Hardships, to Hockey to Tyler Seguin


The next morning was game 7 of the Bruins-Lightning series. They decided it be a good idea for us to go all watch the game. I was worried about Katrina and her baby. But mostly worried about Claude thinking I’m pregnant with Tyler’s baby. Fuck.

I drove to the arena with Tyler. He kept telling me how nervous he was. He said, “I’ve been waiting for a game like this my whole life. I just want to finish it off. Maybe get an assist or even a goal. I just want to help out the team. I want to be part of holding the Stanley Cup.” I loved how passionate he was.

We got to the arena. I saw all the players get out the cars, they all said hi to me, and knew my name. I didn’t even know there names besides like two.

I sat with Katrina outside the dressing room As the boys were dressing up to which could be the last of the season. We both avoided talking about the baby because I know she didn’t want to think about it. We sat there with an awkward silence because we didn’t know what to talk about.

Tyler came out and slammed the door behind him. He threw his Gatorade towel on the floor and started to pace back and forth. He started to turn red and his veins were coming out. “FUCK!” He yelled. He punched the wall. He grunted. “I am so beyond upset right now” He noted. Katrina looked scared. He continued to pace back and forth and yell, “All I wanted was one fucking game where I can prove myself. To make my name fucking big and not just number two in the 2010 draft. All I fucking wanted was to be apart of winning the Stanley Cup. WHY?!”

Katrina interrupted, “Tyler calm down, whats wrong?” He stopped pacing and looked at her. “Whats wrong? Your Dad took me out of the biggest game of my life. Thats whats wrong. After working my ass of during practice, he just randomly takes me out. Why Katrina? I did nothing wrong.”

He left the room. And the rest of the players started to pour out of the locker room.Claude told me to come in. As I was getting up Katrina hit me and said, “Please don’t tell him. Not now” I came in and saw the locker room for the first time. He called me into his office. I sat on the chair that was across his desk.

He took a deep breath and said, “Taylor, how could you be so stupid to have sex with a guy you just met?” I was confused, “Wait what?” “Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. I heard all about how you and Tyler went to go shopping for pregnancy tests” I forgot about that. “Uh yeah” “And that's why Tyler Seguin isn’t in the lineup tonight” Claude explained.

I was outragged. I stood up out of my chair and yelled, “WHY? The sport of hockey does not involve me. Claude I respect you so much, but the Stanley cup is his dream! And your just going to take that away from him just because of me? Hes worked so hard. He wants it more than anything. How could you? Hes trying so hard to prove himself and your just going to take it all away?” I was so upset I felt tears running down my face.

Claude commanded me to sit down, “Taylor, don’t you ever talk me that way. Understood? Tyler promised me he wouldn’t hurt you. I know damn well that you have nothing to do with the sport of hockey. But when my player loses my trust, they know they can sit the whole season until they earn it back. Tyler made a commitment to me that he wouldn’t hurt you and wouldn’t do anything stupid. And look at where you are today. Pregnant, with Tyler fucking Seguin's baby.”

I left his office. I was crying. It was all my fault I should have just told him about Katrina’s baby. Tyler tonight would have been playing the game of his life. Claude is pissed at me. If Tyler knew why he sat out he'd never speak to me.

I sat next to Tyler in the suite during the game that he should have been playing in. He didn’t talk or yell during the game. He sat there, as I watched a single tear roll down his cheek.
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Comments suggestions predictions are appreciated. I will get out a Stanley Cup chapter hopefully by tomorrow. Enjoy! xoxo