Status: Slowly becoming active again.

Dancing Through Life; Trying to Hide in the Shadows.


"Nice shirt," Puck smirked. I looked down at the bold lettering spelling out "I Can't Stand You". We were lacing up our bowling shoes, preparing to play.

"Thanks," I smirked back. He winked and I rolled my yes. Standing up, I searched for the right ball. Locating it, I took my turn. The ball sped down the lane, spinning fast. Hitting the first pin at just the right place, I got a strike. I turned around to see Puck's jaw dropped. "And that's how it's done."

One hour later and I lost by 5 points. Stupid gutter ball.....

"Nice game Keri. You're good."

"Thanks Puckerman, you too."

"I'm good at other things too," He winked. Inwardly, I cringed. But to his face I just rolled my eyes.

"No thanks. I'll pass on that."

"Aw why's that? You afraid you won't be able to handle Puckzilla?" He took a step forward, getting much closer to me than I wanted him to be.

"Yeah, Puck, that's it." Now he was close enough to kiss me if he wanted to. We were standing outside the bowling alley, no-one was around. I felt my heart race increase. Digging through my pocket, I grasped my phone. Swiftly, I pulled it out and sent a text to Will. Can you pick me up?

"Who are you texting babe?" Repressing a shiver I told him I told my dad he could come pick me up. "Why? We were just starting to have fun." Running his fingers up my arm, I cringed. He either didn't see it or ignored it because he wrapped a hand around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"Noah, could you back up please?" He ignored me, his nose nuzzling my neck. Clenching my teeth, I pushed him back as hard as could. He stared at me, obviously taken aback. I spotted Will's car pulling into the parking lot. I made a run for it. Looking back, Puck was still standing there.


"Keri, is everything okay? Did he do anything?" We were back home but I wouldn't get out of the car. Fighting back the tears I answered him.

"He didn't do anything Will. I just had a flashback. I never should have agreed to go out with him. I'm not ready. Not after that." Hot tears slipped down my cheeks as I finally followed Will into the apartment.

"Are you sure you're okay by yourself tonight?" I was tucked into bed, tears finally dried.

"Yeah, I'll be okay. This happens sometimes."

"Well if you want to talk about it, I'm here Keri."

"Thanks Will. Goodnight." I turned onto my side, facing away from him. I heard him sigh, wish me goodnight and close the door.

I don't think I'll ever be able to tell Will about last year. Hell, I could barely tell Jen and even then it took me two months to tell her. I sighed angrily, drifting into a disturbed sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's super short and for that I apologize. I just haven't had the time to write it lately... =/

But I'm working on it, promise!

Hope you like it.

Comments = love