Hardships, to Hockey to Tyler Seguin

Stereotypes and Kisses

It was Wednesday morning. Claude was coming home which meant Tyler was coming home. Which meant our date was today. My date wasn’t until a couple hours or so. I was so excited and looking forward to seeing Tyler. What did I do to deserve a guy like that?

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Katrina was in there curling her hair. I started to look at myself in the mirror. I started to notice all my flaws. My nose is weird shaped, I have a couple pimples, I have a little belly fat, my boobs are too small and I could have gone on and on. I felt so ugly. I looked at Katrina. Her hair was blonde, she had crystal blue eyes she was perfect. “Are you excited for you’re date?” Katrina asked curiously. “Yeah totally” “I’m a little nervous for you, athletes aren’t the most kind people” She warned. “What do you mean?” “Athletes can be cocky and sex-driven that's all” “oh.....” I said. “Tyler is a nice guy though, who knows” I started to think about what happened at the last Bruins game I went to. And how those college hockey players were so cocky and perverted. It made me more nervous to go on the date. And started to have second thoughts of even going at all. I had knots in my stomach.

Claude came home. Katrina hugged him. Claude asked “Did you guys see the game? It was a good one.” Katrina laughed, “Of course not.” He looked disappointed. “I did.” He looked surprised, “You did?” Katrina jokingly said, “She watched it for Tyler, of course.” “Well Segs is a good looking kid. All the girls love him.” Claude said, he said walking up the stairs.

“I thought you said not to tell Claude about Tyler and I?” I questioned. “He doesn't think much of it, all girls love Tyler. One game I saw a group of girls in wedding veils while wearing his jersey. They had posters saying marry me. And shrieked every time he touched the puck.” Katrina assured. “Really? people really do that?” I asked. “Yeah, don’t worry about it. Every girl in there right mind has to like Tyler. Just look a him. You’re one lucky girl!”

I went to go into my closet to go get dressed. I wondered what the perfect outfit would be. What would Katrina wear? I started getting nervous. What if he wants to have sex? Or wants drink our hearts away? What if hes a douche bag? What if he gets to know me and doesn't like me? Does he pick up girls road trips? Am I just another girl to add to his list? Why does he like me, out of all the other girls he could pick? I’m not attractive at all. “UGH!!!!!!!!!!”

I went in to Claude’s work room. Inside it he had a large touchscreen on his wall with plays from the Bruins. He worked quietly with his glasses on, he seemed busy. I peaked and quickly said, “Hey Claude I was wondering if I could go to my friends house to work on our project” I lied. “yeah sure...go ahead” He mumbled.

Tyler was all casual. Shorts and a tee shirt. He was leaning against his fancy black car. “You look really nice Taylor” He gave me a hug. And opened the door. I started to get butterflies. His car was so nice, leather and all. “So where are we going?” I asked curiously. “Its a surprise” As he laughed. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him the whole car ride.

We got there. He opened the door for me. It was this square gray building with the words SHELTER on the front. “I hope you don’t mind, I thought for our first date we should go volunteer at the family homeless shelter.” Tyler said, as he grabbed my hand. My heart warmed. A homeless shelter?. He continued, “I volunteer all the time, its never for publicity. But a lot of times people don’t even know that I go. But I think its fun” I was so surprised and caught off guard.

Every second I spent with him I had butterflies. I was so nervous the whole time. As we walked out hand in hand told him, “Thank you for that, I had so much fun. It feels good to help other people out, you know?”

We went to dinner at this really quiet, low lighting restaurant. He pulled out the chair for me. As we got situated he said, “I don’t mean to be rude and you don’t have to answer. But why are you living with Coach and Katrina?” My stomach dropped. Then I felt like I was going to cry. I couldn’t not answer. I felt flush and I couldn’t breathe. “My dad passed away from cancer.” I said firmly. “My god, Taylor, I’m so sorry” He said sincerely. “What about your mom?” He asked. “Uh I rather not talk about it” I mumbled. “That's completely cool.” I felt relieved that the conversation was over. “Look Taylor, I really like you. You are so beautiful. Seriously if you need anything, anything at all I’ll be there for you.” The food came before I could reply.

He walked me up to our porch. He held me tight in his strong arms. I never wanted to let go. We loosened the hug and I looked in his eyes. His sparkle. It felt like his face was coming closer to mine. He closed his eyes and I closed mine. And as he kissed me, the door pulled open and there was Claude Julien pajamas in all with his mouth dropped to the ground.
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Please comment & subscribe. Also I was afraid with the many characters it was getting confusing so heres a character page http://i51.tinypic.com/2vsf2ap.jpg