All Time Trouble

Tricky Kisses

“Mike, check time!” I yelled to the waiter and he nodded as he got some paper and came back with the little folder for the bill. I got ten dollars out of my pocket and put it inside the little folder. After I did that I took my skateboard and walked out the door.

From one point I just want to fun farther away from the venue and never look back. Yet again, I want to come running to him and just be friends and pretend like nothing happened. Yes, I’m the biggest coward you’ll ever find. Wait, no, Jack still has the first place. I mean I love him to death but... there is no but. Wait, where was I? Oh yea, on the way to my doom.

About five minutes later I unwillingly rolled into the parking lot of the venue. I picked up the skateboard from the ground and started walking to the merch tent with my head hung low. The closer I was to the place I could hear laughter in there.

I walk in with a smirk acting like nothing happened.

“You got his number didn’t you?!” Kayden yelled smiling wide.

“What is my skateboard doing in your hand?” Zack asked clearly mad.

“No,” I said referring to Kayden’s question and she frowned and stuck her tongue at me, “And I couldn’t find mine so I took yours.” I said with a shrug.

“You don’t have a skateboard.” Jack said.

“Well that explains why I couldn’t find it.” I said with a nod and Zack just shook his head as he took his skateboard away from me.

“Mine!” he snapped.

“Possessive little guy aren’t you?” I said in a baby voice as I messed up his hair and laughed as he slapped it away.

“Shut up.” He mumbled trying to fix his curly mess of a head.

“So where’s Alex?” I asked.

“I was gonna ask you the same thing.” Rian smirked.

“So where’s Alex?” I repeated pretending that I didn’t hear his comment and he frowned.

“Meany.” He accused pointing his finger at me.

“Nosey!” I pointed back at him as I went over to Kayden and sat down on a bean bag chair next to her.

I took my phone out and scrolled through contacts, when I got to Alex I sent him a message asking where he was.

I’m in the van, u?
;) Alex

I’m back at the venue w/ everyone.

“Who you textin?” Kayden asked smiling with a sing song voice.

“None of your beeswax.” I replied in the same tone and she just huffed. “Alex.” I answered and she snapped her attention towards me.

“Lemme see, lemme see!” she nearly screamed trying to rip my phone away from me.

“No! It’s private!”

“Something happened didn’t it?” she asked full of curiosity.

“Nothing happened, I just don’t want to have you sticking your nose in my business. We already have a Mr. Nosey, we don’t need a Mrs. now do we?” I asked mocking her and she just narrowed her eyes at me.

“Fine, be that way.” She said dramatically.

Well u need 2 get from there 2 here, I need 2 talk 2 u.
;) Alex

*sigh* fineeee

“I gotta go, see you later people!” I yelled out showing them peace sign as I started running out not bothering to listen to any of the questions.

I walked to the van and climbed into the back where I saw Alex sitting on the mattress leaning on the back of the driver’s seat.

“So what is this all about?” I sighed with a roll of my eyes.

“Um,” he started to say as he scratched the back of his neck in a nervous manner, “it’s about the kiss.”

“You made me walk all the way from the venue to the van for that?” I whined.

“Well you ran away so I just wanted to talk to you because I’m really sorry about what happened. I don’t know why I did it.”

“I know why.” I said.

“You do?!” he asked with shock and I nodded.

“Cuz you’re an idiot.” I said like it’s obvious and he let out a shaky breath and looked down.

“Yeah I guess I am.” I heard him mumble.

“Hey, I’m just kidding, don’t worry about it and let’s just act like nothing happened. It’s not like that kiss changed our friendship or anything.” I said as I put my hand on his knee to reassure him that everything’s gonna be just fine.

“I don’t know, I feel like it did.” He said looking me in the eyes.

“Only if you wanted it to.” I replied. “Wait, did you?”

“No, yes, I don’t know?” he said with a chuckle.

“Well to me it didn’t change anything, you’re still one of my best friends and you always will be no matter what happens.” I said with a soft smile.

“But what if this happens again, and again, and again, and again, and a-”

“Are you saying that you want to kiss me again?” I asked with my eyebrows raised.

“I-um..” he stuttered and I tried to hide my smile but it was too difficult.

“Well?” I urged him to go on.

“Look, I’ve li-”

A good friend once told me we are our memory
without it we equal nothing
And all I can see is the place I wanna be
Suddenly my life was so free
Leaves at my feet, blown to the ground
their echoes are reaching my ears
Nights coming fast, suns going down
But keep away from me... keep away from me

“Sorry, gotta take that.” I smiled sheepishly. “Hello.” I said into the device.

Hey girl.

“Kayden, dear, what do you want?” I laughed.

“That’s Kayden?” Alex mouthed and I nodded. Then he reached over and took the phone out of his hand. “Hey, sister, what’s up sister, hanging up on sister.” He said and ended the call. “And that’s how you deal with her.” He said smiling.

“She’s gonna kill you once she finds you.”

“I’m willing to take the risk.” He smiled and I just rolled my eyes. “So as I was saying,” he started, “I really like you.”

“I like you too, if I didn’t I wouldn’t even bother talking to you or be your friend.”

“I kinda like you more than a friend?” he said looking anywhere but my eyes.

“Since when was it like this?” I asked quietly.

“For a while?”

“Same here.” I said with a small smile.

“What?” he exclaimed. “And you didn’t tell me because..?”

“And you didn’t tell me earlier because..?” I mimicked him.

“Touché.” He said with a frown that soon turned into a wide smile. “You like me! I like you and you like me!” he exclaimed.

“Didn’t we just establish that?”

“I know but it finally dawned down on me!” he said with a wide smile.

“Well this was fun and all but I gotta set up the merch shit before the show starts.” I smiled as I climbed out of the van.

“What?” he whined as he got up after me and started walking backwards in front of me. “Aren’t we going to talk about our feelings more?”

“Are you sure I’m the girl here?” I laughed.

“Hey!” he pouted.

“Aw, don’t do that.” I laughed and he just looked away from me. “Alex.” I said in a stern voice. He just stopped and looked down at me with mischievous smile. “Oh god.” I sighed and he smirked and tapped his lips with his finger motioning me to kiss him. “Haha, nice try.” I laughed as I pushed past him.

“But you like me!” he argued and I just laughed in return. “Now you gotta kiss me to prove it!”

“I did kiss you.” I said.

“That doesn’t count, I kissed you, you just kissed back.” He explained and I just shook my head a no. “If you won’t kiss me now I will make sure to drag you on that stage and kiss you there.” he smirked.

“Fine.” I grumbled and he smiled really wide as I reached up on my tippy toes and pecked his lips. “That’s all you’re gonna get, pretty boy.” I smiled leaving him really disappointed as I skipped my way back to the merch booth.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you so much for your comments!!
