Hardships, to Hockey to Tyler Seguin

My past

Chapter Picture: http://i55.tinypic.com/24y24k1.jpg

You see, my dad was in the navy, The days he was away were hell. The days he were home things were okay. My mom smiled for once. My mom favored my sister Kathryn way more. Not just favored her , but she neglected me. She bought her the world, and left me all alone. We pulled into driveways of restaurants and leave me waiting in the car. She many times hit me, locked me outside for whole nights. All before I even turned 12.

My dad came home from the Navy because he was sick. We found out that he had brain cancer. My world came crushing down. My dad knew what was going on with my mom and I, but never wanted to say anything. A few months later when my dad was on his deathbed. he said,

"Can I talk to Taylor alone?"

Kathryn and my mom respectively left the room

He said in a harsh soft voice, " Taylor, I love you so much." I felt tears about to fall. "I'm sorry for being gone, and I'm sorry I have to leave" He put his hand on my back, as I knelt down besides him, he gave me a great of amount of money, which I didn't count right away, "Taylor, get out of here as soon as you can, any dime I worked for is for you and its yours now" my tears fell down my face and I lost control of my emotions. "Your uncle Claude Julien has the rest of your money. When your 18 go to him Tay" Claude Julien, was my dad's good friends he was a coach for some high minor league hockey team, and soon on his way to be an NHL coach.

I held my head low and cried. It took all of his energy to let a smile and kiss my forehead. That was the last time I have ever spoken to him.

The day I was 18, I knew I was gone. I spent the $5,000 my father gave me for a car. My uncle Claude, called me on my 18th birthday. It was odd considering I've never met him. He said he wanted to see me, he gave me his address. I pulled up in his driveway. My jaw dropped of the sight of his house. It was a a huge giant mansion. Water fountain, marble housing. I was ashamed to poorly dressed and in my used Honda. I went to his doorstep and rung the doorbell. A man answered the door and shook my hand and said, "Hello Taylor, I'm Claude its wonderful to finally meet you, please come in"

The inside of his house was as magnificent as the outside. We sat down at his dinner table, "Taylor, I hope you know your dad love you, he left you with almost 2 million" I was shocked how did he have 2 million dollars? "I'd do anything for your father, he was like a brother to me. Its my duty to take care of you, so here I have a small connecting room in my backyard, and its yours for however long you need it."

He led me to it, and left me alone it. And oh my goodness it was beautiful. Satin Curtains, white carpet, a king sized bed nicely folded, a walk in closet. I went into the bathroom and it had a jacuzzi bathtub, and a shower with water coming from the ceiling. I was so happy, happiest I've been in a long time.

Claude came in, and said "you like it?" "I love it" I hugged him. "thank you so much" He continued, "hey want to come to a Bruins practice? I want to show you what I do" I agreed.

As we were in his car he was telling me about all the players and how much he loves his job. And things that didn't make sense to me, like statistical stuff. We pulled into the parking lot of TD Garden.

I sat on the apposing players bench. Boston is a great place for hockey, but I never was really a fan. But I loved how fast it was and the sound of the sticks and skates against the ice. I look up from texting to see a guy looking at me. Brown hair and brown eyes. He smiled and looked away. He had the number 19 on his helmet. He was sure cute.
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