Status: next chapter within the next week or so....

The Fall of David Juarez


Ah, Red Valley high school sounds so pleasant doesn’t it? No, it sounds like some type of rehab. The moment I stepped through the door I was being profiled. The whispers, (and I use the term lightly), consisted of “who is she”s and “She’s hot”s . By know I was used to it, I’m the new shiny toy in high school’s toy box.

I had this down like clockwork before I reach the office at least one guy will come up to me, after that the so called “popular crowd” will make it known that the boy I just talked to is off limits. I mean-

“Hey, new girl!” See? Clockwork. A lean boy walked no, strutted his way towards m. His steps were fluent and confident. “So, as the gentleman I am I thought I would offer to help you find your way around school.”

I smiled. “That’s so sweet of you to offer, but I’m going to have to say no.”

“Look your new so-“

I cut him off “So, sweet” I swiveled on my heel with my blond hair swishing behind me, heeling clacking on the tacky linoleum floor.

I found the office soon after my encounter with Mr. Strut; I found out that the entire populations of male teachers including the principals are pigs. All while the principal gave me my schedule, locker and while he welcomed me to schooled he talked to my blouse. Okay, yea they weren’t exactly hidden in a hoodie but still.

“Remember, I’m always here if you need please don’t hesitate to ask me!” Principal Feebly called after me.

“Oh trust me I will.” His sickly smile dropped from his face as I plastered one to mine. A bell sounded in the background, looking down my next class was biology


“Your solute will be sodium chlo-“The teacher, Mr. Bennett was absolutely hot, he was clad in a tight black V-neck and some dark wash jeans. He might as well have been a long lost Salvatore brother. “You must be Auden.”

The entire class turned in my direction. I immediately felt those 3 different stares. The 1st, from mostly the guys was the stare of pure lust, ew. The 2nd was from the popular crowd they were seeing if I was a threat. The 3rd was my favorite; it was a look of indifference. These people thought nothing of it.

“Yea, that’s me” I picked at my cuticle. Maybe if I seem uninterested he won’t make me do the whole “tell us about you” thing.

“Well, why don’t you tell us about you?”


“I’m Auden and I have purple nails.” I lifted my hands and shook them in a ta-da fashion.

“Well, purple nails why you go sit next to David. David raise your hand.”

Oh, no. No. NO! I do not want to sit next to him! There is no way I’ll be able to pay attention and prevent myself from getting raped! My books slammed to the desk as I sat down.

“So my offer still stands,” He smiled at me from the corner of his mouth as he bent down to whisper in my ear “Just to let you know some of the best sex happens in the janitors’ closet”

I flipped my blond curls behind my shoulder and gave him my best glare I could muster. “Look this is how it’s gonna be for the rest of the year. One: you don’t talk to me unless it has to do with my grade. Two: don’t undress me with your eyes. I suggest you write this down, because your break any of these rules, I break your balls.” His smile faltered “Three: you touch me, you die”

“Oh, so it’s gonna take me two days to get in that body.”

That body? I just rolled my eyes, not that he noticed he was talking to my chest.

“Uh, Mr. Bennett? I think David needs you to review the body,” I turned to David “because my eyes,” I gestured to my eyes “are up here”

The class erupted in a chorus of “ooh’s” and “burns”.

Ah the wonders of Red Valley High.

I picked at the lame excuse this school had for lunch being a vegetarian kind of blows, bro.

“I HATE you!” I smell drama.

“Who was she? Who was the girl you stuck your shit in? Who was the slut?”

“It was Tammy, Eliza, Jenni, and I think Samantha.”

Oh hey, that’s David. Wait did he just chuckle? Oh my god he’s full on laughing

“Carmine come on, you didn’t actually think I wouldn’t cheat on you did you?”

Aw come on he’s embarrassing her! “Yeah actually I did”

David glanced back at his friends then he rubbed her cheek in false sympathy “You are so naïve”

The entire cafeteria erupted in laughter as carmine scampered from the room.
I sighed as I though away my salad and followed after her.

“Auden come over here” David called out to me.

“Aw, sorry David! I would love to stay and chat but, I don’t want to stay and chat.” I threw him a smile and flipped my hair “Toodles!” I couldn’t have David distracting me I was on a mission to find a heartbroken girl.

After 15 minutes of searching I found her sitting in an empty hallway crying.

“Honey aian’t no asshole worth those tears” I reached into my purse and pulled out a puffs plus tissue.

“Thanks, but what do you know you’re new.” Did I since a little bit off bitch in her tone?

“Sweetie, I wouldn’t be talking to someone who’s being a friend”

“I have friends!”

“Oh you do? Where are they? Are they still in the cafeteria laughing while you’re here crying?”

She became silent. “Yea that’s what I thought. Look all I’m saying that he’s an asshole and any girl with a brain wouldn’t date him”

She laughed a heartless laugh “You’re so new it’s cute. Let me break it down for your David is prime time all the time, he has high school at his fingertips. He’s going to leave here a legend.”

“Well what if he wasn’t?”

She snorted “Unless you’re the wizard of Oz, good luck trying”

I reached down a grabbed her hand. “Well I guess we're walking down the yellow brick road ‘cause I got a plan”
♠ ♠ ♠
yay chapter one out within 24 hrs!
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