Back To December


BTD 29

The plane landed in Dublin at 2:34pm their time. 

As we exited the terminal and claimed our baggage, Sharon briefed us on the schedule. 

"- Okay, and you're free to site see until four. Then we need to be at the venue for 5. Sound check until 6:30, and then the show starts at 7pm. Everybody got that?"

We nodded, or gave short responses. 

" So, we have two hours...whatchya gonna do?" Alicia asked all bubbly. 

I sighed, turning to her," I'm gonna go to the doctor. I want you to come with me. "

Her face fell," Okay. Let's go"

We loaded our bags onto the bus that would take them to the hotel and caught a cab. 

" Where to, Lass?" the drivers accented voice asked. 

" The closest hospital. " I said quietly, laying my head down on Alicia's shoulder. 

He rose an eyebrow and nodded, putting the car in drive and pulling off. 

Within ten minutes, the driver pulled up to the Dublin Memorial Hospital entrance. 

Walking in the front doors with really hit me. 

I could have slept with Aaron last night, a man who's not my fiancé. Not the man I love. 
Did we use protection? Could I be pregnant?

So many thoughts were running through my head I didn't even notice that Alicia And I had taken the elevator up to the Maternity Ward. 

I looked to her and she half smiled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. 
I walked up to the desk and signed in. 

Alicia and i sat in the waiting room for over thirty minutes before my name was called. 

" Come in with me" I asked quickly. She nodded, grabbing her bag and standing up, and we followed the nurse into a private room. 

I changed into the hospital paper gown and  sat down on the chair with the crinkly paper and she sat on the wheely chair thing. 

I giggled as she messed around, wheeling around the room like a four year old. 

The door opened and a man in a white coat came in, shutting the door  behind him. He was probably in his early seventies with his almost white hair and glasses  oh god, he looks like my grandpa .He chuckled when he saw Alicia, who smiled shyly and got up out of his chair, sitting beside me in another. 

" Goo' Afternoon, ladies. How may I help you...Ms. Young?"

I sucked in a deep breath and looked to Ali before continuing. " There's a strong possibility that...I may have slept with someone last night...and all I need is confirmation...for if I did..." I stuttered out. 

The doctor nodded, looking thoughtful," And I'm going to take a wild guess and presume that you're only worried because the possible partner would be a man...not your fiancé?" he asked, looking at the ring on my finger. I bit my lip, nodding and looking away. 

The doctor smiled," Well...all I need is a quick look, will your friend be staying in the room?"
" Yes" I answered quickly. I need her here. 

The Doc nodded, pulling on gloves. Alicia scooted closer and held my hand for support. 

" Right then, I'll need you to place your feet in the stirrups and open your knees a little more...there we go,"

I had my eyes closed, deep breathing as his cold fingers probed and prided down below. 

Ali gave me an encouraging smile as the doctor re-emerged from under my hospital gown and scooted away, tossing his gloves in the garbage. 

He sighed," You can sit up now, Ms. Young. " 

I nodded, and sat up, pressing my knees together in the chilly room. 

Ali squeezed my hand. 

" Ms. Young..." his wrinkly hand palmed his equally creased face. " I'm afraid your suspicions were correct. There is evidence of quite recent sexual intercourse. I'm sorry."

I choked on a sob as the waterworks flowed. The doc left the room to give us some privacy. 

" Hey Hey Hey," Ali cooed as I cried on her shoulder," It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay"

What the hell am I gonna do? What do I tell Paul?