Status: My First Story. Active

Every Saint Has A Past, Every Sinner Has A Future

Chapter 7- Mystery Boy Has a Name.

Recap- “Gavin, Let go! Why are you here in the first place?” I asked wondering where my co-workers were. He started dragging me to the back of the store. I know where this is going and it’s not going to happen, I started to struggle more. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?? LET GO OF mE!”
“HEY! She told you to let her go.” I heard a voice. Gavin stopped and we both turned around.

We both turned around to see who it was. There he was saving me again, it was unwanted but it’s better than nothing. Ronnie started walking toward us; to say he looked upset is an understatement. He spoke to Gavin once he got to us. “Let.go.of.her” he paused after every word with a deadly look in his eyes. It kind of scared me. My heart beat started racing, Ronnie towered over Gavin by good 4 inches or so. Gavin squeezed my arm a little tighter.

“And if I don’t?” Gavin challenged.
“You’ll be unrecognizable by the time I’m done with you.” Ronnie said in a low tone. His words were laced with venom. I saw Gavin falter a little bit.

“Whatever” Gavin scoffed “She’s not worth it anyway. She’s just another whore.” He shoved me then pushed past Ronnie. Ronnie caught me when Gavin shoved me. I landed on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

“This is the third time this week you’ve ended up here. I’m starting to think you’re supposed to stay here.” He chuckled and blushed. I just looked up at him and gave a weak smile.

“Thanks….. For ummm stepping in” I looked down and started to walk away, but he stopped me.

“Who was that? Are you ok?” he asked concern evident on his features.

“That was an idiot who thinks he’s god’s gift to women. I’m fine.” I told him. “Why are you so concerned with me? I’m not that great.” I chuckled.

“I’m not sure, but when does your shift end?”

“8, why?”

“Let’s grab something to eat after you’re done here.”

“Are you telling or asking?”

“A little of both, I think” he laughed.

“Ok” I laughed “but I have to get back to work”

After a few minutes passed my manger came back while I was ringing up a customer. He told me I could go on break when I was done. I clocked out for my break at 5. As soon as I walked out of the store I almost got knocked over with a Morgan hug. She likes to get a running start for her hugs. “Seems like you’re feeling better”

“Yeah, I am. But then again I’m just glad I remember last night” she laughed. We walked over to the food court and got some food.
“So,” I said as we sat down. “Who was the tall guy you making out with last night?” she smiled and blushed a little.

“That was Andy, well his real name is Andrew” she gushed “he’s in a band and he sings and is very attractive” she grinned.

“I take it that you like him” I concluded.

“Yeah, but he probably doesn’t like me” she looked down at her food.

“Did you ask?”


“Didn’t think so” I laughed as I looked across the food court but stopped as I saw a familiar head of black hair with two blond patches. Under all that hair was a tall slender man wearing all black. He was waiting with someone for food. “What would you do if he was here?”

“I don’t know, why?”

“He’s here.” She stopped eating and looked around, she blushed when she saw him. She turned around quickly when he looked her direction, but that didn’t stop him from recognizing her. He smiled and walked over as soon as he and his friend got their food. “He’s walking over here” I sang then smiled.

“Shut up Andii just Shut up” she dropped her head. I laughed.

“Morgan?” he asked

“Yeah” she looked up from her food.

“Ummm…..I’ve been trying to contact you but I uh I don’t have your number or anything.”

“Well you found me, what do you want?” she laughed.

“My band is playing a show here in Las Vegas in a few days, on Saturday, Will you go? We can hang out and do something before then hang out after or something, if you want.” He kind of rambled. I looked at the two then smiled, this could be good for her. They talked for a little longer and exchanged numbers, I told them I had to finish my shift then left. I had about two and half hours till Ronnie showed up. A few customers came in and bought some stuff, Morgan, Andy and his friend whose name is Ashley walked in and talked for a while.

Two and half-hours later I clocked out and started walk out of the store when someone hooked their arm with mine. I looked over to see Ronnie, and then remembered he wanted to hang out after my shift.

“Let go of my arm.” I demanded. He did. He followed me out to my car and got in, apparently he had a friend drop him off.
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sorry this took so long. leave comments, dislikes? likes?