Hardships, to Hockey to Tyler Seguin


I was sitting in my room, just a couple days before the Stanley cup finals started. I was really worried that Tyler wouldn’t be able to play for the Stanley Cup. He still didn’t know that the reason why he didn’t play the last game or knew I was basically hiding Katrina’s baby.

My phone rung and it was Tyler.

Tyler: Hey Taylor....
Taylor: Hey whats up?
Tyler: So listen this isn’t really easy for me to say...
Tyler: I think we should break up. Its not really working. I really didn’t want to do this. I didn’t want to to hurt you. But its probably best for both of us. And-

and I hung up the phone, because I couldn’t hold in my cries. I sat at my window and just cried and cried. Thinking where I went wrong. Did I put him in a position to chose hockey over me? Was I not good enough? All these random thoughts floated through my mind. I was not only going out with an NHL, but a great guy. A guy who didn’t go too fast. A guy who wanted to spend time with me just talking. A guy who loved me for all my flaws. A guy who understands my past.

Where was I ever gonna find a guy like that? And I screwed it up. Of course. Everything perfect always just falls apart. I’m so used to this. I should have known. I cried so much it felt like I ran out of tears. I was blowing my nose as Katrina walked in.

Katrina looked concerned, “are you okay Taylor?” I looked at her and wanted to yell OBVIOUSLY NOT but instead I said, “I’m alright I guess” and took a deep breath. She came closer and continued, “I need you to do me a favor-” I cut her off and said, “Look I can’t lie to your Dad anymore” She broke me off and continued, “No Taylor listen, just cover for me just for like a week. I can’t freak him out before the Stanley Cup finals. Please!?” I didn’t think it was possible for more tears to come out. I swallowed, “Katrina I can’t. I can’t do it. Your dad didn’t put Tyler in last game because he thought he got me pregnant. And Tyler broke up with me about 40 minutes ago.” I began to sob. She put her arms around me. “Just please tell your Dad. You need to stop lying to him. He’ll be fine.” She sighed. “Fine.....” Which I was suppried to hear.

I stood at the doorway as Katrina walked into her Dad’s workroom where he worked on plays and looked over footage. “Hey Dad can we talk? Its important” as her voice cracked. Claude took off his reading glasses and looked at Katrina. “Yeah what is it baby? You know you can tell me anything” She took a deep breath, “Well, you know how you thought Taylor was pregnant. Its not her its me that's pregnant” His mouth dropped. He put his hand over his face. He stood up. And his face became red and his veins started to pop out. “Taylor do me a favor and leave and shut the door while your at it” I stood at the closed door to listen in “HOW FUCKING DARE YOU. YOUR MOTHER AND I RAISED YOU DAMN WELL. WE TAUGHT YOU BETTER THEN THIS. We put you through private school, figure skating and supported you through ev/erything! So whos the father huh? Is it Michael from next door? Is it one of Jake the pool guy? Did you get rapped? Do you even know who the father is” “Dad stop. I didn’t get raped. And I know who the father is, Its Charlie Coyle from Boston University” “Exactly why I didn’t want you dating a hockey player. I know there damn capable of saying anything just to get in bed with you!”

Katrina ran out of the room crying.

The next morning I woke up from Corey Trivino. The hockey player from Boston University, the one who saved me from that horrible Bruins game a while back. I called him back wondering what he wanted.

Corey: Hello?
Taylor: Hey its me, Taylor
Corey: Oh hey
Taylor: Yeah you called earlier?
Corey: Yeah, I wanted to know if you wanted to go get lunch or something
Taylor: Um yeah sure
Corey: Awesome, Can we walk there? Its just a couple blocks from your house
Taylor: Yeah sounds good

And in all honesty all I wanted was just to get my mind off Tyler. So I was more then happy when Corey asked me out

We arrived at this cute sandwich shop. And we sat down. We had small talk about how we were doing and the weather. He was such a gentleman and such a smooth talker. “Hows it been going with the Katrina-Charlie drama?” He brought up. “Well its been interesting thats for sure, how is Charlie taking it?” I asked. “Hes a mess. He doesn't believe its his. Hes been horrible on the ice. I’ve never seen him like this” “I truly do feel bad for them” I said. “So how are you and Tyler? Treating you right, like he should?” “Uh well we broke up” I said shakingly. “Oh I’m so sorry Taylor” He said sincerely. He continued with some small talk. He told me some funny stories with his hockey team. I don’t think I laughed so hard in my life.

We got up to make our way back my house. And as we did he held my hand. I flushed with butterflies. I felt like we connected so well. And the conversation was so easy flowing. As he got to my steps he kissed me. It was completely amazing, but it just hurt so bad knowing that Tyler and I kissed right there.
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So sorry I haven't updated in forever. I'm going to guess that there is going to be maybe 2 or 3 more chapters left of this series. But I'll be starting a new one very soon! Thank you guys so much for reading. And comments are very much appreciated!