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No one spoke on the ride home. Tyler was busy texting and Paul and I were just avoiding the subject. 

So you can imagine I was completely surprised when he blurted out the dreaded question. 
" Who was that song about?"

I choked on air," Excuse me?"

" I didn't stutter." he looked at me before turning his gaze back to the road as he drove. 

I sighed, looking down," Someone I loved a long time ago. "

He nodded," Andrew?" he threw out a name no one had dared say in front of me for years. I felt my chest tighten and Ty looked up at me slowly, eyes wide. 

I shook with anger," Where did you hear that name?"

He must have realized he hit a sore spot. He looked like he regretted mentioning it " It's just something Emily was saying to me earlier. "

I scoffed," That woman needs to learn to keep her mouth shut."

He shrugged. Tyler set his phone down, watching our conversation like it were a Grammy award movie. 

" Andrew is...was my husband. " I sighed. Paul slammed the brakes, looking at me with frantic eyes. 

" You're married!" he yelled. I flinched. 
" Was." I repeated. 

" What happened?" he asked, shaking. 

I took a deep breath. " He died two and a half years ago."

The pain in my chest grew tighter with every word. 

Paul pulled back onto the road slowly. " How?"

" What Is this? 20 questions?!" I snapped," He was a soldier, okay?! He died over seas! And I don't feel like playing this emotional show and tell right now, Okay!!!"

The subject was dropped. 


" Are you okay, honey?"
Tyler asked after Paul dropped us off at Emily's. We were sitting upstairs in the bed in the spare room 'we' were staying in. 

It was then, for the first time in over a year, that I broke down and cried. 

I guess this is what happens when you bottle it all up. 
After a few hours of sobbing, I fell asleep. 
I woke up alone. Ty must have left. Can't blame him. 

I sat up and looked out the window. It was dark. 
Damn. How long did I sleep?

Rolling out of bed my feet his the cold hardwood and I sighed. 

I walked softly down the hall and to the top of the stairs but froze when I heard voices. 

" What happened today? She came home upset and she was crying for hours." that was Emily. 

There was a heavy sigh," We talked about Andrew on the way home." Paul's voice said. There was a scraping and I guess one of them sat in a chair. Their voices were coming from the kitchen. 

" Oh. I see. That explains it then. I remember when Andrew was killed. They had only been married a few months. She got married when she was eighteen. "

" Her face, Em. She looked like she was in so much pain. She still loves him. She'll never love me. "

My brows furrowed. What the hell?

" I take it you haven't told her yet?" Emily asked quietly. 
He scoffed. 

" I've known her a full two days. What am I supposed to do? Go up and say,' hey I'm Paul. I turn into a werewolf to protect our tribe. And by the way you're my soulmate!"

I gasped. 

Emily chuckled," I wouldn't break it to her like that. I mean, Sam took weeks to tell me. Even longer with Jared to Kim. Don't rush her, okay? She's never been good with sudden changes."

" Alright. Thanks Emily. "

" No problem. "

The world faded into the background as I sat on the stairs thinking about what I just heard. 

Either one of three things is happening right now;

1) I'm sleep walking and this is all just a dream. 

2) these people are crazy and on drugs. 

3) the legends are true, the boys are werewolves and Paul imprinted on me. 

Dear god let it be the first.