All Time Trouble


“Girls.” Matt smiled and Kayden and I smiled back at him. “Aren’t you two supposed to be setting up the merch tent?” he asked still smiling.

“You see, dear Mathew,” I started.

“We would, but,” Kayden continued.

“We don’t have a handsome guy like you to help us.” I finished with a frown that Kayden matched.

“See ya!” Matt waved and started running away.

“Boo, he grew tolerance to our charm.” I whined and Kayden nodded with a pout. “That means we have to find some other desperate dude to help us.”

“Let’s go find the guys! They still have like two hours till the show.” she smiled and I nodded as we linked arms and skipped to the direction where Matt ran off to.

“Hello boys!” Kayden and I smiled sinister smiles.

“Whatever you do, don’t look them in the eyes!” Matt yelled in a panicky tone and I just narrowed my eyes at him.

“You tried to eat him didn’t you?” Rian asked and I just blinked a couple of times. “DIDN’T YOU?!” he yelled and I just walked forward and slapped him.

“Get a grip, man!” I yelled back.

“Owie.” He whined as he caressed his cheek.

“Yeah, that’s what you and your theory get.” Kayden said in a mocking tone and I just laughed.

“Oh shut up.” He glared back.

“What did you two want?” Alex asked and Matt just groaned and started hitting his head against his clipboard.

“Well, Mathew over there,” I started.

“Oh god, she called him Mathew, this will not end well.” Jack said with a scared expression.

“Shut up.” I snapped. “Now as I was saying, Mathew over there reminded Kayden and I that we need to set up our merch tent and we can’t because we don’t have any handsome young men to help us.” I said and Kayden and I started batting our eyelashes at the guys.

“Nice try.” Alex said laughing.

“Add the puppy dog face.” Kayden whispered and I nodded as we both put on our best puppy dog faces and everyone including Matt awed.

“Fine.” Alex groaned and stomped his foot.

“Mission accomplished.” I smiled and high fived Kayden as we waited for the guys to put their instruments away. After they did that they followed us to the trailer and got out all of the needed boxes and carried them to the little area where we had to build all of this stuff.

Kayden and I got two beanbag chairs and threw them on the ground before plopping down in them and closing our eyes.

“You do know that we’re just helping you, not doing everything for you, right?” Zack said with his eyebrows raised.

“Eh, same difference.” I said waving my hand around.

“You know what, I’m dropping this.” Alex stated and I heard a thump. I opened my eyes to see the guys with their arms crossed over their chests.

“We’re missing the most important days of our senior year, this is the least you can do to repay us for that.” I smirked and they gasped.

“Oh come on! It’s too soon for you to be pulling that card!” Rian whined and I just shrugged.

“I don’t care, it’s Lazy Day.” I replied.

“No!!” Jack whined.

“What the heck is Lazy Day?” Matt asked in confusion and everyone but Jack nodded.

“It’s every day when Jayde over there feels too lazy to do anything.” Jack explained and I gave two thumbs up to his explanation.

“That’s pure genius.” Alex said dead seriously and I nodded with a smile.

“Someone who gets me!” I exclaimed.

“Oh, please, he’s just trying to get on your good side.” Rian grumbled sourly and Alex just glared at him.

“I don’t care. As long as I have an ally, I’m good.” I smiled lazily.

“That makes me sound like an ass.” Alex mumbled.

“Well you are an ass.” Zack said with a nod.

“But he’s my ass.” I smirked winking at Alex and he just gave me a shy smile and looked down.

“Aww, look who’s about to blush!” Kayden said in a baby voice and I sent a glare her way.

“Stop it.” I whispered only for her to hear.

“He’s my brother, so this is a payback.” She whispered back and I just rolled my eyes at her. “Oh I know you love it when he gets all that flustered.” She whispered with a smile.

“So what if I do?” I smiled innocently at her.

“What are you two talking about?” Jack asked with narrowed eyes.

“Nothing, Jackie.” I said biting my lip.

“This is an official sign of “You don’t want to know”. She always does that when the special wheels in her head are turning.” He said and everyone laughed. “But in this case it’s about a boy.” He cooed and my smile turned into a death glare. “Oh my god that was dead on the target wasn’t it?” he laughed and clapped a couple of times to show that he was right.

“Whatever.” I mumbled as I folder my arms across my chest.

“Who is it?!” he yelled and instantly got blank stares from me, Kayden, Zack, and Rian.

“Are you mental?” Rian asked clearly bewildered.

“We discussed this in a bathroom yesterday.” Zack said with the same expression.

“And where was I at that time?!” Alex yelled waving his arms around.

“You were in my room.” Kayden answered.

“And that’s why I missed the bathroom meeting?!” he yelled and I had to stifle a giggle. Sadly he noticed and tilted his head with curiosity. Then he smiled a devilish grin and started coming near me. My eyes widened and I let a scream out as I scrambled out of my chair and started running away from him. “Come back here, Jayde!” he yelled and then laughed as I nearly tripped over one of the benches I jumped over.

“Get away from me!” I laughed as I turned around and saw him closing the distance between us.

“Stop with your giggle fit and get your pretty ass over here!” he yelled.

“You perv! You’ve been watching my ass haven’t you!” I yelled pretending to be shocked.

“I-I” he stuttered and I burst out laughing. “Oh, that was low!” he yelled as he finally caught me and made me look at him.

“And the reason you chased me is...?” I urged him to continue.

“I don’t really know.” he admitted looking like a guilty puppy. I just rolled my eyes with a sigh. “Stop that.” He whined making us stumble back and causing me to be trapped between him and the wall. “Sorry.” He mumbled looking down at me.

“It’s fine.” I said in a small voice refusing to look at him.

There was a really long uncomfortable pause where neither one of us would move or say anything. I finally looked up at him and found him looking intently at me. Before I could ask why he leaned down to capture my lips with his. I was shocked but nonetheless responded to the kiss. A second later we both realized what we were doing and broke apart.

“I think I should go.” He muttered with eyes full of shock and confusion.

“Yeah, I think you should.” I nodded as I started running to the van, getting Zack’s skateboard and riding off to god knows where.

Somehow I ended up at a small diner. I walked in and kept going to the end of the room as I sat at the farthest booth resting the skateboard against the side of the bench.

“Welcome to Martha’s, what would you like to order?” said the waiter in a really bored tone.

“Just a cup of coffee, please.” I said politely and somehow that woke him out of his trance.

“A hot cup of coffee for an equally-”

“Finish that sentence and you will be left without a tip and possibly your head.” I said with a polite smile and he blinked a couple of times before nodding and hurrying to get the order in.

Shortly after that I felt my phone vibrate. I looked down at it.

Hey, where did u n Alex go? *wink wink*
<3 Kayden

I rolled my eyes at her and typed back.

Idk where he went, but I’m at some Martha’s diner getting a cup of coffee from one over flirtatious waiter.

“Here’s your coffee, enjoy.” The waiter said and I smiled looking at his nametag.

“Thanks Mike.” I said and he nodded before leaving with an empty tray.

I’ll b sure 2 tell Alex so he can kick his ass. N OoOoOoOoO is he cute????
<3 Kayden

There’s no reason 2 worry tht lazy ass. Yes, he’s cute, u can hav him n I’ll take Zack cuz u’ll never get a move on it!

I sipped on some coffee enjoying the warm liquid running down my throat.

U wouldn’t! -_-
<3 Kayden

Wateva u hoe! Jk love ya!

I laughed at our foolish manners but then I stopped remembering that she’s a sister of a guy that I’m practically in love with. Damn, my life is so fucked up. I’m in love with my best friends brother. Who kissed me about half an hour ago. Then ran away. Wait, I ran away, not him. I don’t even remember anymore. I’m just gonna act like nothing happened.

We need to talk.
;) Alex

Okay, so acting like nothing happened is clearly out of the question.
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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading, subscribing, and for your wonderful comments! You guys are amazing!

Please tell me what you think of this chapter, if I get a couple of comments I'll update really, really, really soon :)
