Status: Slowly becoming active again.

Dancing Through Life; Trying to Hide in the Shadows.


Will's apartment was cozy with two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen, dining room, and a living room. After we had carried the last box into what would be my room Will shuffled around a little awkwardly. "I'll let you unpack. But if you decide you want to paint the walls or anything else, let me know and we can go out and buy the stuff." I nodded, smiling. He quickly left, letting the door close behind him. I looked around. There was a closet on the right wall, a bed against the back wall, facing the door, a window on the wall opposite the closet and a desk to the left of me. Not bad, I mused silently.

"First thing is first, where is my dock?" I asked myself. 10 minutes later I located it and plugged my iPod into it. Pressing shuffle, I smiled at the song that started playing.

2 hours later I had placed all my clothes in the drawers and closet, my electronics were placed on the desk and my photo album was on the shelf of the desk.

Walking out of the room and down the short hall I found Will (as he had told me to call him) sitting in the living room, going over some paperwork. He looked up and smiled at me. "How do you like the room?"

"I like it a lot. The light orange paint on the walls is great! But I was wondering if it would be okay if I got some things to put on the walls. Details, ya know?" I knew he had said we could buy whatever for the room but I was still shy about asking.

"Of course we can! Let's go now." He stood up, grabbing his keys off the coffee table.

"Now? Aren't you busy?"

"Paper grading can wait. Let's go." He grinned.

15 minutes later we were browsing some store that had everything you could possibly find in a bedroom. "How about this?" I glanced up from the sheets I was looking over and smiled.

"It's perfect!"

2 hours later my room was all set up. I had a gorgeous bed spread, a cool alarm clock, some neat vintage signs on the walls and a "Keri's Domain" sign on my door.

I turned around and hugged Will. "Thank you." He seemed taken aback but returned my hug lovingly.
"You're welcome Keri. I'm glad you decided to come live with me."

I smiled up at him,"I am too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! 2nd chapter! XD <3
In case anyone is wondering what the song underneath each chapter title is, it's the song I listened to the most while writing that chapter. :)
Please don't be a silent reader! I have 4 of them but only 1 has commented. I need to know if you guys like it.
Thanks to:
imkatiekoo14 :)