Status: re-write of It's Alright, It''s Okay.

The Love Game.

Chapter One.

Jonathan Drew. The supposed love of my life. Well, he was until yesterday. As cliché as it is, he cheated on our anniversary. What person in their right mind does that? And with the girl who I thought was one of the nicest girl’s on the planet. She sat next to me in maths one year and we just got talking about a lot of things. I wouldn’t classify her as a best friend, just maybe someone who I could rely on. Well, not anymore. She was one of the few people who actually understood the problems I was with Jonathan, she even gave me advice. Who would have thought that she would have been the reason for us to break up?

Jonathan and I have had problems and arguments like any other normal couple but I always thought that Jonathan was mature enough to never go down the cheating path again. When I first met Jonathan, he was the cute little boy in my grade three class that always had the tendency to steal the gold stars for the achievement board. I never talked to him until grade nine when we got partnered up to dissect a cow’s eyeball. After that we just hang out a lot, became best of friends and soon enough started going out. But now Jonathan was different, he was different from the Jonathan Drew that I forgave in the first couple of months that we were dating.

After we hit the two month mark into our relationship Jonathan started acting shady and he wasn’t very good at hiding it. He used to tell me that I had nothing to worry about, that he was just worrying about exams. Strangely enough, that was my best friends excuse as well. I didn’t really find out until about a month later when my other friend, Jane, texted me saying to go behind the school shed. That was where I found Jonathan and Zoe making out profusely. Of course they both apologised and I forgave them but I there always was a little voice in the back of my mind bringing it up.

He probably lied when he apologised for the Zoe incident. He probably still got together with Zoe after he told me he wouldn’t. He was probably seeing many other girls after that. Me, being oblivious, just never realised until now.

Zoe Henderson was my best friend. She and I shared the same birthday and when we were younger we convinced a lot of people that we were twins, of course they must have been complete idiots to believe that. Back then, we both had light brown hair but now, after many bottles of hair dye for both of us, we look nothing alike and I’m glad we don’t. She now has platinum blonde hair and my hair is now dark brown

Going to Jonathan’s house the morning I caught him cheating, I would have never suspected it. He told me to come over because he had I surprise for me but I don’t think this was the surprise he intended to give me. I found both Jonathan and Jane sucking each other’s face off, well that’s what it sounded like at least. After slamming Jonathan’s front door after catching him, I ran for my car. Without looking back, I drove off but I had a feeling that he never let go of his embrace with Jane to come and chase after me.

As much as it kills me to admit, I will miss him. I will miss his hugs, his kisses, his sweet words. Everything. But, who knew under all that care and love was a big, fat jerk waiting to come out.
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this story was originally 'It's Alright, It's Okay' but after being hit with a train load of inspiration I'm starting again. Please comment, feedback is greatly appreciated.