Hardships, to Hockey to Tyler Seguin

The First Page

Katrina’s mom Karen came in my room the next morning woke me up by saying, “Do you know where Katrina is?” was I suppose to think of an excuse? Instead I simply just said, “I don’t know” She seemed like she didn’t care about Katrina or notice that my eyes were puffy and red. She continued, “okay well I’m going to New York for the week with my girlfriends, if Claude calls tell him I’m home and can’t get to the phone.”

My computer started to make a ringing noise. I opened it to see it was “TySeguin19” wanting to skype me. WHAT?! he wants to video chat with me? Is this real life? I shrieked like a 12 year old girl. I wonder how pathetic I probably looked. My eyes were still red from last night, my hair was a mess. I was in my underwear and a big bruins shirt. I IM’d him, “hold on a sec” I combed out my hair put on some eyeliner and changed my outfit. He Im’d me back, “U there?” “Yeah” and I called him back. He was in his hotel room in Montreal. He said in his deep voice, “Hey Taylor, you look very cute today” “Thank you, so do you”.He had a weird look on his face. “I mean, you look very handsome today.” god I’m so awkward. He laughed, “Thanks, so did you like the game last night?” “Yeah it was so much fun” I lied.” “Good, glad you did. So about that bet we made....” I forgot all about it, I don’t even know who won. He continued, “since we won I believe I get to take you on a date Wednesday night, if you’re free.” I felt sparks and butterflies all in one feeling. “Yeah I’d really like that”.

Katrina came bursting in my room loudly slowly saying for effect. “Oh my god Taylor I had the best night ever. Charlie and I had sex!” She obviously didn’t notice I was on chat with somebody. His teammates got into the shot to see what was going on, they bursted out laughing., “Oh fuck is that Katrina? Coaches girl?””No way shes too ms. goodie two shoes.” She came over to the computer “Taylor. Who is that?” “Well, I was video chatting Tyler and -” “Oh fuck this is awkward” She paused. “If I every hear you guys talking about this, I will make sure you get as much time as the back up goalie, understood?” They collectively said, “understood” laughingly. “Hey Taylor I gotta go. Can’t wait to see you cutie” as he bit his bottom lip. And signed off before I could say anything.

“Oh do not tell me you and Tyler have a thing.” Katrina chirped “We do not, calm down” “Oh don’t lie to me. If my Dad found out he would kick you out for sure.” “Oh please, coming from the girl who just had sex with a boy from a college team.” “That's a different story. You don’t understand. My Dad has a heart for Tyler more than anyone on the team. He’s the future of the Bruins. My dad checks up on him all the time. My dad treats him like a son. That says bad idea all over it.” I sighed, Katrina continued, “but, if you must, do it behind his back” I hated the thought of lying to the man who has given me this fantasy world in the first place.

I changed the subject, “so tell me about last night” “Oh right, Taylor you would not believe it. It was the best feeling in the world. The way it felt. It was so much fun. I wish I could do it all the time. It was so amazing. The places he touched me felt so good.” I was starting to get a little disgusted by her detail and how proud she was. She continued, “I felt so sexy. It was like the movies. I was a little scared at first because it was my first time.” “was it Charlie’s first time too?” I questioned. She paused to answer, “That what he said. But he knew exactly what he was doing.” I was weirded out by how she said she had so much fun and how she said it with such pride. It was gross.

I was afraid she was going to ask me about why I left last night or why their was tissues all over the floor. She didn’t, instead she continued to ask me, “So Taylor have you had sex?” I thought of the time my mom’s secret boyfriend raped me, but I couldn’t tell her that. “No.” I answered softly. “Well I’m going to get you laid by the end of this year, deal?” I just couldn’t say no to her. “Yeah I guess.” “Ooh! maybe with Tyler? oh my gosh if you lost your virginity to the hottest guy in the NHL?”
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Hope you enjoyed. Subscribe, comment on thoughts, opinions, predictions, and what you want to happen. & Ill try to post more frequently! ***Also changed the layout, what do you guys think?***heres a character page http://i51.tinypic.com/2vsf2ap.jpg