Status: Slowly becoming active again.

Dancing Through Life; Trying to Hide in the Shadows.


Monday finally rolled around and I was headed to my first day of High School. Sure I'd studied my 9th grade material but I was taught with all the other foster kids, not at a school just in one classroom. And that was only Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. I sighed while I straightened out my outfit. Tying my hair up into a high ponytail, I applied the last few swipes of eyeliner along my bottom lid and swiped powder over the blemishes on my forehead.

"Ready for your first day of school?" Will asked during breakfast.

"As ready as any teenager could be. I haven't been to an actual school since I was 13 so it will take some getting used to."

He nodded, "I'm sure you'll do fine." He paused, obviously thinking of something,"Do you want to try out for Glee Club?" I had asked him about Glee Club a few days before and as interested as I was I didn't know if I could sing in front of people. My YouTube videos were one thing, but live people..I'll pass.

"I don't know. I don't think I can sing in front of actual people."

"Think it over," he smiled. I nodded.

30 minutes later we pulled into the William McKinley High School parking lot. Go Titans, I thought with little enthusiasm.

We had arrived early so Will could help me get my schedule, find my locker and tell me briefly where my classrooms were.

The bell rang and I waved at Will before scurrying off to find my homeroom. I located it quickly enough and walked in only to have all eyes on me. Great...
I handed the teacher a slip of paper to sign and he introduced himself as Mr. Chandler. "Well class, we have a new student. Why don't you introduce yourself." I sighed. Oh god..

"Hi. My name is Keri Michaels. I'm 16, I'm the new girl & I'm addicted to my iPod." A few people giggled, and I smiled lightly. Mr. Chandler motioned for me take a seat which I did, quickly sliding into the first one I spotted. So far, so good.

No one really talked to me the first half of the day, and I was okay with that. I still needed to get used to the school.

Finally lunch rolled around. I so was not looking forward to Lunch. Who the hell was I going to sit with. Will had warned me how bad the cafeteria food was so I had brought one. Glancing around I noticed all the typical high school "cliques" were sitting together.. lovely.

"Hello! You must be the new girl. I'm Rachel Berry. Aspiring star and Captain of the Glee Club." Standing in front of me was a very chipper, teenage girl. She had brown hair and brown eyes and a blinding million watt smile. She seems... pleasant, I think. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to a table I had missed. "Fellow Glee Clubbers, this is the new girl."

I coughed, slightly glaring at this Rachel chick,"I have a name you know." I turned to the "glee clubbers" and smiled,"Hi, I'm Keri."

"Hey girl! I'm Mercedes,"a gorgeous, voluptuous black girl greeted, grinning.

"Yo, I'm Artie," a guy in a wheelchair smiled at me. He had gorgeous eyes, even if they were hiding behind glasses.

"Kurt," the guy paused," Cute outfit." He was obviously gay.

"Umm thanks. And hi."

"I'm Matt, and this is Tina & Mike", an attractive black boy said, pointing to an Asian girl with bright highlights and an Asian boy. They both waved.
Before I could say anything Rachel spoke up.

"Sit down." Bossy much?

"Only if it's okay with everyone else." They nodded and smiled. I returned the smiles and sat between Mercedes and Mike.

"So, what brings you to McKinley?" Artie asked.

"I just moved here to be with my dad." Well that's the truth, right? I mean, mostly the truth....Thankfully they left it at that. I spent the rest of lunch talking and laughing with them. It turned out I had my next class with Mike and Matt so they walked with me.

At the end of the day I searched for Will. I finally found him in an empty room. Well kind of empty. It had a baby grand piano, and lots of sheet music stands. I guessed it was where Glee rehearsals took place. "Hey Keri," he smiled when he noticed me,"How was your first day?"

"Not bad. I sat with the Glee kids at lunch," I noticed he smiled at this, "They seem cool."

"They are." He paused,"How come I didn't see you in Spanish class?"

"Cuz I'm fluent in it. I elected to take French instead." He nodded, smiling still.

All of sudden the room was filled with the sound of teenagers laughing. Rachel spotted me,"Are you auditioning for Glee?" I heard the happiness in her voice and felt bad about what I was about to do.

"Me? Oh no. I just need to talk to Wi.. Mr. Schuester. Well bye guys." I nodded to them and walked out. I instantly regretted it but I wasn't about to walk back in there and make a fool out of myself. Sighing,I ran a hand through my hair. Why was the idea of joining Glee so hard for me to handle?
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I really hope you guys like this one. I would have posted it yesterday but my mom made me get off the computer before I could finish it. :(
Thanks to: