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Lets go home

BTD 19

Around midnight we heard loud laughter coming from outside. The guys were back!

Em and I shared a look before bolting out the front door.

I lunged myself into Paul's waiting arms and kissed him all over.

" Never.Leave.Me.Again." I said between kisses. He chuckled and Jacob and Embry
wolf whistled. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around him.

" Man. You were going crazy without me, huh?" he smirked through the darkness as
we stood in Sam and Emily's yard still.

I ran a hand in circles on his chest.
" yes. I was so scared. You were gone so long. " I said.
His face softened, his hands reached up to hold my face.
" Hey hey hey. It's ok now. We got rid of the leech. In fact, Sam is giving us
all the rest of the week off," he told me. I smiled.
Four whole days with Paul. Wow.

" Let's go home." I whispered.
His warm hand grabbed mine and he waved goodbye to Sam behind us with the other.

" you Read my mind."
He kissed me quickly but deeply as we walked the short distance to his house.

The second we were inside and the door closed, Paul attacked. ;)

His scorching mouth left little fiery trails on my skin as he tore at my
t-shirt, ripping it.
I groaned," You got to stop tearing my clothes."
He laughed huskily," I'll buy you more"
Our mouths connected in a heart stopping kiss. Our tongues danced as we bathed
in the moonlight lit house, making our way to the bedroom.

I moaned when Paul's rough hand gripped me through my bra.
I pushed him on the bed, taking over.
I straddled his waist, kissing his chest lightly, driving him crazy.

" Kara." he moaned.
I smiled, unzipping his shorts with my teeth.
A trick I learned in Vegas.

He moaned loudly, gripping my hair.
" Fuuuuckkk. That was hot."

I smirked, pushing his shorts down.

Of course he'd go commando.

" Oh no you don't." Paul interrupted.
I looked up as he flipped us over.

" You're wearing too many clothes." he stated with hooded eyes. I nodded,
running a hand over his naked body, gripping his butt cheek.

His fingers pulled down my shorts and he flung them across the room.

I giggled as his eyes widened, taking in my undergarments.

Black and red lace. His favorite.

" Woman. I love you." he growled, discarding my remaining garments.

Now we were both completely naked, flush against each other
" Are you sure you want this?" he asked. I nodded, capturing his lips.

If only I was half as sure about the rest of my life as I was my love for him,
life would be so much simpler.
