Hardships, to Hockey to Tyler Seguin

Putting the pieces together

Chapter Picture: http://i55.tinypic.com/x6k2uo.jpg

I was sitting in their living room playing their white grand piano. My dad taught me when I was little, but I stopped playing when things starting going bad.

Claude interrupted me, "We need to talk" I turned around as he pulled up a chair. "Do you realize that you have none of the credits to graduate with the rest of your class?" He paused waiting for a response, I didn't really care about school at all. It wasn't my top priority. "Do you care about your future at all?" It was odd to just meeting him to him yelling at me for my school, and how I have screwed up. "Look at the path your going to" He showed me some papers. "You've failed so many classes, your at least taking two more years if you can't get it all done in your senior year" "You start Monday, at an all girls private high school with Katrina, my daughter" He got up, "Sorry to be so hard on you, but I care about your future" "Thanks Claude, I really appreciate it" Which I did.

His daughter Katrina and his wife Karen came home, from shopping. Katrina looked the perfect mix of Karen and Claude. Katrina was a brunette , perfect teeth, perfect clothes, she was really pretty. She was kind to me to as she introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Katrina, I’m so excited to finally have a sister, kinda. How old are you?” “I just turned 18 I’m a senior” “Oh sweet, I’m 17, I’m a junior, you have no idea how excited I am” She was really energetic. Her mom Karen, shook my hand and said, “So nice to finally meet you Taylor, we picked up some clothes for you, I hope you like it.” “Thanks so much” “Well I’ll leave you and Katrina to get to know each other”

Katrina told me to follow her to her room. Her room was pink, and by pink I mean everything was pink. we sat on her couch in her room. “You know Taylor, your really pretty” “Really? thank you, so are you” “I guarantee you’ll be popular at school, if you weren't before” The thought of being popular, that was an interesting thought, since at my old school I was definitely not popular. She had a curious look on her face as she asked, “Taylor, do you have a boyfriend?” “No, do you?” She looked around and closed the door. “Yeah, but don’t tell anyone I’m not suppose to have one, especially not him, his name is Charlie, Charlie Coyle” she lowered her voice. “Charlie plays hockey for Boston University, you see my Dad is totally against dating hockey players.” “Whys that?” “Hockey players got a rep for actually being players, but I love them, I can totally hook you up with one.” “Okay.”

We were sitting at the dinner table eating our food prepared by some lady, I saw her around cleaning the house earlier. Claude brought up, “So Taylor how did you like that practice, pretty fun right?”, “Practices are boring Dad.”Katrina Chirped. I answered, “no I actually enjoyed it” Katrina continued, “What Taylor meant to say, she enjoyed checking out the guys.” In argument I said “Actually number 19 seemed really talented.” Katrina with food in her mouth, “My point exactly” Claude defensively, “Good looking or not, Tyler is a real talented kid for only being 19, he’s not 2nd draft pick for nothing, he has so much talent and a lot of progress to make, he has 9 assist and 8-” Karen interrupted, “Honey we’re at the dinner table, leave work on the bench.”

That night I was laying there on my bed, thinking about how wonderful today was. How I was finally happy. How things seemed okay. I laid there smiling and and laughing at nothing.
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