Back To December

Fall For You

BTD 20

I was wrapped in Paul's arms that next morning, listening to him singing softly
to me.

He was actually a good singer.

"-Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you,
Over again,
Don't make me change my mind,
Or I won't live to see another day,
I swear it's true,
Cause a girl like you is impossible to find,
Impossible to find.."
He sang. I smiled, snuggling into his warm chest. His arms tightened around me,
making me feel safe.

" I love that song."

" I love you"
I shivered as his warm fingers traced the small tattoo on my bare back.

I smiled, looking up at his smiling face," I love you too."

There was a pause," Paul?" I asked warily.

He looked down at me, stilling his fingers that were intwined in my hair," Yes

I smiled," Can we stay like this...forever? I don't wanna move."

He chuckled.
" Anything for you."
I squealed, kissing his chest all the way up to his face.
He laughed," if you know what's good for you, you'll stop." he warned jokingly.
I rolled my eyes, propping myself up on my elbows.

" Kara?" Paul called. I looked over to him.
" Happy Anniversary," he said.
I giggled. That's right; two months today.
" You remembered..." I teased, kissing his jaw. His large hands spanned my bare
back as I straddled him.

" how could I forget? We're perfect together, Kara! You; the gorgeous, talented
musician, and me; the hot, sexy, amazing-"

"-I get it, babe," I rolled my eyes, laying down on his chest.
I listened to his heartbeat for another hour before the light started to break
in through the window.

We stayed in that position for forever it seemed, hours passed as we watched the
world outside get brighter and louder.

" I'm performing at the festival today." I announced. He turned to me,

" on our anniversary? How convenient." I watched as he crawled out of bed and
slipped on some boxers.

" I'm sorry. It'll only be an hour or two, max. Then it's all us. You and me.
Together...alone," I kissed his shoulder, suggestively as I crawled our of bed.

He turned, wrapping his arms around me.
" I like the sound of that."
I nodded, kissing him quickly.
I felt him smile.

" I have to go get dressed,"
I told him, pulling away," I have to be at city hall by noon. It's ten -thirty."
" Can I help you?" he smirked.
I rose an eyebrow.

He shook his head, sighing and rubbing his face.
" alright. I'll start some coffee,"

I watched him turn the corner before I walked into the bathroom.
