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I'd Wait For You Forever

BTD 23

Paul ad I sat on the shores of First Beach later that afternoon. I was wrapped in his embrace and everything felt perfect.
Paul kissed me gently on the temple and I felt him sigh.
“You were amazing on stage today.” He commented. I smiled sadly.
“Thanks...I’m really gonna miss it...Sharon told me today that the label wants another world tour...i turned her down,”
He sat up straighter and looked me in the eye.
“What do you mean?”
I sighed, messing with my hair,” I’m gonna retire. I can’t be here and be there. And things are to hectic to be able to record here and tour. I couldn’t leave you like that.”
Paul grew silent and I was worried for a moment.
“No.” he said finally. I raised an eyebrow.” No, you’re not quitting,’
I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off with one look,” No, Kara. This is your dream; I won’t let you do it.” He stood up, pulling me with him.
“Paul? What the hell? What do you mean! Don’t you want me here with you!” I pulled him back to look at me. Paul sighed, holding my face in his large hands.
“Of course I do, baby. But you’re miserable here-no, don’t argue- I can see it in your eyes. I wont let you stay here and be unhappy. You’re going on that tour and you’ll love it. You’ll thank me later, Kara, trust me, please.”
I looked into his eyes and blinked.
“Okay.” I said hopefully.
I was so happy and excited, yet at the exact moment I agreed, I knew it would forever be my worst mistake.


I stood in a parking lot in Forks surrounded by friends and family. The tour bus was parked a few yards away and my band and crew stood near it, giving me time to say goodbye.

I held back the tears as I hugged Emily.

“You be careful, now. I don’t want any nasty reports in the tabloids, kay?” she laughed. I nodded, sniffling.

I turned around to see Paul there, hands shoved in his pockets, looking down as he leaned against his truck..

“Babe?” I called. His head snapped up and I could see dried tears on his tan cheeks. I chocked back a sob.

“Why are you crying? You’re the one who told me to go...” I said, walking into his open rms. I buried my face in his chest, memorizing him; His smell, his feel, his face, his voice. I want to be able to remember it perfectly.

A year is a long time, after all.

He nodded, rubbing my back.
He was so warm...

“Doesn’t mean I wont miss you,” he smirked. I laughed quietly.

“Promise me something?” Paul asked. I nodded, confused.
Paul reached into his pocket, diggig out a small red velvet box.
My stomach clenched.

He looked down t me with a large smile as he opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring.

“Promise you’ll marry me when you get back.”

I felt hot tears roll down my cheek as I nodded, launching myself into his arms again and latching my legs around his waist, kissing him fiercely.

“Yes, Yes, Yes, a thousand times yes!”

I heard clapping a wolf whistles from around us as we parted, breathing heavily.

I slid down Paul’s body and gazed at the ring perched on my left finger.
I smiled.

“Kara? WE need to hit the road, honey,” Sharon reminded quietly, breaking me from my daze.

I nodded, Kissing Paul goodbye once more as I gave one last look and stepped onto the bus.

I heard the engine roar to life as the bus drove off onto the interstate toward Ontario, Canada.

I climbed into the back room and looked out the back window, waving.

I blew a kiss at Paul.

I felt my phone buzz.

Looking down, I smiled as I read the message.

1 New Message:
From: Pauly

I’d wait for you forever.