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Just a Girl With a Broken Heart

BTD 35

Back in LaPush, Emily hung up the phone and held her head in her hands. 

Sam rubbed her back soothingly  as she softly cried. 

The living room full of werewolves looked over at her nervously. 

"Sam, what's wrong with Emily?" Seth asked, worried. 

He looked up at them with a heavy expression. 

" It's not Emily. Its Kara. " he spoke shortly. 

He was trying not to cry. Anything that made his beloved Em cry made him sad enough to well up tears also. He couldn't stand to see her heartbroken like this. 

Jacob stood up shakily, " What's wrong with Kara?" his voice wavered. 

Emily suddenly stopped crying," I thought this shit was over!!" she wailed. 

The whole room was in full panic now.
Emily NEVER cursed. Never. 
Something must be very, very wrong. 

Paul, who had seemed catatonic for months, finally broke out of his stony reserve. 

" What's wrong with Kara, Emily."he demanded, standing up stifly and walking over to the wife of his leader and once possible future sister in law. 

She sniffed, leaning her head into Sam's chest. 

"She's really bad off, Paul. She's fallen into a deep depression. She drinks herself unconscious and cries herself to sleep. I think it's time you finally tell us exactly what happened, Paul. "

When Paul had returned home that afternoon, after an extensive run, he had refused to speak to anyone. He blocked all his thoughts during patrol so that no one could pry it out of him. All they knew is that Kara and Paul had a fight. 

Paul sighed, rubbing his temples and sitting down at the kitchen table where Sam and Emily sat. 

" We broke up. " he said quietly. every word he had spoken so far tore his heart into smaller pieces. 

Emily placed a hand on his arm. 

" Start from the beginning. "

Paul leaned back and crossed his arms. 

" As soon as the plane landed in Paris, I went straight to her hotel to surprise her. It worked to say the least," he smiled grimly. " We
had made plans to go out that night but they got postponed because she had to go to an interview that she forgot about. 
So after I met her band and all, we headed out. In the van on the way there, the lead guitarist, Aaron-" his fists clenched upon saying the name, the vessels in his neck popping as he locked his jaw-"Kept grilling me. Asking me really stupid questions. Aggravating little shit he was. Well we got to the interview and everything, I don't know, somehow I got drug into all that shit. After it was over, we got in a taxi to go out to get dinner, well let's just say we never made it to the restaurant. " Jared and Embry chuckled. " After-Uhm-she seemed really upset; kept saying how much she loved me, and how she wanted me to know that no matter what, and she was crying. Turns out, that first night of tour-ya know, the day I proposed- she and some buddies got real high, and she slept with that bastard, Aaron. I said some real nasty things, things I'll probably regret later, and stormed out, catching a midnight plane. "

The room was real quiet. 

Emily sat up straighter," Oh god"she grimaced, knowing her sister was probably going through an emotional crisis. 

He nodded. 

" Did she-Did Kara ever tell you why she started the drugs?"Emily asked suddenly, breaking the silence. 

Paul rolled his eyes, "No"

" Our mom-right after dad beat her real bad one time-our mother told Kara that it was all her fault. That if she had never been born that the family would be better. So Kara stormed out, went to that delinquent boyfriend Dougie of hers and got a bunch of RSB, she called it, pretty much Heroin in pill form,She thought that maybe she could overdose and kill herself with a the drugs, she could make our parents happy.  And when it didn't work, she just stuck to it. "

Quil let out a low whistle. 

" Well shit" Jared said. 

Paul nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. 

" I'm gonna go for a run. "

The whole room watched his retreating figure as walked out the back door. 

"I'm flying out to Berlin tonight, to go talk some sense into her. "
Emily said, breaking the silence. 

" Are you crazy, Em?" Leah scoffed," You can't reason with that chick, just make her come home and stick her in rehab! Maybe that'll work. Who knows. "

Embry glared at Leah," She's just a girl with a lot of issues and a broken heart, Leah. I think you out of all people should know how that feels and be a little compassionate. Jeez. "
He stood up, " I'm gonna go check on Paul," Make sure he doesn't do something stupid. "

After he left, Emily got up quietly, going down the hall to start packing.