I yelled.

“I came here so I could talk to my sister! What the fuck are you doing here?” he yelled back with more force and then instantly regretted it.

“Your room, now.” I said through my teeth and basically dragged him by his shirt. As soon as we were in his room I closed and locked the door. When I turned around I almost fell because a pile of clothes. “Still the same.” I mumbled. “Now what the fuck is up your ass?!” I whisper yelled.

“What the fuck is up yours?!” he yelled back. “Wait, that’s none of my business.”

“Oh shut up you fucking dick!” I yelled as I slapped him hard across the face leaving a pretty noticeable mark.

“Ow!” he yelled as he held onto his cheek. “Why did you do that?!”

“Because you deserve it!” I yelled back. “First you soak me in the swimming pool, then you break my window, then you call me a bitch, and now you say that there’s something stuck up my ass!!” I yelled.

“I’m sorry! I’m just nervous okay!”

“Well why are you letting it out on me? You’re not the one risking your future, you’re going up while I’m stuck in one place!”

“I have a lot going on in my life!”

“You know what, I’m staying in school and just go live your dream.” I said softly as I walked out of the room and back downstairs.

“Jayde, no!” he yelled as he ran after me. I just kept walking till he grabbed my hand and kept me from going anywhere.

“Alex, what do you want? I’m sorry but I don’t want to be your punching bag for the next couple of months.”

“I’m sorry, how many times do I need to say that?” he pleaded.

“It doesn’t matter because you still keep lashing out on me.” I answered with a frown.

“Please come on tour with us.”

“I’m sorry.” I shook my head.

“Jayde, come on, I need you.”

“No, you don’t, you’ll be fine.” I said as I ripped my hand out of his and ran downstairs where pretty much everyone saw what happened.

“Jayde, you don’t mean that. You have to come with us.” Jack said and I just shrugged. “You can’t do this, who’s gonna yell at us when we don’t clean up after ourselves?”

“Kayden does that too.” I reasoned.

“But you two are a yelling team.” Jack said with a sad smile and I just sighed.

“Fine.” I said and he smiled and picked me up in a hug.

“Group hug!” Kayden yelled and I screamed as everyone ran at me.

“I can’t breathe you guys!” I coughed and they just laughed and let go a bit.

“So you’re not going to forgive me?” I turned around and looked at Alex who stood in the middle of the stares.

“Come on, we all hate it when you two fight!” Rian begged with a puppy dog face that he knew I couldn’t resist.

I then turned to Alex and extended my arms.

“Come here.” I said and he smiled as he ran down and hugged me.

We just stood there for a couple of minutes with my head rested on his shoulder and his in the crook of my neck.

“I’m so sorry.” He whispered as he tightened his hold on me.

“So I’ve heard.” I responded.

“You know I love you right?” he said as he kissed the top of my head and I nodded even though I wished that it wasn’t in a friendly way.

“Yeah, love you too.” I said with a fake smile. “Now let go before you piss me off. Again.” I said as I left him standing there dumbfounded and started heading for the front door.

“Where are you going?!” Kayden yelled.

“I’m tired.” I whined.

“Too fucking bad! Alex! Get the coffee!” she yelled as she dragged me to the couch.

“Yes, Ma’am!” he saluted and ran into the kitchen.

“Why do I have to stay here though?” I asked.

“Because this is like the last night we’re spending together before the tour starts.” Zack said.

“But aren’t we going to be stuck in the same bus or van?” I asked and everyone just glared at me.

“You suck.” Rian said with the funniest angry expression and I just blinked a couple of times.

“I know.” I smirked as I wiggled my eyebrows a bit and everyone groaned.

“What did I miss?” Alex chuckled and I just smiled innocently. “What did you do?”

“Oh, nothing, Rian just realized that I suck.” I smirked and Alex’s jaw dropped and so did the cup of coffee to the ground.

“That’s the best reaction I’ve ever gotten!” I laughed up to the point where I had to wipe away the tears away.

“That wasn’t funny!” Alex yelled pointing at me and I just narrowed my eyes at him.

“Are you really going to start yet another fight?” I asked bewildered from his outburst.

“If it’s necessary, then yes.” He stated firmly and I clenched my teeth in response.

“Why are you being such an asshole?!” I yelled picking up the thing that was closest to me and throwing it at his head.

“Because I actually care!” he yelled back after dodging the remote.

“Well other people care and you don’t see them acting like that now do you!?” I yelled back at him and threw a pillow. This time he caught it and put it on the counter behind him.

“Just stop yelling at me!”

“You’re the one who started yelling at me first!”

“I didn’t mean to!”

“Then why did you, you asshole?” I asked this time a bit calmer.

“I’m sorry, I just blurted it out.” he said looking down and scratching the back of his neck.

“Whatever.” I mumbled as I sat laid down on the couch with my head on Jackie’s lap.

“Don’t be mad at me, we just made up!” Alex sighed in frustration as he picked me up, walked over to the recliner and sat down placing me in his lap. I just laid my head on his shoulder and didn’t say a word.

“I’m not mad, just tired of all the fighting.” I answered.

“I’m sorry.” He said yet again.

“And as usual, I forgive you.” I said rolling my eyes.

“Aww!” everyone cooed and I just groaned as I got out of Alex’s hold and went into the kitchen to get the coffee that I never got. When I came back everyone was quiet. Too quiet.

“Did someone die in the past ten seconds that I was absent?” I asked.

“The realization just hit them.” Kayden explained.

“I can’t believe that we’re going to be away from home for the next couple of months.” Jack said with a frown and I just came over to sit next to him and he just crushed me in a hug.

“It’s okay Jackie.” I said in a soft voice as I side hugged him back.

“Hey! I wanna cuddle too!” Alex whined and the next thing I know Jackie’s being pushed off of me and Alex is sitting in my lap with his head on my shoulder.

“Yes, because this isn’t creepy at all.” I said slowly while looking around the room and mouthing ‘help’ to everyone while they stifled their laughter.

“We’re going to be bunk buddies right?” Alex asked looking me in the eyes.

“Hell no.” Jackie said firmly and I looked over to see him looking pissed with his arms crossed over his chest. “Don’t you know that there aren’t any bunks in a van?” he said and we all laughed and I heard Alex let out a sigh of relief. I wonder what that was about.

“But we do need to talk about the sleeping and driving arrangements.” I said and Kayden nodded in agreement.

“We all know that Jack won’t be allowed to drive.” Zack stated and Jack started whining and stomping his feet.

“I’m gonna tell mom!” Jack yelled and took his phone out ready to text.

“Jack, you’ll be my shotgun.” Kayden said and he smiled at that.

“Okay.” He said happily.

“Good, now that’s settled.” Zack said with a roll of his eyes.

“Oh shut up.” I laughed.

“Now to sleeping arrangements.” Kayden said.

“But we still didn’t discuss the drivers.” I argued.

“We discussed that Jack won’t be a driver.” She said with a smile.

“Oh, alright then.”

“Yep, now to the sleeping arrangements.” She continued. “We’re going to be living in a 16 passenger van. There are six of us.”

“Seven.” I corrected and she looked at me in confusion.

“Who’s the other person?” she asked.

“Matt.” I said.

“Who?” she asked.

“Matt Flyzik. He’s gonna tag along.” I said.

“Oh! I remember him!” she smiled in recognition and I nodded. “Okay but who’s sleeping where?” she asked.

“Well I have an idea.” I said.

“Of course you do.” Rian sighed shaking his head.

“Hey! My ideas are amazing!” I defended.

“I second that!” Alex said raising his head while still sitting in my lap.

“You’re just kissing up to her so she won’t get mad at you.” Rian said rolling his eyes and Alex just pouted.

“Anyway.” I said interrupting all of the further arguing. “I was thinking that we should just get rid of all of the seating in the back and put mattresses there. But also leave some area to act as a trunk.” I explained and everyone nodded.

“I like that idea.” Alex said and I smiled at that.

“Wait, don’t we have a storage trailer hooked to the van for the instruments? Cuz we can just use that as the trunk. And maybe put some shelves in the van for the necessities?” Zack proposed and I nodded.

“That’s good. I like that.” I smiled. “And that gives Kayden and I a right to go out and buy a lot of pillows, blankets, and all of the storage stuff!” I smiled wide and so did Kayden while the guys groaned.

“No! You’re gonna make it a princess van!” Rian whined.

“No we won’t!” Kayden and I said in unison.

“Fine, then tomorrow after you pack, go out and get all of the shit you don’t need.” Alex grumbled and I just narrowed my eyes and pushed him off of my lap. “Hey!”

“That’s what you get for talking back to me, mister!” I said remembering to snap my fingers at him in the end.

“Oh no she diint!” Jack yelled in a gay voice at which everyone had to laugh.

“You’re all weird!” Rian whined hiding his face behind a pillow.

“You love us!” I yelled.

Then I just lied down and tried to fall asleep. Key word “tried”.
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoy :)

And you should really check out this story :) Bottomless Regression
