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Overheard conversations

BTD 10

When I woke up later that morning, Paul was gone. I sat up, running a hand through my hair. 

As I walked down the hallway I heard something sizzling and turned the corner to see Paul making breakfast. I smiled, walking closer and wrapping my arms around his bare chest. 

I felt him chuckle," Good Morning. "

" I didn't know you cooked." I said. 
He spun me around so I was in front of him. 

" I usually don't, but you're special. So....." he drifted of, handing me a plate of eggs and bacon,"Bon Appetite. "

I smiled, kissing his cheek and grabbing the plate, hopping up to sit on the counter to eat. 

He rose and eyebrow, watching me eat. 

I took a bite," Good Eggs." I said with my mouth full. He chuckled, running his warm hands up and down my legs where my shorts didn't cover. 

" So what are we doing today?" I asked, taking my last bite and putting my plate down before wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. 

He placed muzzled my neck," Jared and Embry are coming over in an hour to help me with the truck, then you and I are going to the Beach. "

I giggled," Okay."

Exactly an hour later, the boys showed up, and Jared brought Kim.

I ran out in the yard, still in short shorts and tank top, and hugged my new best friend. 

" Kimmy!"
" Karrie!"
I pulled away, hearing a new nickname," Don't pour pig blood on me please. "

She laughed loudly and we looped arms, walking inside. 

" So how are things?" She asked. I looked up to see Paul, Jared, and Embry walking in, laughing. 

I locked eyes with Paul and smiled, looking back to Kim," They're getting better."

She winked with a knowing smile and I blushed. 

Gahhhh! I never blush!!!'

" So, have you two done it yet?"
She wiggled her eyebrows. 

I gasped, checking to make sure 'we' were alone," Kim!"

She smirked," Well it's not like your a virgin, Kara. What's holding you back?"

I sighed, rubbing my face and leaning back against the couch,"it's different with Paul. It's isn't pure lust like I'm used to. I don't only want sex like before. I don't know what it is..."

She nodded. " So, changing the subject, Summer's almost over! Only a few more weeks if warm weather!"

Simultaneously we groaned. 

It got silent. 

" Kimmy can I tell you a secret?" I whispered, resting my elbows on my knees, leaning forward. 

She copied my movements and nodded, sensing a serious moment. 

" I'm scared. "
I said. She gave a confused look. 
I elaborated,"when I first left LaPush years ago, it was because I wanted my freedom. I was tired of making other people happy. And then I came back and met Paul...and suddenly I'm really truly happy again! When I'm not around him, it hurts! But... I can't stay here forever, Kim! My dreams aren't here! But I can't leave! I can't leave him and I can't ask him to leave all this behind! That scares me!"

Kim wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. 

It felt nice to have a girl to confess to. 


Paul Pov

I pushed Jared after he made a joke, and walked through the back door to make a sandwich. I wasn't excepting to overhear a conversation. 

"- can't stay here forever, Kim! My dreams aren't here! But I can't leave! I can't leave him and I can't ask him to leave all this behind! That scares me!" I heard my Kara say sadly. 

I stumbled backwards, shocked. 

Is that how she felt? Why the held didn't I know? Is her being with me hurting her?!

I walked back outside to where Embry and Jared where in a catatonic state. 

" Hey! Thought you where-Dude, you  
Okay?" Embry asked. I shook my head, collapsing in the chair. 

They exchanged looks as I told them about what I heard. 
" This isn't good." Em mumbled. 
Jared sighed, clasping my shoulder," Before you do anything rash, talk to Kara first. Maybe you misunderstood. "

I nodded.
If it came to it, could I let her go?