Status: Slowly becoming active again.

Dancing Through Life; Trying to Hide in the Shadows.


"Hey Puckerman!" He whipped around at the sound of his name. Locating me, he strut over.

"Change your mind about that date princess?" His smirk bugged me.

"Sort of. But quick question, did you really think slushing me would make me change my mind about you?" All he did was raise an eyebrow at me, that smirk still plastered on his face. I sighed. "I'm gonna regret this but," pausing to let out a sigh of annoyance, "What time on Saturday?"

"I'll pick you up at 7." He made to turn away but I stopped him.

"No, I'll meet you. Where?"

Giving me a quizzical look he told me the bowling alley. Nodding, I turned away. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that no one knows I live with Will? Whoops...


Scene: My Bedroom After School
Action: Sitting on my bed, working on an essay.
Mood: Content
Song: Like A Prayer

Okay.. That was cheesy but now you know what I'm doing.
I laughed at my inner monologue. I can be so weird sometimes. Anyways, onto the story!

As I said, I was sitting on my bed, listening to music, doing an essay. I had grooved into the whole "school" thing quite well I thought.

Hearing a knock on my door, I glanced up. "Come in." Will entered.

"Dinner's ready." Jumping off my bed I followed him to the table.

"Um hey Will" I started. He looked up at me. "Would you drive me the bowling alley tomorrow night?"

"Sure! Are you meeting up with friends?"

"Um kinda.." I answered, trailing off. I didn't meet his eyes as I told him I was meeting a date. When he asked who it was, it was even harder to force the words out. "Noah Puckerman."


Oddly enough, Will wasn't upset with it. He just told me to be careful and call him when I wanted to be picked up. So here I was, waiting on the front steps of Lima's bowling alley. Shuffling through my iPod I sighed. It was 7:10 and Puck hadn't arrived yet.

Looking up I spotted him getting out a pick-up truck. I stood up and put my iPod away. "Took you long enough Puckerman."

"Sorry babe. My mom held me up at home." I shrugged.

"Whatever, let's go then, 'kay?" He nodded and led me into the building.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am SOOO sorry it's taken so long for me to update. And I'm sorry it's crappy and short. But I will have more out more often.. I promise. <3
Please comment so I know that people are actually reading this...