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Paul pov

" Sooo?" Quil asked that night. I snorted. 

" So What?"

He laughed," Big Bad Paul imprinted on Em's sister!"

The guys all laughed. Sam clapped me on the back," It's amazing Paul, be grateful. "

I rolled my eyes. Em walked in with a plate of cookies and a sour expression. 

" Are you alright, Em?" Sam asked. She sighed, sitting down. 

" I need to tell you guys something about Kara. "

I sat up straighter and shared a look with Jared and Jacob. 

" Kara has," she started slowly," Had it hard. Mom and Dad, well let's just say none of us were treated well. Kara left this town the second she get away from them. And if I know my sister, which I do, she won't stay here. She loves her freedom Paul. She won't give that up easy. And after Andrew, I'd be surprised if she even dated again. "
" Who the hell is Andrew?" I growled. Who is he? Did he hurt her? Do I need to kill him? Why the hell do I care!
She shook her head," Not my place to say. "
I slumped. 
How the hell am I gonna do this?

Em got up and left. 

The guys looked to me, seeing what I would do. 

I got up from the table, ran out in the woods and phased. 

Kara pov

I woke up to Tyler's snoring. We had opted to share a room since we'd only be here until the funeral. 

I shook him awake. 

" Pretzels!" He yelled, rolling off the bed. I laughed, sitting up. 

" Pretzels,Ty? Do I even want to know?"
He fake glared at me from the ground. 

I helped him up and he sat on the corner of the bed, rubbing his eyes. 

" So what are we doing today?" I asked. He yawned. 

" Well, your manager reserved a couple hours at the studio in Port Angeles. We should be leaving-" he looked to his watch,"- in an hour!"

Both of us zoomed around, getting dressed. Since Tyler was gay, I didn't care if he saw me naked. 
" Coffee!!" I yelled. He nodded, pulling on his jeans and walking down the stairs to start some. I saw he left his wallet, and ran down the stairs, forgetting to put on my shirt. 

Who's really gonna be up this early anyway? Huh?

I froze at the bottom of the stairs, holding the wallet in the air...only in a lacy bra and mini skirt. 

I gulped. There was a kitchen full of guys...gaping at me mouth open. I heard a growl and Paul slapped Collin's head. I locked eyes with him but then I turned to Ty. 

" You forgot your wallet, babes. "
I ran back upstairs in a flash. 

" Nice belly button ring!" Jacob yelled, laughing. I groaned, slipping on my shirt and heels, procrastinating about going back down.