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Like An Old Married Couple


A few days later Paul and I found ourselves alone in his house watching movies. 

" Oh come on that isn't even scary! That blood is so fake looking!!!" I yelled at the TV. We were watching 300. 

Paul laughed, wrapping his arms around me. 

" Kara, calm down. "

I shot him an annoyed look. 

" Shut up. " I said jokingly, leaning back into his chest. 

It was quiet for a bit. 

 " Harry's funeral is tomorrow" Paul said softly, running a hand through my long hair. I frowned. 

" Yeah. I know. And my flight is a few hours after it. " I shared. Paul got really stiff and I turned around to look at him. 

" You're leaving?" he looked angry and defeated at the same time. 

I scoffed," Well yeah. My life is in LA. My home, my friends, what did you expect?"

He growled,"'But I'm HERE. Not in LA. God, Kara, don't you know it physically hurts to be away from you! I'll die if you leave me!" 

I got up off the couch and paced. " I can't just forget all my dreams and move back to the place I ran from to begin with! Would you drop everything and leave if it were you?!" 

He stood up, shaking," Yes! I would, if it made you happy...if it meant still being with you "

I held back the tears and choked back a laugh," Paul, we're already fighting like an old married couple."

He smiled slightly, calming down. He sat on the couch and pulled me down with him. " Please just think about it. "

I nodded slowly, leaning into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. 

I fell asleep just like that. In his arms.